Saturday, September 14, 2024

INDIA:CPI (Maoist) - Red Salutes to the Martyrs who laid their lives on the soil of Bangladesh to achieve their demands Hail the militant student movement of Bangladesh


miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2024

INDIA:CPI (Maoist) - Red Salutes to the Martyrs who laid their lives on the soil of Bangladesh to achieve their demands Hail the militant student movement of Bangladesh





Central Committee

Press Release

Updated 31st August, 2024

Red Salutes to the Martyrs who laid their lives on the soil of Bangladesh to achieve their demands

Hail the militant student movement of Bangladesh

That toppled down the Fascist Hasina’s Awami League Government

Not the change of the government but the overthrowing of the exploitative system is the only solution

Oppose the communalization of the movement by the Brahmanic Hindutva RSS-BJP of India

The Central Committee of CPI (Maoist), PLGA and Revolutionary People's Committees pays its revolutionary homage to all those more than 560 brave and militant students and all other agitators of Bangladesh who laid down their lives for a democratic and a progressive nine-points demands and at the same time fighting to topple the fascist-Awami League Hasina's government. The people of Bangladesh, especially the students and youths have outrightly sent a message to all oppressive and exploitative ruling classes of the world that all repression of the ruling classes will be met with united and strong democratic mass movement. The student movement which began as a movement for quota reform, with blink of an eye turned into a movement adhering to political demand: “Hasina must step down and she must be punished”.

In the month of July, the High Court of Bangladesh passed a judgement to reinstall the 30 percent quota for the families of the freedom fighters in government jobs. On July 16, the students from various universities called the judgement as unfair and even against the constitution of Bangladesh. Hence, in every university and college in Bangladesh, students started getting organized and began agitations against the 30 percent quota for the Mukti-Bandho families (freedom fighters). The leader of Awami League and the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheik Hasina called the students protesting against the prevailing quota system, “children of the razakars”. The repressive state apparatus of Bangladesh, the Police, fascist student wing of the Awami league Party/main ruling class party, the Bangladesh Chatra League, started hounding, attacking and killing the protesting students, both in the broad day light and in the darkness of night.

To crush the movement at lightning speed, Hasina’s government deployed the BGB (Border Guard Bangladesh) a Para-military force in a big scale. In just four days, the fascist state paramilitary and police and goons killed over 100 students and soaked the soil of Bangladesh with youth’s blood. At last, the Supreme Court of Bangladesh gave the judgement in support of the students' movement. This victory pushed them a step forward and movement took a justifiable slogan that the Prime Minister must be punished for her innumerous crimes against the people and nation.

As per the latest information, the government of Bangladesh and its repressive forces has killed more than 400 students. The death-toll is absolutely higher as the information about the massacres is strictly manipulated by the ruling classes and its agencies, including media. In spite of brutal repression and worthful sacrifices, the people of Bangladesh especially the youth and students of that nation advanced their movement to achieve their just demands. The present massacres were committed by the Party that played a formidable role in the liberation movement of Bangladesh in 1960s.

But over the time, Awami League became the Party of the ruling classes- landlords, comprador bureaucratic bourgeoisie with the backing of various imperialist forces, and the daughter of the leader of that movement Shaik Hasina ruling the country as a Prime Minister like a dictator. Since Brahmanical Hindutva Fascist RSS-BJP government came into power in India, the Awami League Party of Bangladesh implemented the Indain expansionist policies and the LPG policies of imperialists with full force. Under the direction of Indian government, Hasina and her military forces ruthlessly purged the leaders and cadres of North-East Nationalities liberation struggles, who harbored that land for their just activities against Indian Expansionism.

Our Party is of the view that the pathetic socio-economic conditions prevailing in Bangladesh are due to exploitative and oppressive policies of the comprador ruling classes. Serving the interests of imperialism and Indian expansionisn, CBB and Big Landlord classes of Bangladesh and fascist rule of Hasina Government are the main reasons behind the outburst of the militant student movement in the form of reforming the quota system. The 40 percent of the population in Bangladesh are involved in the agricultural sector but the agriculture contributes a mere 11 percent of the GDP. According to bourgeois economists during 'Iron lady' Hasina's consecutive 15 years rule, Bangladesh has seen 'impressive' economy growth and millions of people were brought out from the poverty. But the reality is that this growth is jobless one and the talk about lifting millions of people from poverty is far away from the facts. Still Bangladesh is in turmoil of unemployment, poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition and many other. The present ongoing movement is the living example of the crisis that is existing in that country.

