Report on the LLL-Demonstration 2024
We hereby publish an unofficial translation of a report published on Dem Volke Dienen.
First of all we are happy to be able to report that the man who was called the “65-year old man” in most of the reports is no longer in a life threatening condition, recovering in the hospital with good morale and accompanied by friends and family. The last information we received is that he is reading the “Rote Post” for recovery. Hence, he has overcome the attempted murder by the police and thereby he had shown that he is a steadfast old-school veteran of the revolutionary movement.
Additionally most of the detainees were released, but according to some reports two of them was transferred into custody1. They must receive all solidarity and support, and we hope that all of those who expressed their solidarity will stand together. Among the comrades and friends with whom we have spoken, there are a lot of injured, but anyway they have a high morale and will overcome their injuries.
Thus it becomes clear that this years LLL-Demonstration took place in a special political situation. The Red League (Roter Bund) analyzed this and wrote in its call:
“This year’s Lenin-Liebknecht-Luxemburg demonstration takes place in a situation in which the liberation struggle of the people of Palestine has once again become the focus of the international and national class struggle. This is an expression of the fact that the most important contradiction in the world is that between imperialism and the oppressed nations. Our celebration of the life and work of the founders of the Communist Party of Germany – Liebknecht and Luxemburg – and of the great teacher of the international proletariat – Lenin – whose death anniversary this year is the one hundredth anniversary, cannot and must not take place in the microcosm of the German left philistinism, but must take place in the midst of the class struggle. The effects of the aggression of imperialism and the Israeli state against the people of Palestine and the necessary and justified protest of important sections of the people here in Germany against it and the fascist attacks of the German state and its repressive authorities against them, which involves the demonization of entire parts of the population in order to advance the division of the working class into domestic and foreign workers and to hinder the construction of the anti-imperialist movement, has made this question the decisive political question today for every communist and revolutionary at this immediate moment. Those who have steadfastly from the very beginning, without wavering, carried out and are carrying out a clear and unequivocal support for the struggle of the Palestinian people are the only ones who are really following the path of Lenin, Liebknecht and Luxemburg.”

This statement was completely affirmed on the demonstration. Here Partizan (Germany) and Red League as well as some new and old comrades and friends from Germany and abroad marched together in a powerful block under the slogan “Long live the heroic liberation struggle of the people of Palestine” flanked by the slogans “Long live the International Communist League” and “Let us follow in the footsteps of Luxemburg, Liebknecht and Lenin, the great master of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, to overthrow the ‘giant with feet of clay’!”. Here the banners of Partizan, the Red League and the International Communist League waved side by side with the flags of the Palestinian Liberation Struggle.
That the support for the Liberation Struggle of the People of Palestine in the class struggle, also in this country, at the moment, is of utmost importance, was not only shown by the large amount of Palestinian flags that waved all along the demonstration, but specifically at the latest when the police detained a speaker from the Palestine block. Broad solidarity developed immediately for the first prisoner of the day, in which the block of Partizan (Germany) and the Red League also participated. A big part of the demonstration that already marched past the place of the detention showed its solidarity and turned around. Thereby the police forces became encircled by demonstrators, and they immediately tried in panic to free their rear by fleeing forward and attacking some parts of the demonstration. But this provoked only a larger answer from broader parts of the demonstration and the unleashed wrath could not be leashed even though some demonstration guards tried to protect the police. The crashing noise of flag poles on the cops became the loudest sound in the area for some time and the fierce clashes with the surprised police developed. It was in this moment of the struggle when the police tried to kill the so-called “65-year old man” by crashing his head against the street, and even though he was bleeding from his nose, ear and mouth, denied medical treatment. Only the fierce efforts of the demonstration medics assured that a treatment could take place anyhow and in the end the worst did not happen. This attempted murder immediately was denounced by the surrounding demonstrators who shouted loudly “blood, blood, blood on your hands!” at the pigs who tried to cover their sinister deed before the eyes and cameras of the surrounding crowd.

Especially to greet is the solidarity and combative stance the KGÖ, RJ, the Class Struggle block, and other revolutionary forces took when they confronted the police and thereby prevented that the pigs arrest more. Especially to reject is on the other hand the cowardly stance of the revisionists and opportunists who did nothing but look, did not move a finger, and did not risk their own skin. Especially disgusting is the MLPD who as parasitically as they are claim that they organized “the protest, leading it together with the majority of the other participating organizations, immediately against the criminalization and reached the release of the detained comrades”2. At the same time they defend their imperialist-chauvinist positions against the resistance of the oppressed peoples. “We must distance ourselves from the slogan that was supposedly shouted from the Palestinian block ‘Yemen, Yemen, make us proud, turn another ship around!’. That is a reactionary slogan. The Houti militias are acting on demand of the new-imperialist Iran. Their action has nothing to do with the solidarity with the Palestinian Liberation Struggle”3(Our highlights). So the MLPD is not only far from any reality regarding their role on the demonstration, they also can not stop to try to bend down to the feasts of the German imperialist bourgeoisie, to beg for their acknowledgment by negating anti-imperialist slogans.
At the end of the clashes the cops were only able to arrest 16 demonstrators but suffered 21 injured cops. The viscous violence they used, even trying to beat a veteran comrade to death, brought on the table even among bourgeois parties the tendency of the police state, as the debate in the Berlin interior council this Monday show. Senator of Interior Spranger, member of the old Ebert and Noske party, “complained literally that the left and greens are ‘against the police state’”, as a newspaper reported4.
We recommend the report of the Turkish comrades, too.
[Here is our translation of the report into English]
The results of this years LLL-Demonstration show that everyone who is truly on the side of the oppressed and exploited in Germany and the world has to be prepared at any moment to be confronted with the most ruthless repression by the State. Every anti-imperialist and revolutionary must have this clear in mind. The comrades in the block of Partizan and the Red League have shown most clear that come what may, they will uphold the banner of combat and resistance, and standing together being ready to pay the necessary price.
Up the Fighters!
Down with German Imperialism!
Freedom for the arrested comrades!
