Tuesday, September 10, 2024

On October 7, Georges Abdallah must be released!


October 1984 – October 2024 : 40 years in prison, enough !
On October 7, Georges Abdallah must be released!

October 7th! The news is official : on October 7, 2024, the court of enforcement will hold a hearing in Lannemezan to rule on the application for parole expulsion filed more than a year ago by Georges Abdallah’s lawyer.

October 1984 - October 2024 : this decisive audience will mark, almost to the day, the 40 years of detention in France of our comrade.

October 1984 - October 2024 : we expect this hearing to lead to the decision to release Georges Abdallah, this exceptional prisoner, the oldest political prisoner in France and probably in Europe.

October 1984 - October 2024 : 40 years of detention after a conviction following an iniquitous political-police montage and a first lawyer betraying his client by working for the secret services, 40 years of detention despite the end of his minimum sentence 25 years ago, 40 years of detention while twice his requests for release were accepted at first instance... then rejected on appeal from the public prosecutor’s office acting on orders from above !

On October 7, Georges Abdallah must be released ! He who has had to face from the beginning the measures and exceptional laws aggravating the norms of the "rule of law" (special court of assizes, preventive detention...).

On October 7, Georges Abdallah must be released ! He whose perpetual detention has been denounced by many institutions and even former senior officials of the country.

On October 7, Georges Abdallah must be released ! He who has already filed nine requests for release. The last, dating back to 2012, having been accepted... under the condition of a signature by the Minister of Home Affairs of a deportation order, which M. Valls (like his successors) refused to sign. This miscarriage of justice was commented in 2022 by the public rapporteur of the administrative court :

“Such a solution [the rejection of the request filed by Georges Abdallah’s lawyer] is hardly satisfactory, but no other solution seems conceivable to us in the legal framework. It is to be hoped that the situation of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah can evolve in other ways.” [...] “It is quite obvious that the continued detention of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, for almost thirty-eight years, obeys to considerations of an extra-judicial nature and which escapes you.”

On October 7, Georges Abdallah must be released ! He who has thus constantly been the object of pressure from political power, as when a justice minister, J.-J. Urvoas, allowed himself to announce that "true life sentence" applies to Georges Abdallah. He who has also been subject to pressure from the highest authorities in the United States, demanding that the French government find a way to keep Georges Abdallah in prison.

On October 7, Georges Abdallah must be released ! He, whose country, Lebanon, has long officially demanded his return.

On October 7, Georges Abdallah must be released ! We, the petitioners of this text, proclaim and demand it and will not stop chanting, writing, displaying and demonstrating it during a new and powerful month of protest until this date of October 7.

This power struggle, a decisive issue for the release of our comrade, we have built for many years. We are now thousands and thousands, in France and around the world, to organize ourselves, in various forms and respecting our differences, to achieve our only purpose : freeing Georges Abdallah.

As our comrade says, “Victory or victory!” That is why we will not give up anything until this victory, and this by fully respecting the political identity of Georges Abdallah, a Lebanese revolutionary militant, communist, fighter of the liberation struggle of the Palestinian people. The one who will be freed is indeed a symbol of resistance to oppression, which has never denied himself throughout these 40 years behind walls. But it is in this lifelong struggle that we also recognize the essential internationalist solidarity with the struggles of the people for their liberation and their legitimate right to free themselves from exploitation and domination.

In the final stretch of this new legal offensive launched by Georges Abdallah, all of us, petitioners of this text, commit ourselves to support his initiative by making it resonate wherever we are, until the holding of this hearing on October 7 - and if it is necessary even after, especially on October 26 where a new national demonstration will take place in Lannemezan - to increase the pressure on the French state and finally succeed in making it bend.

Thus, let us increase the pressure to win even more, bearing in mind what Georges Abdallah said to us in 2022: “The various initiatives you have developed in this international campaign over the past month provide a stark negation of those who were counting on the lack of momentum in your mobilization.”