This states the crisis that has hampered the growth of agriculture like all semi-colonial and semi-feudal countries. It is a well-known fact that Bangladesh is the biggest exporter of garments in the world. But the working-conditions of the garment workers in Bangladesh is much worse than in sweat-shops. The real wages of the working class barely keep them alive to reproduce their labour-power. The unemployment has surged to 3.5 percent and this data comes from the government agency -Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS). A total of 59.80 million people was employed in the informal sector in the year 2022, as stated by BBS. Bangladesh pays some of the lowest wages in the world and is in the top 10 nations in terms of repressive labor laws. The inflation has reached 10 per cent and prices of basic commodities have nearly doubled during the past few years. The currency of Bangladesh 'Taka' has depreciated by 30 percent.

Inequality and concentration of wealth has surged too, mainly after the ‘Pandemic crisis’ like in India. The nations' 10 percent billionaires control 41 percent of the wealth. The tax to GDP ratio is continuously declining in Bangladesh and the landlords and CBB in Bangladesh are being given enormous tax-concessions. The students and the youth from the working-class background and middle class, aspiring for government jobs are struggling to get jobs. Most of the government jobs are being accumulated by the ruling classes' power blocs of Awami League in the name of 30 percent quota for the freedom fighters’ families. To cover its failure and delegitimize the student’s movement, which has turned into a broad people’s movement, the ruling classes in Bangladesh and in India are giving a communal angle; of course, there may be some forces in it to cash the movement for their power thirst, but that in no way changes the essence of the movement which is democratic and anti-fascist. Hence CPI (Maoist) vehemently opposes this divisive and communal approach of the Indian and Bangladesh ruling classes to hide and divert the real scenario of real issues of that country.

CPI (Maoist) condemns the dual stand of the Indian state. The Indian Government openly said that the issue is internal of that country but has received main culprit from the backdoor and provided shelter to Sheik Hasina. Our Party demands to send back that dictator to Bangladesh. Already many neighboring countries of India have developed strain relations with the Indian government due to its expansionist and pro- US imperialist polices. The inter-imperialist contradictions are intensifying in this region to dominate it.

It is crystal clear that the role of Indian government and the Soviet Social Imperialists in the 1960’s Bangla liberation movement. The people did lot of sacrifices in it but could not achieve real freedom and democracy with that movement. The present movement reflects the broad masses aspirations for not only real freedom and democracy but also against the loot and plunder of exploitative rule and their wishes to come out from the clutches of all socio-economic-political problems. The dictator Prime Minister panicked with unity of the people and the militancy and courage of the all agitators of that movement and resigned from her post and hand over the power to the Military and fled away to India. At the same time, the military which has permitted a dictator to escape has come into the fore front and took the power of the country. The movement did not accept the military rule and demanded forcefully for a civil government.

The movement went to such a militant level that the protesting masses burned down 450 police stations out of total 600 police stations in Bangladesh and seized the arms from those police stations with Vikalpo Aami slogan. But the regime change is not the ultimate solution for the people’s demands. Whether it is Awami League, Bangladesh Nationalist Party, Jamiaat, all are the agents of the ruling classes. The indications of the interim government of Noble laureate and who is well known as a leech of the people, Mohammad Yunus, which was brought in to power by the military is showing that it wants to stop the movement and implement the imperialists policies in a new form.

The people of Bangladesh through revolutionary movements, by smashing the old state machinery and by creating a new people's state, they can take a breath a live of dignity and self-respect and free from the loot and plunder of domestic and foreign enemies. Our Party and the revolutionary masses of India and the world firmly believe that the people of Bangladesh will not let the blood of their comrades go in vain.

Let us remember this by heart “What is life but marching together shoulder to shoulder flying our flag, what is life but a fist raised high in righteous resistance”. At the same time our Party is fully confident that the real vanguard of proletarian of Bangladesh will be in the forefront in this heroic movement to unite the broad masses in the direction to build the new people's power.

