Hereby we publish the statement found in the webpage of the Anti-Imperialist League.

Call for an international campaign to support Palestine: 7th of October – 21st of October / International Days of Action 12th / 13th October

Anti-imperialists of the world, unite!

Palestine is our cause – together we will win!

With October 7, and the now one year lasting heroic struggle of Palestine national liberation forces against Zionist occupation, not only the Israeli genocide, but also the imperialists suffered a great loss of prestige and the myth of an “unshakable power” was severely wounded. Under the wings of the giant international monopolies and imperialists, especially the USA, the Israeli state was once again given the “bitter lesson” that “the driving force of history is the people and only the people”. Those who think they will win the war with technological means have suffered great defeats in the face of organized masses who do not hesitate to die for their cause at every turn of history. Although the Israeli State tried to achieve results by committing all kinds of massacres and crimes, including genocide, after the great shock it experienced on October 7, it could not achieve any results, its internal balances were shaken, a great opposition accumulated within the country, and the bubble of military and technological greatness and invincibility burst.

The colonialist and Zionist State of Israel’s image of invincibility was shattered by the Al-Aqsa Flood and the ongoing and strengthening armed resistance front for the national liberation of Palestine. Beyond the surrender imposed by the Oslo Accords, it was a new beginning at a point when Zionist expansionism was “normalized” and the Palestinian cause was thought to be “over”. The Al-Aqsa Flood shattered many established understandings and shattered the status quo that had long been taken for granted about Palestine. The process of “normalization”, including Palestinian isolation, came to an end.

The anti-occupation struggle of the Palestinian National Liberation Forces has shown the possibility of defeat of the strong against a weak but organized movement based on the people. This possibility has an instructive depth for all revolutionary and national resistance movements. Israel is a huge military and technological power with great material-military support; but the glorious history of the class struggle has repeatedly proved that those who are determined in their struggle for their just cause, those who organize for this cause, those who establish the right ties with the oppressed peoples and make them part of the struggle, despite all impossibilities, defeat the forces with great means. That the Palestinian cause has strong ties with the workers and peoples all around the world, was and still is proven by a massive movement of solidarity in nearly all countries of the world, rejecting the lies of the imperialist propaganda and resisting the repression and persecution by the police.

In one year of war in a tiny area, the Israeli state has not even been able to reach the prisoners of war held by the Palestinian Resistance Forces, let alone achieve victory. The Al-Aqsa Flood has also destroyed the shabby theories put forward by revisionists and reformists in the name of peace, democracy, disarmament and reconciliation. It is the armed forces of the Palestinian Resistance Forces, the united armies of the resistance forces that will stop the genocidal Israeli State and its imperialist supporters. Therefore it is necessary to support the just and correct demand for the full liberation of Palestine, including the right of all displaced and evicted to return. Raise the just demand for the full democratic rights of the thousands of Palestinian prisoners, abused and tortured in the Zionist dungeons, who are deprived of their legal rights as political prisoners: For the immediate release of all political prisoners! Today, once more, the Palestinian people give a powerful example to the international anti-imperialist movement, that the national liberation struggle is an important part of the Proletarian World Revolution and therefore the proletarian forces have to be developed in its vanguard role for developing the national liberation struggle in the path of the New Democratic Revolution.

The Zionist State of Israel cannot be defined without mentioning imperialism. US-imperialist representative Joe Biden said: “If Israel did not exist, the US would have to invent an Israel. Israel is the greatest power the US has in the Middle East to protect its interests in the region.” It is more than a state, it is a “bloody dagger” that imperialism has thrust into the Middle East region and an embodiment of evil that embodies the savage practices of the exploiters and is proud of it. It is the symbol of imperialist aggression at State level. This alone unmasks the Zionist lies about Israel being the ‘State of the Jews’ – in the contrary Israel is the ‘State of the Imperialists’ against the oppressed peoples, including the ones in Israel. The State of Israel is a genocidal State.

The moments of the deepening crisis of the imperialist system deepen the contradictions between the imperialists and necessitate the expansion of the wars of aggression against the oppressed nations and peoples. The only true friend of the Palestinian people are the masses of millions of people who, despite the bans and repression, fill the streets with an anti-Zionist and anti-imperialist spirit in every corner of the world. Against the reactionary domination that legitimizes the isolation of Palestine and the massacre of Zionism, it is the independent actions of the people who stand by Palestine without calculation, embroider “Long Live Free Palestine” on the walls everywhere, and flag the symbols of Palestine.

We are in a new process in which we are doomed to win against all imperialism. Imperialism is a bankrupt economic and political system waiting to be thrown into the dustbin of history. The peoples have mighty arms to lift this gigantic heap of trash. It is our fundamental duty to organize, arm ourselves and participate in the struggles for power without hesitation. We must be in full solidarity with the Palestinian national resistance, unhesitatingly emphasizing, embracing and defending every revolutionary feature embodied in it. This will not only be solidarity. We must also wage an active, open struggle in our countries against all the regional and international extensions and collaborators of Israeli Zionism. Israel is supported or fed in different ways by many States and many international monopolies. As anti-imperialists, we must work to target the sources that support and feed this occupation and massacre in the countries where we live. We can only do this by believing in and being guided by the power of the peoples to win in the end.

As the Coordination Committee for the Anti-Imperialist League, we call on all revolutionary, anti-imperialist, anti-occupation forces to support the Palestinian National Liberation Struggle and to be part of the resistance, whatever it costs. We must embrace the struggle of the oppressed Palestinian people against Israeli Zionism, one of the battering rams of the imperialist system, strengthen the resistance and show our solidarity with concrete actions. Therefore we call for an international campaign to support Palestine from 7th of October until 21st of October, including two international days of action on the 12th and 13th of October.

Eternal glory and honor to the martyrs of the national resistance movement in Palestine!

For the full liberation of the Palestine nation, defend the full right to return of all displaced!

Full democratic rights for the political prisoners, recognition as political prisoners and prisoners of war! Immediate release of all political prisoners!

Long live the armed struggle for national independence of the Palestinian National Liberation Forces!

Develop the national resistance in the path of the new-democratic Revolution for the liberation of Palestine!

Defend the right of freedom of speech, protest and associate, down with the repression against the worldwide solidarity movement with Palestine!

Down with Imperialism, down with the Zionist State of Israel! Long live the Revolution!

Coordinating Committee of the Anti-Imperialist League

September 2024