Monday, March 10, 2025

CURRENT SITUATION: NOTES ON THE WORLD CRISIS (39. Russian imperialism's war of aggression against Ukraine I)




On February 26, 2025, three years have passed since the current war of aggression by Russian imperialism against Ukraine (main contradiction).


In relation to the above, the latest events in the international arena show that:

- Yankee imperialism and Russian imperialism are colluding in this hot zone of Eastern Europe, Ukraine. This course began during the Biden government and, currently with the Donald Trump government, is taking an open form and is beginning to develop as the main one in USA-Russia relations, but as the struggle is absolute, it will manifest itself again at any time and place (third contradiction, inter-imperialist, which has three levels *).

- Only the USA and Russia are sitting at the “negotiating table” on Ukraine, none of the European powers are participating, and neither is Ukraine.

- The forces of the national resistance in Ukraine face the danger of capitulation; they must ward off the danger of capitulation by Zelensky and his gang of traitors who are submitting to the blackmail of their master, the American superpower, and follow the advice of the “Western” imperialists.

- The president of the oppressed country, the American lackey Zelensky, is capitulating to the pressure of the American master. This lackey was humiliatingly expelled from the White House by Donald Trump when he tried to discuss the conditions of the USA-Russia negotiations for a “ceasefire” and subsequent “peace agreement” (conditions of capitulation for the Ukrainian nation to the Russian imperialist aggressor and the partition of the country).

- Not even three days had passed since Trump's international public humiliation of Zelensky, when at the Yankee congress, almost at the end of his speech, Trump gave an account of his submission to Trump's leadership and his conditions for the "negotiations."

- These events express two contradictions and three forces: the inter-imperialist contradiction on its three levels and the contradiction between oppressed nations, on the one hand, and, on the other, imperialist superpowers and imperialist powers, which is the main one and of great importance for the world revolution. The three forces are that of the sole hegemonic superpower, Yankee imperialism, that of the atomic superpower and other imperialist powers, and the third force is Ukraine (oppressed nation, the spoils in dispute).

- The main contradiction and revolution as the main trend in the world are combined, because the immense mass is in the oppressed nations; Those who focus on imperialism, on the imperialist world war, focus on the enemy, they do not focus on the power of the people, of the masses, that is why they do not understand that three worlds are delineated, even though they know very well that it was Chairman Mao who supported that thesis.


What is the key point?


It is Marxism-Leninism-Maoism because the problem is to have a just and correct ideological and political line, and there cannot be a just and correct political line if there is no just and correct ideology; that is why we believe that the key to everything is ideology: Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, mainly Maoism.

Secondly, to develop communist parties. Why? Because the masses are thirsty for revolution, the masses are ready and clamor for revolution; so the problem is not in them. This truth is shown to us by the development of the national war of resistance of the Ukrainian nation against the aggression of Russian imperialism.

We have to preach that this war of resistance, like in others, which are not yet people's wars, should not be subject to the baton of command of the superpower or imperialist powers because they manage it according to their interests, the need to fight with independence, self-determination and self-sustainability. Focus on the value of the masses, following the principle that the decisive factor in war is not weapons but man, which in the current situation means persisting in the war of national resistance against the invader by applying the guerrilla war of the broad popular masses, uniting all the forces that can be united on the internal and international front.

The problem is to transform this war of resistance against Russian imperialist aggression into a people's war.

The need to reconstitute the party of the proletariat. As we see in the development of this contradiction in Ukraine, what is missing is the proletarian leadership through its Communist Party.




The current war of imperialist aggression, which began on February 26, 2022, was presented by Putin and his Foreign Minister Larov as a “special operation”; as everything seems to indicate, thinking of a “blitzkrieg”, which would culminate with the capture of the capital kyiv, followed by the capitulation of the Ukrainian authorities and its armed forces in the face of the support or sympathy of the population with the invader. Seen in this way, the expected final result was the annexation of the country with the approval of the majority of the population of Ukraine, as had happened with the annexation of Crimea in 2014, and of its armed forces. In preparation for the invasion, on February 4, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin “recognized the independence of the self-proclaimed separatist republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in Donbas” and, on February 21, 2022, Putin himself presented his claim to annex the neighboring country, with the following words:

“Ukraine is not just a neighboring country for us. It is an inalienable part of our own history, culture and spiritual space.”

The current war of aggression is the continuation of the invasion and annexation of Crimea (2014) by the Russian Federation.


How to place this war historically?


We are still “in the historical period of the struggle against Yankee imperialism and the social-imperialism of the USSR”, as defined by Chairman Mao. A historical period of struggle that has undergone changes but has not yet ended; because, with the bankruptcy of Soviet revisionism and the dissolution of the USSR, it has undergone a change: the social-imperialist superpower entered into disintegration, its economic system was dismantled, giving way to 15 republics, the “Warsaw Pact” disappeared, its system of colonial and semi-colonial control entered into a new division, which continues to this day as proven by the war in Ukraine and the series of “frozen” conflicts throughout the space of what was the USSR. Although Russia has taken its place and remains an atomic superpower, in all other respects it has become a second-rate power. The first world has entered into a redefinition.


The main enemy is the USA, but Russia is the other atomic superpower. Russia is fighting tooth and nail to recover or maintain the countries that were under its control and that it considers strategic for its existence in order to seek to recover its status in the coming decades, countries that range from Eastern Europe to Central Asia and Syria, which implies Russia's presence in the Middle East and its projection towards Africa. The US with NATO and Germany, France, etc. with the EU. They expanded to Eastern Europe up to the limits of Russia.