So, our Party appeals to all the working-class vanguard parties to unite against all the imperialist forces and the Indian CBB and its expansionism especially in South Asia. It is the need of the hour to unite the people and organizations and forces to fight against Indian state expansionism, imperialism and reactionary ruling classes including communal forces in South Asia for the establishment of real national independence and sovereignty, genuine democracy and self- reliance, progress and peace, fraternity and mutual cooperation in the South Asia which also serve the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal movements and working class movements all over the world. It is the need of the hour to be in front and lead all the democratic and revolutionary movements in respective countries by the Maoist Parties and forces in South Asia. Vikalpo Aami (We are the alternative), advance with this slogan, we are with you.





Central Committee

Publicado por dazibao rojo


A NOVA DEMOCRACIA BRASIL: Hamás y el Frente Democrático para la Liberación de Palestina (FDLP) celebran una reunión bilateral en Gaza

 Los grupos defendieron el Acuerdo de Beijing, que selló la unidad en torno a la lucha armada y un Estado palestino con Jerusalén como capital.

Ana Nascimento

12 de septiembre de 2024 · 1 minuto de lectura

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El Movimiento de Resistencia Islámica, Hamás y el Frente Democrático para la Liberación de Palestina (FDLP) celebraron una importante reunión bilateral en la Franja de Gaza. El encuentro se produce en el contexto del fortalecimiento de la Batalla del Diluvio de Al-Aqsa y de la guerra de genocidio liderada por la ocupación israelí contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza.

En una declaración conjunta, las dos organizaciones expresaron "reverencia y admiración" por la resistencia palestina en Gaza, Cisjordania, Al-Quds (Jerusalén) y los territorios ocupados, así como por los prisioneros palestinos en las cárceles israelíes, los heridos y los que cayeron en la lucha. Hamás y el FDLP subrayaron que la resistencia es un derecho legítimo del pueblo palestino y que la batalla actual es una consecuencia directa de la agresión sionista contra los derechos de los palestinos y su tierra.

La nota también destaca que el futuro de Palestina será decidido por el propio pueblo palestino, con todas las organizaciones de resistencia nacional reunidas, y que cualquier intento fuera del consenso nacional palestino será tratado como una ocupación y no tendrá legitimidad en suelo palestino. “No se llegará a ningún acuerdo con la ocupación sionista a menos que responda a las demandas de nuestro pueblo”, afirmaron, destacando como condiciones el fin de la agresión, la retirada total de Gaza, el fin del bloqueo, la reconstrucción y el intercambio de prisioneros. Esta reafirmación del derecho palestino a decidir sobre su futuro se produce en un momento en que el acuerdo de alto el fuego inmediato y permanente se ve obstaculizado por los intereses creados de ciertos sectores del sionismo.

Las dos organizaciones defendieron también la implementación del Acuerdo de Beijing, establecido en un genuino esfuerzo de las organizaciones palestinas para reforzar la unidad y la lucha nacional, además de otros acuerdos anteriores como paso esencial hacia la reconstitución del sistema político palestino y de la Organización para la Liberación. de Palestina (OLP), para que pueda retomar su papel de líder de las aspiraciones de libertad e independencia del pueblo palestino. El acuerdo supuso un logro importante para las fuerzas más avanzadas de la Resistencia, que consolidaron la unidad entre los diferentes grupos en torno a la lucha armada y una Palestina libre con Jerusalén como capital.

Finalmente, se mantendrá la coordinación conjunta entre Hamás y el FDLP en todos los frentes –político, militar y popular– y ambos grupos se han comprometido a proteger el Frente Interior Palestino contra cualquier intento de debilitar la paz y la seguridad social, reafirmando el compromiso con la movilización de fuerzas de resistencia en todas partes de la Palestina ocupada.

Nuevo Perú: Der Lakai, der Völkermörder, der Vaterlandsverkäufer Fujimori ist gestorben


Wir teilen hier einen von Nuevo Peru veröffentlichten Artikel:


Laut Presseberichten ist der faschistische, genozidale und vaterlandverkaufende Alberto Fujimoria am Mittwoch, dem 11. September, gestorben. Er starb, verfolgt vom eisernen Wille der Volksgerechtigkeit bis zur letzten Sekunde seiner miserablen Existenz für den Völkermord gegen den Volkskrieg und die Massen. Die Menschen werden nie vergessen und er wird bis zu seiner letzten Generation bezahlen müssen.


