Thursday, September 12, 2024

The lackey, genocidal, traitor Fujimori has died

According to press reports, the fascist, genocidal and traitor Alberto Fujimoria has died on Wednesday, September 11. He died, pursued by the iron will of popular justice until the last second of his miserable existence for the genocide committed against the people's war and the masses. The people will never forget and will have to pay until his last generation.

This miserable character without principles, bloodthirsty hyena, lackey of imperialism and reaction, Alberto Fujimori, from July 1990 to August 2000 was responsible - as president of the old and rotten Peruvian State, a landowner-bureaucratic State at the service of imperialism, mainly Yankee - for the genocide against the people's war, of what is part of the genocidal policy against the masses, because they are the ones who make history, against the peasantry who are the main force, because the masses themselves generate their heroes, because they express their interests and give their lives; and that they beat prisoners of war because they consider them the weaker party, the party with shackled rights. A genocidal policy that the Peruvian State carries out against the people's war and the masses of our people to this day. Which has its most vile, abject and execrable genocide of extermination in the assassination of Chairman Gonzalo, Head of the Party and the Revolution, on September 11, 2021, with direct responsibility of the counterrevolutionary opportunist executioner Castillo Terrones under the direction of the CIA-Yankee and the Peruvian reaction with the complicity of the rats of the revisionist and capitulationist ROL.

Chairman Gonzalo, defying death, marked another day of glory for the people's war, the Peruvian revolution and the world revolution, and like all the heroes of the people: "Raising Marxism Leninism Maoism, Gonzalo Thought to the top, whatever trench they are in, they continue and will continue to fight for the triumph of the people's war," Chairman Gonzalo and Gonzalo Thought are invincible!

We denounce, once again, on this occasion, the highest official of the old Peruvian State, Alberto Fujimori, for the genocide against the people's war and the masses of our people, during the decade from 1990 to 2000, a genocide that was managed and directed by Yankee imperialism, executed by the government of the lackey, genocidal, traitor Fujimori, the Armed Forces and the FF.PP. genocidal and endorsed by revisionism and all the reaction, including the Church, which, as the PCP declared in May 1993, was in order to implement its plan to continue the genocidal policy and to curb the struggles of the masses, to annihilate the People's War.