ICL – Ka Maria Malaya: Long live the Martyrs of the Party and the Revolution!
We hereby share a statement by the International Communist League (ICL) that we found published here.
Proletarians of all countries, unite!
On behalf of the International Communist League, we express our heartfelt condolences for the death of Comrade Maria Malaya, member of the Central Committee and Politburo of the Communist Party of the Philippines, leading cadre of the New People’s Army and heroine of the New Democratic Revolution. Comrade Malaya fell in battle on February 12 in Barangay Pianing, Butuan City while fighting against the counter-revolutionary army forces of the old Philippine state. We express our sincere condolences to the Party, the Central Committee, to all comrades of Malaya and her family on this heavy loss. We are certain that Ka Malaya’s blood will continue to pave the way of the Philippine revolution. Comrade Malaya’s example will be an inspiration for communists worldwide in the struggle for the Party and the revolution.
For almost half a century – from joining the party in 1977 until her last battle in 2025 – Ka Malaya served to build the proletarian Party and develop the new democratic revolution through the People’s War in the Philippines. Ka Malaya stood at the side of the oppressed and exploited, unleashing the revolutionary power of the poor and middle peasants, the minorities and the proletariat, whose ideology, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, became her lifelong guide. Comrade Malaya stood by the Party and the People’s War in the darkest hours of fascist terror, as well as at the great crossroads of Party history. As an important military leader of the Party, Ka Malaya also played an important role in the ideological struggle within the Party, and became one of the main pillars of the implementation of the Party’s second rectification campaign in 1992. This example teaches communists today that a leader, a cadre of the revolution, especially in the difficult hours, the zigzag of the revolution, is characterized by the ability to raise and lead the two-line-struggle strongly in service of the development of the party and the revolution.
Comrade Malaya was an exemplary military leader of the New People’s Army in Mindanao. We want to emphasize what the comrades of the Communist Party of the Philippines state about her merits: “She always ensured that the people’s war in the northeast region of Mindanao developed comprehensively, by combining the three elements of armed struggle, agrarian revolution and base building.” and “Ka Maria led and inspired the Red fighters and revolutionary forces to firmly link up with the masses, and rouse them to collectively rise up as one body.” As martyr in People‘s War, Comrade Malaya, stands in the ranks of the heroes of the People‘s Wars worldwide. The life of Maria Malaya is a source of inspiration and lessons for all those who are today engaged in the struggle against imperialism, warmongering and growing reaction, and developing the revolutionary forces of the people, which can only be led to victory by forging the three strategic instruments, the Party, the Army and the United Front.
Let us join the Communist Party of the Philippines and offer our orchids in memory of the communist leader Ka Malaya, and make her death a cry of struggle against imperialism, her martyrdom to a pledge to support and develop the people‘s wars and her memory an example of giving the life in service of the Proletarian World Revolution.
Long live Comrade Malaya, heroine of the Party and the People’s War!
Long live the Communist Party of the Philippines, the New People’s Army and the National Democratic Front! Long live the New Democratic Revolution in the Philippines!
Victory to the People’s War!
Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!
Long live the Proletarian World Revolution!
International Communist League,