Dieser elende Charakter ohne Prinzipien, diese blutrünstige Hyäne, Lakai des Imperialismus und der Reaktion, Alberto Fujimori, war von Juli 1990 bis August 2000 als Präsident des alten und faulen peruanischen Staates, einem Großgrundbesitzer-bürokratischen Staat, im Dienste des Imperialismus, hauptsächlich der Yankees, verantwortlich für den Völkermord gegen den Volkskrieg, von dem die Völkermordpolitik gegen die Massen Teil ist, weil sie diejenigen sind, die die Geschichte machen, gegen die Bauernschaft, die die Hauptkraft sind, weil die Massen selbst ihre Helden erzeugen, weil sie ihre Interessen ausdrücken und ihr Leben geben; und dass sie die Kriegsgefangene schlugen, weil sie sie als schwächere Partei betrachten, die Partei mit gefesselten Rechten. Eine genozidale Politik, die der peruanische Staat bis heute gegen den Volkskrieg und die Massen unseres Volkes übernimmt. Dies hat seinen abscheulichsten und ausführbaren Völkermord der Ausrottung bei der Ermordung des Vorsitzenden Gonzalo, große Führerschaft der Partei und der Revolution, am 11. September 2021, mit direkter Verantwortung des konterrevolutionären opportunistischen Henkers Castillo-Terrone unter der Leitung der Yankee-CIA und der peruanischen Reaktion mit der Komplizenschaft der Ratten des revisionistischen und kapitulationistischen ROL.


Vorsitzender Gonzalo, dem Tod trotzend, markierte einen weiteren Tag der Herrlichkeit für den Volkskrieg, die peruanische Revolution und die Weltrevolution und wie alle Helden des Volkes: „Der Marxismus-Leninismus-Maoismus, Gonzalodenken zur Spitze erhebend, gleich in welchem Schützengraben sie sich befinden, fahren sie fort und werden es weiterhin tun, um für den Triumph des Volkskrieges kämpfen!“ Vorsitzender Gonzalo und das Gonzalodenken sind unbesiegbar!


Wir verurteilen bei dieser Gelegenheit erneut den höchsten Beamten des alten peruanischen Staates Alberto Fujimori für den Völkermord gegen den Volkskrieg und die Massen unseres Volkes im Jahrzehnt von 1990 bis 2000, ein Völkermord, unter der Regie des Yankee Imperialismus und von ihm geführt wurde, ausgeführt von der Regierung des Lakaien, des Völkermörders, des Vaterlandsverkäufers Fujimori, den völkermörderischen Streitkräfte und der Polizei und unterstützt durch Revisionismus und die gesamte Reaktion, einschließlich der Kirche, die, wie die KPP im Mai 1993 erklärte, um ihren Plan umzusetzen, um die Völkermordpolitik fortzusetzen und die Kämpfe der Massen einzudämmen, um den Volkskrieg zu vernichten.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Den folkmördande lackejen och förrädaren Fujimori är död


Följande är en översättning av en artikel publicerad av Föreningen Ny Demokrati den 12 september som kan hittas här.

Enligt pressrapporter har den fascistiska och folkmördande förrädaren Alberto Fujimori dött onsdagen den 11 september. Han dog, förföljd av järnviljan av den folkliga rättvisan fram till den sista sekunden av hans eländiga existens, för folkmordet som begicks mot folkkriget och massorna. Folket kommer aldrig att glömma detta och kommer att behöva betala priset av det tills hans sista generation.

Denna eländiga karaktär utan principer, en blodtörstig hyena, imperialismens och reaktionens lackej, Alberto Fujimori, var från juli 1990 till augusti 2000 ansvarig – som president för den gamla och ruttna peruanska staten, en feodal-byråkratisk stat till tjänst för imperialismen, huvudsakligen USA-imperialismen – för folkmordet mot folkkriget, som en del av folkmordspolitiken mot massorna, för det är de som skapar historien, mot bönderna som är huvudstyrkan, för massorna själva alstrar sina hjältar, för de uttrycker deras intressen och ger sina liv; och att de slog krigsfångar eftersom de betraktar dem som den svagare parten, parten med inskränkta rättigheter. En folkmordspolitik som den peruanska staten utför mot folkkriget och folkets massor till denna dag. Den visade sin mest avskyvärda, föraktliga, överdrivna folkmördande utrotning genom mordet på ordförande Gonzalo, partiet och revolutionens anförare, den 11 september 2021, där den kontrarevolutionära opportunistiska bödeln Castillo Terrones har ett direkt ansvar för detta under ledning av CIA, USA och den peruanska reaktionen med medverkan av råttorna från den revisionistiska och kapitulationistiska högeropportunistiska linjen (ROL).