Let a thousand initiatives therefore flourish from September 7 to October 7, 2024 for this international month of coordinated actions, everywhere in France, on the streets and in the neighborhoods, in the universities and up to the Assembly, on the walls and in the media, and abroad in front of French embassies and consulates.

Let a thousand initiatives flourish to finally obtain Georges Abdallah’s freedom by making our solidarity cry heard: "Georges Abdallah, your comrades are here!"

40 years of imprisonment, a lifetime of struggle ! Freedom for Georges Abdallah !

On October 7, Georges Abdallah must be freed! On October 7, Georges Abdallah will be free !

Paris, 22 August 2024

United Campaign for the release of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah


Facebook : pour la libération de Georges Abdallah

Instagram : cuplgia – Tweeter : CUpLGIA

First petitioners

Organisations :

Campagne Unitaire pour la libération de Georges Abdallah

Collectif pour la Libération de Georges Ibrahim Abdallah (CLGIA)

Campagne nationale pour la libération de Georges Abdallah (Liban)

Le CRI Rouge pour la défense des prisonniers révolutionnaires

Comité d’actions et de soutien aux luttes du peuple marocain

Secours Rouge arabe

Ligue de la Jeunesse Révolutionnaire (LJR)

La Cause du Peuple

Jeunes Révolutionnaires (JR)

Le Comité de défense populaire de Tunisie

Plateforme Charleroi-Palestine

Parti révolutionnaire Communistes

Pôle de renaissance communiste en France (PRCF)

Front Uni des immigrations et des quartiers populaires (FUIQP)

Association Femmes Plurielles

Union Locale CGT d'Annecy& Environs

Association Nationale des Communistes (ANC France)

Urgence Palestine Marseille

Association France Palestine Solidarité 63 (AFPS 63)

Poitiers Palestine

Agir contre le colonialisme aujourd'hui


Parti Communiste Arabe


Collectif 74 pour la Libération de Georges Abdallah (CLGA74)

Corsica Palestina

Parti Marxiste-Léniniste Italie (PMLI)

Confédération Nationale du Travail française (CNT-F)

OCML Voie Prolétarienne

Collectif "Bassin minier" pour la libération de Georges Ibrahim Abdallah (62)

Corriente del Pueblo Sol Rojo (México)

Association Couserans-Palestine

Parti Communiste Révolutionnaire de France (PCRF)

Collectif Palestine Vaincra

Comité Action Palestine

Collectif 65 pour la Libération de Georges Abdallah (CLGA65)

Comité solidarité Georges Abdallah Lille

Collectif de soutien à la résistance palestinienne (CSRP59)

Ka Ubuntu

Solidarité Indonésie

International Solidarity Movement (ISM-France)

Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist)

Comité pour une Paix Juste au Proche-Orient (Luxembourg)

Nouvelle Epoque

Fédération Syndicale Etudiante (FSE national)

Anti-Imperialist Collective (Danemark)

Collectif ivryens pour la Palestine

Secours International

Secours rouge de Belgique

Association Per a Pace, Pour la Paix (Corse)

Urgence Palestine

Perspectives musulmanes

Comité Gaza United Saint-Etienne

Union 42 pour la Palestine

Union Française des Consommateurs Musulmans

Syndicat Etudiants Lycéens Apprentis 69 (SELA 69)

Comité pour la libération de Georges Abdallah 38

Comité Palestine Hérouville Caen

Action Antifasciste Vienne

Brigade Nice Garibaldi

Union Démocrate Musulmans de France

Union Communiste Libertaire

Thawra 13

Comité Palestine 31

Collectif 69 Palestine Villefranche

Cumitatu di Ricustruzzione di u Partitu Cumunistu (Corse)

Alba Granada North Africa (Tunisie)

Mouvement des jeunes communistes du Rhône

Netzwerk Freiheit für alle Politische Gefangenen Hamburg (Allemagne) - Réseau « Liberté pour tous les prisonniers politiques » Hambourg (Allemagne)

