Wednesday, July 31, 2024

PERU: Political situation

                                          July 6
                            Day of the People's Teacher!

The Defense Committee of the SUTEP ÚNICO, Expresses its illustrious union greetings to the Teachers, as well as to our beloved Peruvian people, on this transcendental date, celebrating the Day of the People's Teacher: July 6!; stating the following:

International Situation:

The fundamental contradictions in the world are intensifying, as an expression of the deepening of the main contradiction between the Sole Hegemonic Superpower of the USA with the other atomic Superpower of Russia and the imperialist countries, unloading their crisis on the shoulders of their own people and the countries of the Third World; they intend to continue imposing their dominance by clawing at them, also executing their wars of aggression and plunder; destroying the Basic Rights of the People with the extractors of surplus value from the Third World, using their financial instruments: World Bank, International Monetary Fund (Javier Milei, the President of Argentina faithfully applies the sinister plans of the IMF against the people), FAI, IDB. Thus, in the current Historical Moment in the Oppressed Nations the perspective of shaping a "new world" is being defined. Therefore, in this "dark scenario", the Heroic People of Palestine resist and fight heroically against the occupation of the Zionist State of Israel, with the endorsement of Imperialism, mainly Yankee. Turkey, with its People's Heroes and Heroines in Kurdistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Iran, the Philippines, India, Bangladesh. Recently in France, the masses carry out strong protests in defense of the Rights of the People: against hunger and the cut in Pension Rights. Just as the peoples of Latin America prove that history is made by the masses; Mexico, Colombia, Brazil (Rondonia: poor peasants fighting for “land for those who work it”), Chile, Ecuador, are expressions of these contradictions. And the people of Ukraine are facing a war of aggression unleashed by the atomic superpower of the Russian State; but they have become bogged down by their class character. And in this context, Imperialism, characterized as monopolistic, parasitic and decomposing, continues to sink more and more, with the emergence of the New International of the Proletariat, founded on December 23, 2022, by the 15 “detachments of the Vanguard of the Proletariat”: The International Communist League (LCI), which leads the transformation of misery, inequality and exploitation with the Scientific Ideology of the Proletariat, which has become a New, Third and Higher Stage; to populate the Earth with light and joy. Therefore, long live the struggles of the international proletariat and the peoples of the world. And down with Imperialism, with its superpowers and powers, that only oppress, exploit and chain humanity in misery.

National Situation:

 The country is subjected to the claws of Imperialism, mainly Yankee, and with a semi-feudal and semi-colonial society, with a Bureaucratic Capitalism at the service of the Big Bourgeoisie and Landowners, who exploit and oppress the people. Imperialism, mainly Yankee, the Big Bourgeoisie and Landowners, direct and organize their raided “Elections” to put lackeys to represent them and, thus, crush the people, with their “Fascist” constitution of 93, Judicial, Legislative and Executive Powers; to realize their dark objectives of Restructuring, Re-impelling Bureaucratic Capitalism and, Repressing popular protests.

That is why opportunism with its putrid union scabs and its twin brother, the hardened revisionism of Patria Roja, which has turned the CEN of SUTEP into a lair together with the usurped and usurious Derrama Magisterial, to destroy the SUTEP ÚNICO of José Carlos Mariategui, with its perfidious "FENATEPERU" (the registration of this union scab in the Ministry of Labor has just been annulled), have participated in the path of Parliamentary Cretinism, with the roundel of reaction, Pedro Castillo Terrones, representative of the Big Bourgeoisie, Bureaucratic faction (the so-called Keiko, comprador faction); a strike-seller and an enemy of the National Teachers' Union and of the Public Schools, who in the HN1 of 2017, changed and supplanted the List of Claims in favor of the employers against the National Teachers' Union, to endorse the Fascist Law of Mass Dismissals LRM No. 29944. From his jaws come these exclamations: "New Constitution" under the protection of bayonets, to reinforce the exploitation and oppression of the people (Can there be a "New Constitution" in Peruvian society, subjected to the exploitation of the Big Bourgeoisie, Landowners and Bureaucratic Capitalism imposed by Yankee imperialism, mainly? The opportunists and hardened revisionists have hyena dreams with these illusions) And the current President Dina, is a faithful continuer in the execution of fascism and genocide against the Peruvian people.

