Red League (Germany): Down with the new government!
We hereby publish an unofficial translation of an article by DemVolkeDienen:
The Red League (Roter Bund) spread a Statement on the general elections in many German cities on the evening of February 23, following the conclusion of the electoral farce and the beginning of the new coalition theater.
A video shows footage from Bochum, Bremen, Bremerhaven, Essen, Hamburg, Cologne, Leipzig and Leverkusen. This video was send to us as well as the Statement, which we share below:
Proletarians of all countries, unite!
Declaration of the Red League on the General Elections 2025
So, the spectacle is over. The federal elections have taken place, and at the election-parties of the participating Parties, there is celebration, cocaine, and booze, with laughter or tears depending on the number of votes their own dirty bunch received. Now the theater of the formation of the government begins, and the Party bosses will agree behind closed doors on which coalition they can betray their campaign promises together. No matter who forms the new government, one thing is certain: it will be a government that serves the interests of financial capital and not ours.
The new government will further create conditions for greater exploitation of the working class. In the interest of the profits of the monopoly capitalists, they will do everything to promote real wage cuts and increases in work intensity. They will cut so-called “social benefits” so that we, out of fear of being left without food on the table, will accept all the humiliations and extortion’s from the elites. They will give everything they can to financial capital, while we will only receive more poverty and misery.
The new government will do everything to deepen the division of the working class into foreign and domestic workers. Regardless of the role the AfD will play in the pigsty known as the Bundestag, the governing parties will implement the central tenets of AfD policy one way or another. The new government will exploit chauvinistic and racist rhetoric by enacting more and more terror measures against immigrants to spread fear and terror, with the intention of bending a part of our class and instilling in another part the delusion that this State cares for their security.
The new government will do everything to strengthen German imperialism. It will do everything to intensify the exploitation and oppression of the nations of the Third World. It will support the genocide against the Palestinian people with even greater determination. It will do everything to suck the blood of and enslave the peoples of Eastern and Southeastern Europe. It will continue to try to exploit the resistance of the Ukrainian people for its own interests. In the name of “peace,” it will promote unjust wars around the world while ensuring that the war industry makes outrageous profits. In this sense, it will advance the militarization of society, with the Ministry of War always receiving record sums, and everything that remains of the “welfare state” will be slaughtered in the name of “security and peace in Europe.”
The new government will further intensify the general offensive against so-called democratic rights. The ongoing attack on freedom of expression, assembly, and association, which has been carried out under the guise of the Covid-19 pandemic since the state of emergency, will increase in strength. The witch hunt against anti-imperialists and consistent anti-fascists will become even more violent and despicable. Every so-called fundamental right will increasingly be denied; for those who wish to freely follow their religious beliefs, conditions will not improve, nor will they improve for fighting women or rebellious youth; it will get worse.
We could continue listing these points, but what has been said is sufficient. It must be clear to each of us: the new government and the new parliament will be even more reactionary than the previous one. Just as its political leadership will become more reactionary, the State as a whole will also become more reactionary. The dictatorship of the bourgeoisie will show its disgusting face even more clearly.
This is what the working class and the people have received from the federal elections of 2025. The political leadership of our enemies is being rearranged so that they can continue to trample us down.
But the government and parliament cannot expect loyalty from us. We did not elect them; we did not participate in their electoral farce. They have no legitimacy for us and all the millions of people who, like us, did not vote. The government and parliament do not speak for us; they do not represent us. Our interests and needs are antagonistic to theirs.
The false worker leaders in the unions, the revisionist and opportunistic chiefs of the self-proclaimed “left” and even “revolutionary” Parties and organizations, and their followers within the so-called “radical left” – all those who have granted legitimacy to the electoral farce – are the ones who will have to answer to the masses today and tomorrow. Those who have portrayed the new government and parliament as a bulwark against fascism are complicit; they are just as guilty as the baton-wielding police officers, the spies of the Secret Services, and the entire army of bureaucrats and petty tyrants who degrade the people as “civil servants”. All those who promised a possible improvement through the elections are criminals. They deserve to be driven out of the workers movement and all revolutionary structures.
We and all honest revolutionaries will never forget for a single moment how the revisionists and opportunists exploited the concerns and fears of the working class and the people during the “election campaign” to secure a favorable position for themselves in this system of exploitation and oppression.
Advancing the independent and class-conscious organization of the working class, free from all bourgeois parties, is the urgent task of the hour.
We, as the Red League, will combat the new government, the new parliament, and all the parties involved.
We will resist all their plans. We will do everything to undermine them. We will seek to deepen every contradiction within their ranks and seize every opportunity to expose their machinations. Where they wish Order, we will do everything to create Disorder.
We will multiply our efforts to mobilize, politicize, and organize the working class and the people. We will establish deeper roots among the most exploited and most oppressed in this country. We will work, live, and struggle even more closely with the masses. We will align ourselves even more firmly and closely in the ranks of the Legions of the international proletariat. We will fight German imperialism more resolutely than ever.
This is what we have to pledge on this February 23; and this is our commentary on this electoral spectacle.
Down with the new government!
Down with the new Bundestag and all its parties!
Down with German imperialism!
Combat and resist!
Join the Red League!
Red League
February 23, 2025