Friday, March 21, 2025

Peru People’s Movement: The principles of the Commune are eternal and cannot be destroyed


Workers of all countries, unite!


The principles of the Commune are eternal

and cannot be destroyed


The Paris Commune of 1871, the first known experiment in history in the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat. The revolutionary government of the working class formed by the proletarian revolution in Paris. It existed for 72 days, from March 18 to May 28, 1871.


In 1960, on the eve of the 90th anniversary of the birth of the great Lenin, the Communist Party of China, under the leadership of Chairman Mao, published LONG LIVE LENINISM!, a document of great historical importance in the struggle against Khrushchev's revisionism. It reaffirms the historical significance of the Paris Commune in the following terms:


“April 22 of this year marks the 90th anniversary of the birth of V. I. Lenin.


One year after Lenin's birth, that is, in 1871, the heroic uprising of the Paris Commune erupted. The Paris Commune was a great revolution that opened a new era; it was the first attempt of global significance by the proletariat to overthrow the capitalist regime. When the Paris Commune, as a consequence of the counterrevolutionary attack from Versailles, was close to defeat, Karl Marx said:


"If the Commune is defeated, it will only postpone the struggle. The principles of the Commune are eternal and cannot be destroyed; they will manifest themselves again and again until the working class achieves liberation." [* Speech by Karl Marx on the Paris Commune.]


What are the most important principles of the Commune?


According to Marx, these are the following: the working class cannot simply seize the existing state machinery and use it for its own purposes. In other words, the proletariat must resort to revolutionary means to seize power, destroy the military and bureaucratic apparatus of the bourgeoisie, and establish the dictatorship of the proletariat in place of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.


All those familiar with the history of the proletariat's struggle know that this very fundamental question marks the dividing line between Marxists and opportunists and revisionists.

After the deaths of Karl Marx and Wilhelm Engels, it was V.I. Lenin who, defending the principles of the Commune, waged a completely irreconcilable struggle against the opportunists and revisionists.


The cause in which the Paris Commune had failed was finally crowned with victory 46 years later as a result of the great October Revolution under Lenin's immediate leadership. The experience of the Russian Soviets was the continuation and development of the experience of the Paris Commune. The principles of the Commune, expounded more than once by Karl Marx and Wilhelm Engels and enriched by Lenin with the new experience of the revolution in Russia, became a reality for the first time in one-sixth of the globe. Marx pointed out with absolute accuracy: The principles of the Commune are eternal and cannot be destroyed.”




Chairman Gonzalo, starting from the great truth established by Marx about the historical significance of the Commune, draws lessons and sees the path of how the class advances:


What we have to see is how the power of the dictatorship of the proletariat is established and advances, and these are undeniable advances: 1871, the Commune, ephemeral, but a Commune, a new power, the dictatorship of the proletariat realized for the first time on Earth; 1905, the Soviets; 1917, 1949, 1966. These are steps in the development of the power of the proletariat toward the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat, an establishment that cannot be called definitive. Why? Because, as has been established since Marx, reiterated by Lenin, by Chairman Mao, the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat is the beginning of extinction; if we don't think about that, we are not communists, that's why we can't say definitive establishment, its establishment for a long historical stretch until the definitive leap to communism occurs, then it will extinguish itself as masterfully established by Engels, that term is extraordinary, it extinguishes itself! This word is irreplaceable, no other can be used.


So we must learn lessons and instead see the path of how the class advances toward its establishment, how the dictatorship of the proletariat advances toward its establishment, how the vanguard of the proletariat advances in leading the revolution throughout the world—that's what we must think about. So much for jeremiads! The law of restoration-counter-restoration, that's what it is, is not visible, and we don't see the steps taken or the advance of the class. What do these jeremiads express? Historical pessimism! Where is the firmness of the class, where is the incontrovertible historical course toward communism? Who is going to stop it? No one! We see, it's extraordinary.


Just as no class in the world was able to seize power all at once, but rather through a process of restorations and counter-restorations, when the proletariat seizes power and establishes its dictatorship, the bourgeoisie's efforts to restore capitalism are intensified, and a historical process of struggle begins between the proletariat seeking to maintain and defend its dictatorship and ward off capitalist restoration and the bourgeoisie seeking to regain power. This struggle between restoration and counter-restoration is an undeniable historical law until the dictatorship of the proletariat is definitively established.


In world history, when the feudal class was advanced in China, it took years to definitively crush the restoration of slavery; when the bourgeoisie in the West fought against feudalism to crush attempts at restoration or the restoration of feudalism, it took 300 years to definitively establish itself in power; And, since this is a revolution in which the proletariat is definitively established in power, the struggle between restoration and counter-restoration is extremely sharp and bitter and will take approximately 200 years, beginning with the Paris Commune in 1871.


The experiences of the restoration in the USSR and China leave us with great lessons, both positive and negative; especially, we should highlight the gigantic steps forward in the creation of the new state and how the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution is the solution to stave off the restoration.


Long live the 154th Anniversary of the Paris Commune!


Peru People’s Movement

March, 2025