Collectif 69 de soutien au Peuple Palestinien

Libérons Georges 33

Secours rouge Montréal (Canada)

Union juive française pour la paix (UJFP)

Syndicat national lycéen

Front populaire révolutionnaire antifasciste - Clermont-Ferrand

Argenteuil Solidarité Palestine

Syndicat Etudiants Lycéens Apprentis 38 (SELA 38)

Centro Brasileiro de Solidariedade aos Povos – CEBRASPO (Brésil)

Action Antifasciste Paris Banlieue

Front Anti-impérialiste

Front populaire (Turquie)

CGT Energie Paris

UL CGT Paris 18e

Cercle Manouchian

Mar armado de masas

Samidoun Paris Banlieue

Parti des Travailleurs (Turquie)

Les Amis de la Palestine contre l’impérialisme et le sionisme (Turquie)

Soccorso Rosso Proletario (Italie)

Comité International de support à la guerre populaire en Inde (ICSPWI)

Proletari Comunisti (Italie)

Jeunesse Communiste 13

Comité Saint-Denis Palestine

CGT-Fédération Nationale des Industries Chimiques (CGT-FNIC)

Revue Teor ive Politika (Turquie)

La Fosse aux Lyons

Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste (NPA)

Comité révolutionnaire de Madrid (Espagne)

Comité révolutionnaire de Valence (Espagne)

Comité révolutionnaire d'Albacete (Espagne)

Collectif Vietnam-Dioxine

Collectif Secours Rouge Marseille

Rassemblement Organisé des Communistes Marxistes Léninistes (ROCML)

Personnalités, individus - Premiers signataires :

Houria Bouteldja - Youssef Boussoumah - Gabriel Casadesùs du Gers - Said Bouamama - René Naba (journaliste écrivain) - Nicole Sainz (syndicaliste) - Dominique Bathion (syndicaliste) - Alima Boumediene Thiery (avocate - Parlementaire honoraire) - Martine Roussel - Raymond Blet (avocat honoraire) - Abderrahim AFARKI, retraité - Saliha Ibersiene - Chris Den Hond (vidéo journaliste) - Yasmine Kavass - K. Murali (Ajith) - Amparo IBANEZ - Georges Franco (artiste peintre) - Jean-Pierre Métail - Alain Gresh (journaliste) - Marcel Bosonnet (avocat Suisse) - Violette Daguerre (psychologue) - Annick COUPE (syndicaliste et altermondialiste) - Carole Radureau - Viviane Baudry - Daniel Kupferstein - Alain Guiraudie (cinéaste) - Sylvie Pepin Lehalleur (France Insoumise Paimpol) - Marc Forestier (militant associatif Paris 13) - Jean-Pierre Maillard (ancien président de l'association Partenia 2000) – Joan Raiola (Paris) - Jacques Pepin Lehalleur (Professeur à la retraite - Caen) - Pierre FLAMENT (pacifiste, membre du Mouvement de la Paix) - Christian Champiré (ex-maire PCF de Grenay, ville qui a fait de Georges un "citoyen d'honneur" en 2012) - Patrice Lardeux (militant CGT) – Timothée EspritOctober 1984 – October 2024 : 40 years in prison, enough !

On October 7, Georges Abdallah must be released!

October 7th! The news is official : on October 7, 2024, the court of enforcement will hold a hearing in Lannemezan to rule on the application for parole expulsion filed more than a year ago by Georges Abdallah’s lawyer.

October 1984 - October 2024 : this decisive audience will mark, almost to the day, the 40 years of detention in France of our comrade.

October 1984 - October 2024 : we expect this hearing to lead to the decision to release Georges Abdallah, this exceptional prisoner, the oldest political prisoner in France and probably in Europe.

