We hereby publish an unofficial translation of the last Editorial published by A Nova Democracia.

The maneuver of Yankee imperialism, manipulating its lackeys in Latin America, including those of the false left such as the shameless Boric (Chile), while pressuring the hesitant Luiz Inácio (Brazil), Petro (Colombia) and Arce (Bolivia), in the new crusade against the Venezuelan government, now due to the results of the presidential elections, is unacceptable interventionism and interference in the internal issues of the Venezuelan State and people. The duty of all progressives, democrats and revolutionaries is to reject this aggression by raising their voices chanting Yankees, Go Home! and Get Your Claws of Latin America! After all, this is an attempt, in the form of interventionism and interference, to grab Venezuela’s wealth, as its interests there are being contradicted by the growing penetration of Chinese and Russian influence in the country.

The supposed democracy, exported to the world with the bayonets and tanks of the Yankee Marines since the so-called “Cold War”, has supposed just devastation to entire nations to satisfy the USA’s economic, political and military interests in its dispute with other imperialists for its imperialist hegemony over the world. Just in the 21st century history experienced the complete loot of nations thanks to Yankee “democracy”: Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, to name just a few, in which, after annihilating entire parts of their population by their genocidal and bloodthirsty troops, they triumphantly called for elections to legitimize the new government of lackeys, puppets, capitulators or traitors of the oppressed nation. They did it to ensure the new economic order of total submission to Yankee interests, being this closely supervised by imperialist troops. As well as in other countries, bourgeois democracy and universal suffrage are nothing more than puppets, manipulated day after day by military intelligence centers and the media monopolies, seeking to manipulate the perception of the masses, create factoids and alter the psychology of society. They also challenge certain political currents and candidates, openly or with rules that make any revolutionary and anti-imperialist project impossible to be successful. Finally, since workers do not have their own press apparatus capable of confronting the ones from the exploiting classes, the ruling classes absolutely manipulate in a evil way to guarantee their interests, under the guise of “legitimately elected governments”. This is bourgeois democracy: freedom to the ruling classes and their political representatives for the distribution of political Power; dictatorship, repression and coercion to the popular classes and their struggling organizations, a situation that becomes more evident the greater the stage of general crisis of the political regime and popular mobilization.

At the same time the opportunist electoral left in the government of the old State in Latin American countries show all its cunning. Or they join the purposes of Yankee imperialism, letting the “anti-imperialist” mask fall, or they distort, as does Mr. Luiz Inácio, who, according to journalists, admits to being “in a delicate situation” and he is about to condemn Maduro. This is the result of years defending the thesis of “democracy as an universal value”: after all, now that the Venezuelan government does not present the proves of the result of the elections, what is left for the false left? They are all forced to accept, in practice, imperialist interference in Venezuela and abandon their anti-imperialist rhetoric.

The Yankees promote their interference, on the one hand, by launching a strong international economic, political and diplomatic pressure against the Venezuelan regime, seeking to foment a division within the Armed Forces, where they for sure have a broad network of infiltrated agents working day and night; and on the other, in addition to the fifth column of reactionary parties, they have groups very well trained to foment disorder by pretending to be part of a civil discontent. Now, the Yankees do not intend to launch their own troops or launch a civil war to subvert the regime, as this would be an almost suicidal attitude, as there is a flammable anti-imperialist material throughout Latin America. However, with their interference, the imperialists increase the pressure to lead the Venezuelan government to capitulation. And, in this purpose, they count with the active collaboration of the false left.

Only the revolutionary anti-imperialist struggle can make true popular democracy, the new democracy, whether in Venezuela or in any other country oppressed by imperialism. A new type of State in which the exercise of political Power is done by the working masses in every corner through Popular Assemblies and their elected popular committees, in a staggered manner up to the revolutionary national government. This government guarantees free universal education and healthcare, a decent housing program, universal and free basic sanitation, electrification in all places, all supported by the general armament of the people; a government of the masses that imposes a new economy, with the right to land guaranteed for the peasantry and the elimination of exploitation by the development of new relations of production based on increasing cooperation, an end to imperialist theft and plunder of national wealth and confiscation the monopolies of the ruling classes and the use of this capital in the development of an industrial and technological economy, self-centered and self-sufficient; the promotion of a new national, scientific and mass culture for the full social and spiritual development of workers, especially in the countryside, where the predominance of latifundium for centuries left severe marks of backwardness. This has to be done in Venezuela – which concentration of land is the third largest in Latin America, much higher than in Brazil –, an achievement that cannot be expected from Nicolás Maduro, who heads his regime and supports the land monopoly, industrial monopolies and the top leadership of the Armed Forces, masters who control the government itself. Only the revolutionary proletariat, in alliance with the poor peasantry, mainly in the struggle for land by the Agrarian Revolution and against imperialist domination and its internal allies, can achieve true popular democracy, the new democracy.