Ordförande Gonzalo, som trotsade döden, markerade en annan hjältemodig dag för folkkriget, den peruanska revolutionen och världsrevolutionen, likt alla andra av folkets hjältar: “Genom att höja marxismen-leninismen-maoismen, Gonzalos tänkande till toppen, oavsett vilken skyttegrav de än befinner sig i, fortsätter de och kommer att fortsätta att kämpa för folkkrigets seger”. Ordförande Gonzalo och Gonzalos tänkande är odödligt!

Vi fördömer än en gång vid detta tillfälle den högsta tjänstemannen för den gamla peruanska staten, Alberto Fujimori, för folkmordet mot folkkriget och folkets massor under årtiondet från 1990 till 2000, ett folkmord som förvaltades och regisserades av USA-imperialismen och som genomfördes av den folkmördande lackejen och förrädaren Fujimoris regering, de väpnade styrkorna och polisen och stödjs av revisionismen och all reaktion, inklusive kyrkan, som Perus Kommunistiska Parti förklarade i maj 1993, var i tjänst för att genomföra sin plan för att fortsätta folkmordspolitiken och för att tygla massornas kamp, för att förinta folkkriget.

Kontakta oss via!

EL HERALDO ROJO: Farsa electoral en Brasil desenmascarada en múltiples lugares


Farsa electoral en Brasil desenmascarada en múltiples lugares

Imagen de cabecera: panfleteo por parte de activistas en Feijó, Acre. Fuente: A Nova Democracia (AND).

En las últimas semanas se está realizando una campaña de boicot electoral en varios puntos de Brasil. A principios de mes informamos que se había creado el primer Comité de Boicot a la farsa electoral, en Rio de Janeiro. Posteriormente se supo que en Manaos se realizó una manifestación contra el alcalde de la ciudad que expuso la farsa electoral en la que numerosos vecinos exigieron explicaciones y soluciones para la infraestructura, en una muy mala situación desde hace décadas que no se ha solucionado con ningún gobierno durante los últimos años. En la misma ciudad diversas entrevistas en torno a la mala situación del transporte público y la seguridad en Manaos han mostrado las mentiras del alcalde, hechas durante las elecciones, mostrando de nuevo su carácter como farsa electoral.

En la ciudad de Feijó, estado Acre, en la periferia amazónica, activistas del Comité local de Apoyo a AND ha estado realizando panfleteos y conversando con la población, denunciando el aumento salarial de los concejales de la región. La población mostró su rechazo a la farsa electoral en varias formas: primero creyeron que los activistas pedían el voto para algún partido político y mostraron su enfado y rechazo por ello; cuando supieron que los activistas estaban en una posición contraria, se interesaron y hablaron con ellos; después de hablar por un tiempo, muchos pidieron panfletos para repartirlos entre sus amigos y familia. A su vez expresaron su rabia e indignación en muchas ocasiones por los políticos cretinos de la región y con el periodo electoral.

Por otra parte el 9 de septiembre los activistas del Comité de Apoyo a AND en Derby, Recife, Pernambuco, distribuyeron cerca de 400 panfletos denunciando la farsa electoral y convocando a las masas a boicotear las elecciones. En el panfleto repartido denunciaron que el prefecto de Pernambuco, João Campos ha multiplicado su fortuna por 11 durante su gestión mientras ha despojado al pueblo de sus derechos y no ha solucionado en absoluto sus claros y serios problemas. Todo ello atrajo gran atención de los obreros locales, que se mostraron indignados. AND cita un comentario de un obrero local: “Yo mismo ya no voto, nunca di crédito a a esos políticos. Todo lo que la gente consigue es por ellos mismos, y ellos [los dirigentes políticos del viejo Estado brasileño] sólo aparecen ahora para pedir el voto”.

Panfleto de AND que se enmarca en la campaña de boicot realizada en Recife. Fuente: AND

RED HERALD: Electoral Farce in Brazil once more unmasked in multiple places


Electoral Farce in Brazil once more unmasked in multiple places

Featured image: leaflets distributed by activists in Feijó, Acre. Source: A Nova Democracia (AND).

A campaign to boycott the electoral farce is being carried out for some weeks in Brazil. At the beginning of the month we reported on the foundation of the first Committee to Boycott the Electoral Farce in Rio de Janeiro. Later on it was reported that in Manaus there was a demonstration against the major of the city and the electoral farce was exposed. Numerous residents demanded explanations about what was being done regarding their problems and also demanded solutions for the infrastructure, which is in a very bad situation for decades and has not been solved by any kind of government. In the same city several interviews showed the very bad situation of the public transport and security in Manaus, which is revealing the lies of the major, made during the elections. This at the same time has shown once again the electoral farce portrayed in Brazil.

In the city of Feijó, state of Acre, at the Amazonian periphery, activists from the Local Committee to Support AND have distributed leaflets and spoke with the local population, denouncing the wage increase of the councilors of the region. The people expressed their rejection to the electoral farce in many ways: first they thought that the activists were asking for the vote for a political Party and then they expressed their anger and rejection to it; when they knew that the activists were actually against the electoral farce, the population was interested and spoke with the activists; after a while, many of the local inhabitants asked for more leaflets to spread them among their friends and family. The inhabitants of Feijó also expressed their anger and indignation in many occasions against the cretin politicians of the region and against the election period.

On 9th of September activists of the Local Committee to Support AND, distributed around 400 leaflets in Derby, Recife, Pernambuco. They denounced the electoral farce and called the masses to boycott the elections. In the leaflet spread it was denounced how the governor of Pernambuco, João Campos has multiplied his fortune 11-times since he is in charge of the region, while on the other hand he has taken away the rights from the people and has not solved at all the obvious and severe problems of the people. All of this attracted big attention from the local workers, which expressed their anger. AND quotes a comment from a local worker: “Me myself I do not vote anymore, I never gave credit to those politicians. Everything what has the people, has achieved by itself, and them [the political leaders from the old Brazilian State] just show up to ask the population to vote them”.

AND Leaflet which framework is the boycott campaign carried out in Recife. Source: AND.

L'exigence de la libération de Georges Abdallah à la Fête de l'Huma (13 au 15 septembre.)

 Subject: L'exigence de la libération de Georges Abdallah à la Fête de l'Huma

Bonsoir camarade,
ci-joint les différentes actions pour informer et mobiliser quant au combat et à la situation de Georges Abdallah, programmées dans le cadre de la Fête de l'Huma de ce week-end du 13 au 15 septembre.

En espérant s'y retrouver !
Salutations rouges internationalistes et solidaires

Octobre 1984 – Octobre 2024! 
40 ans de prison, toute une vie de combat !! 

Audience pour statuer sur sa libération 7 Octobre 2024! GEORGES! ABDALLAH! DOIT ÊTRE LIBÉRÉ !!

Liberté pour !GEORGES ABDALLAH! Communiste Révolutionnaire arabe Militant de la cause Palestinienne !

Rencontre-débat Samedi à 13h! Stand du Front Populaire au village du monde

 !Manifestation Samedi à 15h! Départ du Stand du Front Populaire au village du monde et arrivée au stand An Nidaa !Rassemblement Dimanche à 13h! Concert de solidarité Stand An Nidaa au village du monde

Thursday, September 12, 2024

The lackey, genocidal, traitor Fujimori has died

According to press reports, the fascist, genocidal and traitor Alberto Fujimoria has died on Wednesday, September 11. He died, pursued by the iron will of popular justice until the last second of his miserable existence for the genocide committed against the people's war and the masses. The people will never forget and will have to pay until his last generation.

This miserable character without principles, bloodthirsty hyena, lackey of imperialism and reaction, Alberto Fujimori, from July 1990 to August 2000 was responsible - as president of the old and rotten Peruvian State, a landowner-bureaucratic State at the service of imperialism, mainly Yankee - for the genocide against the people's war, of what is part of the genocidal policy against the masses, because they are the ones who make history, against the peasantry who are the main force, because the masses themselves generate their heroes, because they express their interests and give their lives; and that they beat prisoners of war because they consider them the weaker party, the party with shackled rights. A genocidal policy that the Peruvian State carries out against the people's war and the masses of our people to this day. Which has its most vile, abject and execrable genocide of extermination in the assassination of Chairman Gonzalo, Head of the Party and the Revolution, on September 11, 2021, with direct responsibility of the counterrevolutionary opportunist executioner Castillo Terrones under the direction of the CIA-Yankee and the Peruvian reaction with the complicity of the rats of the revisionist and capitulationist ROL.