October 1984 - October 2024 : 40 years of detention after a conviction following an iniquitous political-police montage and a first lawyer betraying his client by working for the secret services, 40 years of detention despite the end of his minimum sentence 25 years ago, 40 years of detention while twice his requests for release were accepted at first instance... then rejected on appeal from the public prosecutor’s office acting on orders from above !

On October 7, Georges Abdallah must be released ! He who has had to face from the beginning the measures and exceptional laws aggravating the norms of the "rule of law" (special court of assizes, preventive detention...).

On October 7, Georges Abdallah must be released ! He whose perpetual detention has been denounced by many institutions and even former senior officials of the country.

On October 7, Georges Abdallah must be released ! He who has already filed nine requests for release. The last, dating back to 2012, having been accepted... under the condition of a signature by the Minister of Home Affairs of a deportation order, which M. Valls (like his successors) refused to sign. This miscarriage of justice was commented in 2022 by the public rapporteur of the administrative court :

“Such a solution [the rejection of the request filed by Georges Abdallah’s lawyer] is hardly satisfactory, but no other solution seems conceivable to us in the legal framework. It is to be hoped that the situation of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah can evolve in other ways.” [...] “It is quite obvious that the continued detention of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, for almost thirty-eight years, obeys to considerations of an extra-judicial nature and which escapes you.”

On October 7, Georges Abdallah must be released ! He who has thus constantly been the object of pressure from political power, as when a justice minister, J.-J. Urvoas, allowed himself to announce that "true life sentence" applies to Georges Abdallah. He who has also been subject to pressure from the highest authorities in the United States, demanding that the French government find a way to keep Georges Abdallah in prison.

On October 7, Georges Abdallah must be released ! He, whose country, Lebanon, has long officially demanded his return.

On October 7, Georges Abdallah must be released ! We, the petitioners of this text, proclaim and demand it and will not stop chanting, writing, displaying and demonstrating it during a new and powerful month of protest until this date of October 7.

This power struggle, a decisive issue for the release of our comrade, we have built for many years. We are now thousands and thousands, in France and around the world, to organize ourselves, in various forms and respecting our differences, to achieve our only purpose : freeing Georges Abdallah.

As our comrade says, “Victory or victory!” That is why we will not give up anything until this victory, and this by fully respecting the political identity of Georges Abdallah, a Lebanese revolutionary militant, communist, fighter of the liberation struggle of the Palestinian people. The one who will be freed is indeed a symbol of resistance to oppression, which has never denied himself throughout these 40 years behind walls. But it is in this lifelong struggle that we also recognize the essential internationalist solidarity with the struggles of the people for their liberation and their legitimate right to free themselves from exploitation and domination.

In the final stretch of this new legal offensive launched by Georges Abdallah, all of us, petitioners of this text, commit ourselves to support his initiative by making it resonate wherever we are, until the holding of this hearing on October 7 - and if it is necessary even after, especially on October 26 where a new national demonstration will take place in Lannemezan - to increase the pressure on the French state and finally succeed in making it bend.

Thus, let us increase the pressure to win even more, bearing in mind what Georges Abdallah said to us in 2022: “The various initiatives you have developed in this international campaign over the past month provide a stark negation of those who were counting on the lack of momentum in your mobilization.”

Let a thousand initiatives therefore flourish from September 7 to October 7, 2024 for this international month of coordinated actions, everywhere in France, on the streets and in the neighborhoods, in the universities and up to the Assembly, on the walls and in the media, and abroad in front of French embassies and consulates.

Let a thousand initiatives flourish to finally obtain Georges Abdallah’s freedom by making our solidarity cry heard: "Georges Abdallah, your comrades are here!"

40 years of imprisonment, a lifetime of struggle ! Freedom for Georges Abdallah !

On October 7, Georges Abdallah must be freed! On October 7, Georges Abdallah will be free !