To the above, it must be added that, by continuing this process, Russia and Iran have allowed Assad to fall from Syria on December 8, 2024. With this, Russia has lost direct access to the Mediterranean and its ability to directly influence that part of the Greater Middle East, as well as its direct communication with Africa. Iran has lost an important ally and has thus weakened itself in the region. The losses in Syria are a consequence of Russia's weakening due to the cost of the war in Ukraine, which Putin has used as a bargaining chip with the US to advance his collusion. The above observation implies a new change of forces between the US and Russia in the broad scenario referred to above in favor of the Yankee imperialists and, in turn, a change of forces in Europe between Russia and the imperialist powers of Germany, France and England in favor of Russia. Because the imperialist powers of Europe, at the moment, have to be waiting for what the US and Russia decide, according to the current state of forces, on their respective zones of influence. In an article by the Royal El Cano Institute of Spanish imperialism, the following conclusion is drawn regarding the above:


“A great power can fight on different fronts, but, as demonstrated by Moscow's abandonment of Armenia in its war with Azerbaijan in Nagorno Karabakh and the cessation of support for Assad, Russia is not one in this sense. Its influence in the post-Soviet space is weakening, as well as in the Middle East. Iran and Russia share the failure to protect Assad and Armenia, in the face of Azerbaijan and HTS, supported by Turkey” (Some consequences of the fall of the Syrian regime for Iran and Russia: Turkey, Mira Milosevich-Juaristi, 11 Dec 2024, El Cano…).


. To recap: the international order in this part of the world, Eurasia, which emerged from the Second World War, has been modified by the restoration of capitalism in the USSR, which went from being a great socialist country and center of the world revolution to being a social-imperialist country, becoming a social-imperialist superpower and began to dispute world hegemony with Yankee imperialism. Then, the social-imperialist USSR collapsed with the bankruptcy of revisionism, without a world war in between, as happened with the revisionism of the Second International.


Russia took its place in December 1992, the process that had begun did not stop but deepened in the rest of the decade, at the end of this decade, its process of disintegration was stopped and with Putin in command, since then and at the beginning of this century, imperialist Russia sought to recover and as part of this it seeks to maintain as its sphere of influence what it has not yet lost and to recover what was lost in the so-called “ex-Soviet space.” The dispute over the division of the semi-colonies that were part of this colonial system is thus becoming more acute. Since the beginning of the 1990s, the sometimes peaceful, sometimes violent events in this part of the world are part of the sharp imperialist struggle for the oppressed countries that were once part of the colonial system of the social-imperialist USSR.


In the sharp imperialist struggle, referred to above, the two contradictions are expressed: the main one oppressed nations-imperialism and the inter-imperialist one. It is not as claimed that the current liberal international order is being revised, etc. The “reunification” of Germany is another modification or revision of the international order in Europe that emerged after the Second World War.


Map. NATO's expansion to the East




In February 1992, less than two months after the dissolution of the USSR, the main US strategic document, the Defense Planning Guidance, under the aegis of Paul Wolfowitz, identified the key to US sole world domination: “preventing the emergence of a new rival,” particularly in the Eurasian space. The United States should “prevent the emergence of exclusively European security arrangements that weaken NATO,” it said. Such arrangements would have led inexorably to the union of Russia’s scientific and energy potential with Germany’s technological, capital and financial resources, i.e. the European Union. Preventing such a union has been a well-documented and announced objective of US policy in Europe.


(Note 29: Among many others, George Friedman, the director of one of the main think tanks in the United States, Stratfor, recalled this in 2015 at a conference in Chicago. Friedman, G. (June 15, 2015). STRATFOR: US-Hauptziel war es immer, Bündnis Deutschland + Russland zu verhindern [Video]. Accessible at: See also: Poch-de-Feliu, R. (2003). La colapso optimismo del orden europeo. In: La Gran Transición. Rusia 1985-2002. Barcelona: Critica (reissued in 2022); and Sarotte, M. E. (2021). Not one inch.mAmerica, Russia and the Making of Post-Cold War Stalemate. New Haven: Yale University Press.)


Much earlier, in 1997, some US strategists, such as Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Adviser, went much further and contemplated the project of turning Russia into a “vaguely confederate entity of a European Russia, a Siberian Republic and a Far Eastern Republic.”

(Note 30: Brzezinski said: “The main geostrategic goal of the United States in Europe is to consolidate the American bridgehead on the Eurasian continent.” See: Brzezinski, Z.

(1997). The Grand Chessboard. American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives. New York: Basic Books. [The Spanish translation: Brzezinski, Z. (1999). The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives. Madrid: Taurus].


We have recently cited, from the same book by Brzezinski, the strategic guidelines that Yankee imperialism applies in its efforts to maintain its world hegemony, on which Trump, as head of Yankee imperialism, bases his foreign policy guidelines, which are:


“The main interest of the United States must be to help ensure that no individual power obtains control over (Eurasia) this area of geopolitical importance and that the world community has unhindered economic and financial access here


The United States is the only superpower in the world today, and Eurasia is the central stage. Therefore, the question of how power is distributed on the Eurasian continent will be of vital importance for global supremacy and the historical legacy of the United States


The three most important imperatives are imperial geostrategy: avoiding collusion between vassals and preserving their dependence for security, keeping tributary states docile and protecting them to ensure that “barbarian peoples do not unite”


Given the climate of people on the political horizon of Europe and Asia, any successful American policy must focus on Eurasia as a whole and be guided by a geostrategic plan. (...) This requires a high degree of tactics and manipulation so that an opposition coalition does not form that could ultimately call into question the primacy of the United States (...)”.


We will continue in the following days with the subject of the title……………..