Chairman Gonzalo, defying death, marked another day of glory for the people's war, the Peruvian revolution and the world revolution, and like all the heroes of the people: "Raising Marxism Leninism Maoism, Gonzalo Thought to the top, whatever trench they are in, they continue and will continue to fight for the triumph of the people's war," Chairman Gonzalo and Gonzalo Thought are invincible!

We denounce, once again, on this occasion, the highest official of the old Peruvian State, Alberto Fujimori, for the genocide against the people's war and the masses of our people, during the decade from 1990 to 2000, a genocide that was managed and directed by Yankee imperialism, executed by the government of the lackey, genocidal, traitor Fujimori, the Armed Forces and the FF.PP. genocidal and endorsed by revisionism and all the reaction, including the Church, which, as the PCP declared in May 1993, was in order to implement its plan to continue the genocidal policy and to curb the struggles of the masses, to annihilate the People's War.

Ha muerto el lacayo, genocida, vendepatria Fujimori



El fascista, genocida y vendepatra Alberto Fujimoria ha muerto, el miércoles 11 de septiembre según informaciones de prensa. Ha muerto perseguido por la ferrea voluntad de justicia popular hasta el ultimo segundo de su miserable existencia por el genocidio cometido contra la guerra popular y las masas, el pueblo no olvida jamás y tendrá que pagar hasta su última generación,

Este miserable personaje sin principos, hiena sanguinaria, lacayo del imperialismo y la reacción, Alberto Fujimori, desde julio de 1990 hasta agosto de 200 fue el responsable -como presidente del viejo y podrido Estado peruano, Estado terrateniente.burocrático al servicio del imperialismo, principalmente yanqui- del genocidio contra la guerra popular, de lo que es parte de la política genocida contra las masas, porque ellas son las que hacen la historia, contra el campesinado que son la fuerza principal, porque las masas mismas generan a sus héroes, porque expresan sus intereses y entregan sus vidas; y, de que golpean a los prisioneros de guerra porque los consideran la parte débil, la parte aherrojada de derechos. Política genocida que lleva a cabo el Estado peruano contra la guerra popular y las masas de nuestro pueblo hasta el día de hoy. Que tiene su más vil, abyecto y execrable genocidio de exterminio en el asesinato del Presidente Gonzalo, Jefe del Partido y la Revolución, el 11 de septiembre de 2021, con responsabilidad directa del verdugo oportunista contrarrevolucionario Castillo Terrones bajo la dirección de la CIA-yanqui y la reacción peruana con la complicidad de las ratas de la LOD revisionista y capitulacionista.

El Presidente Gonzalo desafiando a la muerte plasmó otro día de gloria para la guerra popular, la revolución peruana y la revolución mundial y como todos los heroes del pueblo: "Enarbolando al tope el marxismo leninismo maoísmo, pensamiento Gonzalo, cualquiera sea la trinchera en que estén, siguen y seguirán luchando por el triunfo de la guerra popular", el Presidente Gonzalo y el pensamiento gonzalo son invencibles!

Denunciamos, nuevamente, en esta ocasión, al máximo responsable del viejo Estado peruano, Alberto Fujimori, por el genocidio contra la guerra popular y las masas de nuestro pueblo, durante la década de 1990 a 2000, genocidio que fue manejado y dirigido por el imperialismo yanqui, ejecutado por el gobierno del lacayo, genocida, vendepatria Fujimori, las FF.AA. y FF.PP. genocidas y avalado por el revisionismo y toda la reacción, incluida la Iglesia, que como sentenció el PCP en mayo de 1993, fue para así aplicar su plan de prosecución de la política genocida y sofrenar las luchas de las masas, aniquilar la Guerra Popular.


MARTIN NAYA SIEMPRE VVIRÁ! Palestine vivra, Palestine vaincra ! Libérons Georges Abdallah !


Hier, dimanche 8 septembre 2024, place de la Nation, au rassemblement en soutien à la résistance du peuple palestinien et contre la guerre génocidaire menée en Palestine historique, mobilisation unitaire et en nombre des camarades de la FSE, des JR, de la LJR et de la CUpLGIA, pour faire entendre haut et fort l'exigence de la libération de Georges Abdallah.
Palestine vivra, Palestine vaincra ! Libérons Georges Abdallah !
Le 7 octobre, Georges Abdallah doit être libéré !
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