Friday, September 20, 2024



EL DIARIO: Mr. President, let us now speak about international politics, with communism as your

goal. How do you see the conditions for world revolution, and what problems must communists resolve?

 CHAIRMAN GONZALO: We start from the premise that revolution is the main tendency and it continues to be so, what Chairman Mao affirmed continues to develop. We consider that after World War II there has been no stability, not even relative stability, the whole world has been shaken by great revolutionary storms; in waves, agreed, that is right, because it could not be any other way. We consider that there are three fundamental contradictions in this situation of perspective in which we are developing: the first and main contradiction, between oppressed nations, on the one hand, and imperialist superpowers and imperialist powers, on the other hand, -although it is redundant, we prefer to list them in this way so that it is clear-; such a contradiction is resolved through the democratic revolution through the people's war. A second fundamental contradiction is proletariat-bourgeoisie, this is resolved through socialist revolutions and proletarian cultural revolutions, also through the people's war, I repeat, considering the type of revolution and the specific conditions of each country. A third contradiction is the inter-imperialist one, between the superpowers, between the superpowers and imperialist powers, and between the imperialist powers themselves; These contradictions between them are resolved through aggressions, imperialist wars, and tend to define the hegemony of domination over the world through a Third World War. We put them in that order why? Because we consider that their importance lies in that order; we insist that the contradiction between oppressed nations, on the one hand, and, on the other, imperialist superpowers and imperialist powers is the main and of great importance for the world revolution; it has to do, in our opinion, with the weight of the masses in history; it is evident that the immense majority of the masses that populate the Earth live in oppressed nations; it is also evident that these grow four times faster than the populations that live in imperialist countries. If we apply the principle that the masses make history, if we take into account that World War II has put the masses on their feet politically (as even reactionary advisors from the U.S. recognize), we think that the inter-imperialist contradiction, by generating a world war, would be a new inter-imperialist war for world hegemony and to divide up the Earth; consequently, it is about dividing up the spoils and the spoils are the oppressed nations and therefore, they would have to occupy us in order to dominate us, and so again the main contradiction becomes oppressed nations on one side, and imperialist superpowers and imperialist powers on the other. We firmly believe in this and it is not because of a chauvinism of belonging, as some say, to oppressed countries or nations, it is not that; that is the tendency that is seen in history and that is the weight of the masses in history and the facts, moreover, have been demonstrating that where imperialism is sinking and undermining more and more is in the struggle that is being waged in the oppressed nations; these are irrefutable facts, therefore, we consider that this main contradiction is of great importance and will define the sweeping away of imperialism and reaction from the face of the Earth, as long as Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is put as the command and guide of the world revolution, that communist parties are developed on that ideology and that the people's war is assumed, once again, according to the type of revolution and the specific conditions. In this sense we think of the great importance of the main contradiction that we pose. There are those who do not believe this and think that deep down we do not believe in the revolution in the imperialist countries; we believe that these revolutions are a historical necessity and that the development of the main contradiction will give them better conditions, and that even a world war will give better conditions for them to make the revolution and it will be done because it is a necessity; in the end, the two great forces, the two great revolutions, must come together: the democratic revolution and the socialist revolution for the revolution to triumph in the world, otherwise imperialism and reaction could not be swept away from the entire globe. That is what we think. For us, the key point is posed: it is Marxism-Leninism-Maoism because the problem is to have a just and correct ideological and political line, and there cannot be a just and correct political line if there is no just and correct ideology; That is why we believe that the key to everything is ideology: Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, mainly Maoism. Secondly: developing communist parties. Why? Because the masses are thirsty for revolution, the masses are ready and they cry out for revolution; so the problem is not with them, the proletariat cries out for revolution, the oppressed nations, the peoples of the world cry out for revolution, so we need to develop communist parties. The rest, I repeat, is done by the masses who are the ones who make history and will sweep away imperialism and world reaction with people's war.