That is why its fascist Legal Norms, now approved by this "Augeian Stable", the congress, with the promulgation of the law of "impunity" where it legalizes the execrable genocide against the people and grants "amnesty" to the authors of the Crimes Against Humanity with the genocide; as well as the law to shoot and kill those who protest for demands (strike, protests); Civil Service Law: Denying the People's Rights to work and social benefits, such as Social Security, Retirement Pensions, Law of Magisterial Reform No. 29944, a fascist law to privatize education and massively dismiss Public School Teachers with its instruments called: "Evaluation of teacher performance", an instrument of mass dismissal and, its ideological programs: PISA Evaluation, PELA, Teacher Accompaniment, Full day, (extension of the work day: absolute surplus value). And now, they apply the extension of the working day with “Remote Work”, to accumulate “absolute surplus value”. Furthermore, this fascist, genocidal and vendepratria government has promulgated DU038-2020, called “perfect suspension of work”, or in fact a legal instrument of “perfect mass dismissal”, to the delight of the Big Comprador Bourgeoisie and the Big Bureaucratic Bourgeoisie. In Education, the “transfer” began in parts to the regional governments (GORE) and Local Governments (Municipalities). (Ministerial Resolution 150-MINEDU-2023 dated 03/09/2023 and, the “mandatory” compulsion to appear in the “Teacher performance evaluations”. Otherwise, if they do not appear at this farce of an evaluation, the teacher will immediately be fired from their position and job (Supreme Decree 011-2023 dated 06/28/2023).

Time is running out for this State, through the Ministry of Education, by order of the World Bank and the IMF, to privatize the social function of Education and execute the mass dismissal of the town's teachers, because their goal is to fulfill these nefarious plans until the year 2030, with the complicity and endorsement of the opportunism that in 2012 fully supported the extension of the LRM 29944 together with its twin brother from PR, a gang that has appropriated the Magisterial Spill and has usurped the SUTEP. They are nothing more than political gamblers and stinking union scumbags that have mounted on the shoulders of the teachers.

For those "above": succulent salaries, immense fortunes extracted from the people's labor force and, finishing off the country's natural resources in pieces; for "those below" (the people), hunger, misery, exploitation, fascism and genocide. There they are, in the coffins, the corpses of the masses, fallen in murder. Photo credit: Diario la República, Lima, Peru, May 15, 2023.

In this context full of contradictions, let us not have false illusions with those who fully endorse this outdated social order, when from their black jaws come exclamations such as: “New Constitution” (to favor the Big Bourgeoisie and Landowners, reinforcing the oppression and exploitation of the people to bureaucratic capitalism and Yankee Imperialism, mainly). And also this putrid union crust: the SUTEP of the employers with its CEN and the political party of “patria”, enjoys the more than 2,000,000,000 million in assets (as of 2018) of the Magisterial Spill, converted into a highly usurious Private Bank to finance them. The new government (period 2021-2026), will continue with the massive dismissal and privatization of the Public School and that is why it is in its government plan (of Peru Libre): to improve the "Educational Quality", which is the Plan of the IMF and the World Bank to execute their Meritocracy (with this word the massive dismissal and the elimination of Labor Rights of teachers to completely privatize the Public School are covered up). Therefore, on the path of the SUTEP ÚNICO of J.C Mariategui and Teacher German Caro Riós, we must on Teachers' Day this July 6, steel our historical optimism and strive for a Day of Union Defense and Class Resistance", together with our dear and indestructible Peruvian people.

Down with the Law of Elimination of Rights of the National Teachers: LGE 28044, LRM no 29944 and related Legal Norms!

Down with Massive Dismissal Evaluations, Teacher Performance Evaluations and the “transfer” of Education to the GORE and Municipalities!

Start the full return of contributions to the usurious Derrama Magisterial with its respective interests!

For a National Strike of the National Teachers, from the Bases and Led by the SUTEP of José Carlos Mariategui, to start the Rights, Benefits and Freedoms of the Teachers of the People!

We demand the delivery of new computers for all students and Teachers of the Public School!

Immediate payment with indexed interest of the debt for 30% of Class Preparation and Evaluation, without resorting to bureaucratic legal processes!

Raise, Defend and Apply the Statutes, Classist Trade Union Line, Motto of the SUTEP ÚNICO of J.C Mariategui!

For better working conditions, salary increase for the Dismissed, Retired and Actively Working Teachers!

Strive for the Appointment of thousands of teachers in “contracted condition”!

Strive tirelessly for the reorientation and Reconstruction of the SUTEP ÚNICO; discarding the hyena illusions of the union scabs who dream of destroying the SUTEP to put it as an agency of the employers!

Long live July 6: Day of the People's Teacher in Peru!

Long live the struggles of the Peruvian People and the peoples of the world: Palestine, India, Turkey, Philippines!

Lima, July 5, 2024