Tuesday, May 21, 2024




On the Interview with Putin

February 9, 2024

“This Thursday, an unusual interview Putin gave this week to controversial American journalist Tucker Carlson, who has his own independent company, the Tucker Carlson Network, and also broadcasts on X, was aired. There he broadcasts mainly friendly interviews with right-wing politicians, including former President Donald Trump.” (BBC, today).

Before continuing with the other points of our original plan, which includes dealing with the agrarian protests in the European Union and other important issues, such as the bankruptcy of the “human rights doctrine” resulting from the war of the Zionist occupiers against the Palestinian reservations in the West Bank and the West Bank. When the German government in the face of the Palestinian genocide has reiterated that the “defense of Israel is a reason of State for Germany.” That is to say that the “defense” of Israel is above all other considerations. Today, we will not deal with these other issues, today we will very punctually deal with Putin's interview with the American journalist…, former advisor to Donald Trump, the possible candidate of the Republican Party and contender of Joe Biden in the next U.S. presidential elections.

The keys to the interview according to the BBC:

“During Thursday's interview, Putin questioned the national character of Ukraine and justified his ‘special military operation’ against Kyiv with his familiar arguments about the threat posed to Russia by NATO enlargement.


1.      1. Invading Poland, Lithuania, or another NATO country is ‘absolutely out of the question.’

2.      If the U.S. wants the war to end, ‘it has to stop supplying arms [to Ukraine]. It would be over in a few weeks.’

Carlson asked the Russian president if he had considered talking directly with U.S. President Joe Biden to seek a deal to end the war in Ukraine.

Putin was emphatic in assuring that there is contact between some Russian and U.S. agencies but that ‘there is nothing to talk about’ as long as the U.S. continues to send weapons to Ukraine, a policy he called a ‘strategic mistake.’ ‘I'll tell you really what we are wanting to make the U.S. leadership understand: if you really want to stop fighting, you have to stop supplying weapons. It would be over in a few weeks,’ he said.

3.      ‘They cannot inflict a strategic defeat on Russia.’

The Russian leader referred to the arms development he has promoted in Russia.

4.      ‘Ukraine is an artificial state that was shaped at Stalin’s will.’

5.      ‘An agreement can be reached’ for the release of U.S. journalist jailed in Russia.

6.      ‘The U.S. promised no NATO expansion, yet it has happened five times.’

Already, when referring to the interviewee and the interviewer, the main objective of the interview becomes clear, which according to all indications is to deactivate one of the flags of the Democratic Party and its possible candidate Biden.

Biden's electoral tactics, appealing to the imperialist chauvinism of the voters, presenting the military “aid,” etc. to Zelensky as a question of vital security for US and world interests. Presenting himself as the standard-bearer against the danger of a Putin who after advancing on Ukraine is ready to advance on Europe threatening the sole imperialist superpower status of Yankee imperialism... That is the official version of the Yankee imperialist government and its German, British, etc. counterparts. According to it, Ukraine would be only its first step and then it would advance on Poland and the Baltic countries. In the official propaganda in Germany, it is stated that, if Putin or Russia is allowed to impose itself on Ukraine, it would be similar to the Treaty of Munich of 1938, where England and other powers agreed to cede to Hitler the Sudetenland region, which is where it all began.

Chancellor Scholz has traveled to Washington to meet with Biden to strengthen his position on the “Ukraine and Israel aid package” and to try to intercede with Republican senators who have rejected it.

Scholz presents himself as representing the European ally who pretends to speak on behalf of the other European countries threatened by Putin's “offensive.” The letter he carries is that Germany, or rather its government, gives great "help" to Ukraine but that it cannot be compared to the size of U.S. “help,” that in case this does not take place Germany will redouble its efforts but will not be able to replace the U.S.

An interesting fact about this disinterested German “aid” to Ukraine is that this year the armament enterprises of the monopolies of German financial capital have increased enormously.

The electoral tactic of Donald Trump and the Republican Party, which also like every imperialist appeals to the chauvinist sentiment in the electorate, is to show Putin, as he has presented himself in the interview, who is only interested in Ukraine as a historical part of Russia, in a defensive attitude towards the American policy towards that country and the Maidan coup, etc.

This interview takes place against the backdrop of the staging in the Senate of the Yankee aid package to Ukraine and Israel linked to the approval of anti-immigration measures on the border with Mexico, all of this as part of the electoral dispute on the horizon.

