The peoples of the world protest the murder of Haniyeh
Featured image: mass demonstration in Sanaa honoring Ismail Haniyeh and protesting his murder. Source: Omnatpress
The genocidal operations by the State of Israel continue in Palestine. At the Gaza Strip the death-toll is 39,550 murdered Palestinians and additionally 91,280 wounded. There are more murders in the West Bank, as yesterday five Palestinians were murdered in Tulkarem, where the Palestinian resistance struggles everyday against the Israeli occupiers. The death toll there is 595 murdered people, 5,400 wounded and about 9,890 detained. Meanwhile the Israeli media affirmed that at least 10,000 Israeli soldiers have been eliminated or wounded in the Gaza Strip.
The Israeli aggressions have expanded to the whole Middle East, as can be seen in the bombardment of Beirut where a Hezbollah leader has been murdered, Fouad Shukr. The assassination which caused more effect and unleashed huge protests and international solidarity by the peoples of the world has been the murder of the political leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh. The Israeli aggression, planed by Yankee imperialism had as a consequence a new wave of solidarity with Palestine which provoked dozens of mass mobilizations which join many other previous actions during the last weeks. Numerous organizations from the Middle East have condemned the murder and reaffirmed their spirit of struggle against Israel and Yankee imperialism.
In Palestine itself, numerous organizations met quickly, and called for demonstrations around the world, and there have been also big demonstrations in many cities of the West Bank:
Even a general strike has been called as a part of the protests.
In Middle East huge demonstrations which gathered millions of people honoring Ismail Haniyeh and condemning his murder, such as in Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon, has been carried out:
Lackeys governments such as the one from Jordan have repressed these demonstrations. In this country the mobilization gathered before the Israeli embassy at the capital, Amman:
In the capital of Iran, Tehran, millions of people took the streets against the murder committed by Israel:
In Yemen millions of people also took the streets and shouted that “Israel unavoidably will perish” in Sanaa:
As well as they have done it in another important city, Marib:
In Bahrain hundreds of people joined the weekly pro-Palestinian demonstration and carried portraits of Ismail Haniyeh:
In Morocco, thousands have joined mobilizations to denounce the murder of Haniyeh and demand the end of the aggression in the Gaz Strip.
In Mogadishu, Somalia, there have been also rallies and marches to protest the murder of Haniyeh, gathering thousands of attendants:
Protesters have also taken the streets in Jakarta, capital of Indonesia.
In Istanbul, Turkey, thousands of pro-Palestinian youths held a demonstration before the Israeli General Consulate to protest the murder of Haniyeh, as well there have been many other marches:
At the Batman province, the demonstrators assaulted locals of Starbucks and Burger King due to their role as branches which support the State of Israel:
In Gaziantep there have been also massive marches:
In Tunis the people also took the streets:
In Zurich, Switzerland, the Palestine Solidarity Committee made a demonstration against the massacres committed by Israel and denounced the Swiss participation in the genocide with funds and weapons. Partizan participated at the demonstration.

In Dortmund, Germany a demonstration was made with the slogan “Freedom for Palestine”, called for Roter Bund (Red League) of Northern Rhine – Westphalia. More than 200 people participated and several spontaneous people on the streets joined the march. Several organizations attended the demonstrations such as Palestine Open Meeting from Bochum, Revolutionary Youths, as well other Palestinian solidarity organizations from Cologne and Munster. The police harassed the demonstration from the beginning and the protesters bravely responded, and they exchanged the head banner by another which defended freedom of expression.

In Norway several activities have been done last week:
In Trondheim a march in solidarity with Gaza was held.

In Kristiansand the Kampkomiteen participated in a demonstration in solidarity with Palestine.

In Helsinki, Finland, on 20th of July a demonstration by bike was organized with 100 attendants in solidarity with the people of Palestine. The city center was crossed. On 23rd of July another march was organized and the complicity of the European Union with the perpetrated genocide in Gaza was exposed.

In Ireland, on 2nd of August, Anti Imperialist Action along with Saoirse don Phalaistín and Action for Palestine carried out a march with a vigil in Dublin, for the murdered by the State of Israel, Ismail Haniyeh from Hamas, and Fouad Shukr from Hezbollah:
In London, England, a huge march in support to Palestine and against the support of Yankee imperialism and British imperialism to the genocide perpetrated by the State of Israel has been made:
In Seoul, South Korea there have been marches protesting the murder of Ismail Haniyeh:
In France, many actions have been made during last week to support the Palestinian struggle:
On the last weeks in Montpellier many posters have been put up and many graffiti made:
In Saint-Denis banners to support Palestine and Georges Abdallah have been hanged up: