Criminalization of Political Dissent in France
We hereby share an unofficial translation of a statement published by the National Bureau of the Ligue de la Jeunesse Révolutionnaire (LJR) and Jeunes Révolutionnaires (JR) regarding a new case of repression against supporters of the Palestinian cause.
A pro-Palestinian activist was arrested today in Paris and taken into custody. What was their crime? Publicly opposing the genocide of the Palestinian people and expressing support for the Palestinian resistance forces.
The French imperialist State continues and reinforces its policy of criminalizing solidarity with Palestine and controlling all dissenting voices in France. Following the dismissal of Timothée Esprit, a trade unionist who dared to take a stand in favor of Palestine, the imprisonment of Elyas Dimzalene, and the police and judicial harassment of dozens of activists who have dared to contradict the imperialist Zionist propaganda since October 7, we must once again unite and struggle for our most basic democratic rights. Activists, intellectuals, and ordinary people are targeted only because they denounce the hypocrisy of official propaganda and refuse to submit to a dictatorship that criminalizes support to oppressed peoples. We are witnessing an undeniable political backlash in France, where any opposition to Zionism is equated with a crime.
The unconditional support of the French State for Israel’s genocidal Zionism is the result of a deliberate policy aimed at reinforcing its economic interests, carving out a place in the imperialist division of the world, and for this, it is essential for the government to silence any criticism of colonialism and imperialism. Today, the repression against those who dare to denounce Israeli war crimes compels all sincere democrats to show their solidarity with those of us whom the state attacks to terrorize us.
In the face of this authoritarian drift, it is imperative to fight to reclaim our fundamental democratic rights. Freedom of expression, the right to dissent, and international solidarity are non-negotiable. We can only rely on the People to prevent France from sinking into a fascist regime where activists are persecuted for their just and legitimate commitments.
We call for massive mobilization to demand the immediate release of our comrade and an end to the persecutions against him. We reaffirm our unwavering solidarity with the Palestinian people and with all those, in France and elsewhere, who fight for truth and justice.
The State’s watchdogs may surround themselves with all the fascists in the country, but the people will never relinquish the democratic rights they have won through struggle. As proof, hundreds of voices rise every week during various actions to reiterate the warm support that all of us, revolutionaries, anti-imperialists, and pro-democrats, provide to the glorious resistance of the Palestinian people. Every time one of ours is imprisoned, let us be hundreds, thousands, demanding their release! Because only the people can stop the runaway wheel of reaction.
Opposing the genocide of the Palestinian people is not a crime!
Funding and supporting this genocide, as the French state does, is a crime against humanity!
Resistance is legitimate, and we will support it at all costs!
National Bureau of the Ligue de la Jeunesse Révolutionnaire and of Jeunes Révolutionnaires