In the key points highlighted by the BBC and in the NYT, it is clear: To better understand the situation it is necessary to take into account that either with the current U.S. president, Biden, with a new term, or with his successor, in this case it could be Trump, that on the one hand, and on the other with Putin or any other who replaces him, on the side of Russian imperialism, this inter-imperialist contradiction develops in collusion and struggle and when they are in conditions they will resolve it by means of imperialist war between the two or by means of imperialist world war. The spoils are the oppressed nations, in this case Ukraine. In this condition this oppressed country is a bargaining chip in the imperialist collusion and struggle. Its future as a nation depends only on the struggle of the proletariat and the Ukrainian nation to carry to the end the national resistance and with the Communist Party leading to liberate the country and move on to develop the revolution with people's war to counteract and establish socialism again in that country.

Both Yankee imperialism, the fat dog, and Russian imperialism, all the more so because it is the skinny dog, are interested in a “strategic stability agreement.” Whether it is with Biden or with Trump their greater collusion for greater pugnacity, because the pugnacity is absolute and the collusion relative, they require a settlement of between the two on the “Ukrainian question.” Of course, as can be seen from the interview, the little hand that Putin intends to give in the US elections to Trump, shows his preference for the general agreement between the two countries to be with a new administration of US imperialism, which would not give him concessions in general but in details; in addition, it would allow him to save Putin's face as a great ruler and political and military strategist. Already for some months it has been said that Ukraine will not be able to recover the 20% of its territory occupied by Russia, that this would require an endless war, which neither of them will be able to win. Various comments and rumors in this regard seem to strengthen the way out of a “peaceful” settlement of the war, which in any case would be a U.S.-Russian agreement.

The news of the change of the military supreme command was released with what the newspaper considers the key to the interview to be Putin's statement that he asked the U.S. for an agreement to end the war in exchange for Ukrainian territory, let's read:

Zelensky removed his top general

Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, replaced his top general as part of a sweeping military shake-up.


The dismissal ended weeks of speculation about the fate of the commander, Gen. Valery Zaluzhny, whose relationship with Zelensky deteriorated as Ukraine failed to make a breakthrough in its counteroffensive last summer and fall.


Opposition figures in Kyiv have charged that Zelensky’s decision to remove Zaluzhny was motivated by political concerns. Zelensky sought to deflect that criticism yesterday, framing his decision as part of an overhaul of a system in need of rethinking, and not a personal dispute.

Russia news: In a two-hour interview with Tucker Carlson, the former Fox News host, Vladimir Putin, president of Russia, called on the U.S. to ‘make an agreement’ to cede Ukrainian territory to Russia in order to end the war.” (The New York Times, Morning Briefing, today).

The contradiction between the Yankee and Russian imperialists is developing in the midst of conflict and collusion, they are fighting for their irreconcilable interests, Yankee imperialism to maintain its world hegemony and Russian imperialism based on its strategic weapons comparable to those of the Yankees, seeking to preserve the positions to which it has been reduced, trying not to close the fence, to try to recover in the coming decades to become a world superpower again; and, both collude against third parties, other imperialist countries and, mainly, against the peoples of the world. Currently, especially to isolate social-imperialist China, to apply its policy of containing China in the South Pacific, and in the Greater Middle East to isolate Iran from Russia and to “normalize” the relations of the Zionist State of Israel with its Arab neighbors, imposing its “two-state” solution on the Palestinian people, this is at least the dream of “Pax Americana” for the region. But that will only demand more wars and more resistance from the peoples of the region.

Yankee imperialism, as the sole imperialist superpower, is guided by these principles in order to maintain its hegemony:

“The primary interest of the United States must be to help ensure that no single power gains control over this geopolitically important area and that the world community has unimpeded economic and financial access here.

The United States is the sole superpower in the world today, and Eurasia is center stage. Therefore, the question of how power is distributed on the Eurasian continent will be of vital importance to global supremacy and the historical legacy of the United States.

the three most important imperatives are imperial geostrategy: to avoid collusion among vassals and preserve their dependence on security, to keep tributary states docile and to protect them to ensure that ‘barbarian peoples do not unite.’

Given the climate of people on the political horizon in Europe and Asia, any successful U.S. policy must focus on Eurasia as a whole and be guided by a geostrategic plan. (...) This requires a high degree of tactics and manipulation, or else an opposition coalition is formed that might ultimately challenge the primacy of the United States (...)” (Zbigniew Brzezinski writes in The One World Power, American Strategy for World Dominance).

In this situation: The people's war shows to the proletariat and the peoples of the world the only true revolutionary way out of the current world crisis, to the broad and deep masses that are mobilizing, displaying great activity and an explosiveness accumulated by decades of increased exploitation of the world. The masses cry out, they demand from the communists to lead them on the road of the people's war to make the democratic revolution, the socialist revolution and in the future the cultural revolutions, to confront the imperialist wars of aggression, to confront the imperialist war, to confront the imperialist world war if it occurs, confronting and crushing revisionism as the main danger.

Translated by the comrades of RedLibrary