Paris, 22 August 2024

United Campaign for the release of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah


Facebook : pour la libération de Georges Abdallah

Instagram : cuplgia – Tweeter : CUpLGIA

First petitioners

Organisations :

Campagne Unitaire pour la libération de Georges Abdallah

Collectif pour la Libération de Georges Ibrahim Abdallah (CLGIA)

Campagne nationale pour la libération de Georges Abdallah (Liban)

Le CRI Rouge pour la défense des prisonniers révolutionnaires

Comité d’actions et de soutien aux luttes du peuple marocain

Secours Rouge arabe

Ligue de la Jeunesse Révolutionnaire (LJR)

La Cause du Peuple

Jeunes Révolutionnaires (JR)

Le Comité de défense populaire de Tunisie

Plateforme Charleroi-Palestine

Parti révolutionnaire Communistes

Pôle de renaissance communiste en France (PRCF)

Front Uni des immigrations et des quartiers populaires (FUIQP)

Association Femmes Plurielles

Union Locale CGT d'Annecy& Environs

Association Nationale des Communistes (ANC France)

Urgence Palestine Marseille

Association France Palestine Solidarité 63 (AFPS 63)

Poitiers Palestine

Agir contre le colonialisme aujourd'hui


Parti Communiste Arabe


Collectif 74 pour la Libération de Georges Abdallah (CLGA74)

Corsica Palestina

Parti Marxiste-Léniniste Italie (PMLI)

Confédération Nationale du Travail française (CNT-F)

OCML Voie Prolétarienne

Collectif "Bassin minier" pour la libération de Georges Ibrahim Abdallah (62)

Corriente del Pueblo Sol Rojo (México)

Association Couserans-Palestine

Parti Communiste Révolutionnaire de France (PCRF)

Collectif Palestine Vaincra

Comité Action Palestine

Collectif 65 pour la Libération de Georges Abdallah (CLGA65)

Comité solidarité Georges Abdallah Lille

Collectif de soutien à la résistance palestinienne (CSRP59)

Ka Ubuntu

Solidarité Indonésie

International Solidarity Movement (ISM-France)

Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist)

Comité pour une Paix Juste au Proche-Orient (Luxembourg)

Nouvelle Epoque

Fédération Syndicale Etudiante (FSE national)

Anti-Imperialist Collective (Danemark)

Collectif ivryens pour la Palestine

Secours International

Secours rouge de Belgique

Association Per a Pace, Pour la Paix (Corse)

Urgence Palestine

Perspectives musulmanes

Comité Gaza United Saint-Etienne

Union 42 pour la Palestine

Union Française des Consommateurs Musulmans

Syndicat Etudiants Lycéens Apprentis 69 (SELA 69)

Comité pour la libération de Georges Abdallah 38

Comité Palestine Hérouville Caen

Action Antifasciste Vienne

Brigade Nice Garibaldi

Union Démocrate Musulmans de France

Union Communiste Libertaire

Thawra 13

Comité Palestine 31

Collectif 69 Palestine Villefranche

Cumitatu di Ricustruzzione di u Partitu Cumunistu (Corse)

Alba Granada North Africa (Tunisie)

Mouvement des jeunes communistes du Rhône

Netzwerk Freiheit für alle Politische Gefangenen Hamburg (Allemagne) - Réseau « Liberté pour tous les prisonniers politiques » Hambourg (Allemagne)

Collectif 69 de soutien au Peuple Palestinien

Libérons Georges 33

Secours rouge Montréal (Canada)

Union juive française pour la paix (UJFP)

Syndicat national lycéen

Front populaire révolutionnaire antifasciste - Clermont-Ferrand

Argenteuil Solidarité Palestine

Syndicat Etudiants Lycéens Apprentis 38 (SELA 38)

Centro Brasileiro de Solidariedade aos Povos – CEBRASPO (Brésil)

Action Antifasciste Paris Banlieue

Front Anti-impérialiste

Front populaire (Turquie)

CGT Energie Paris

UL CGT Paris 18e

Cercle Manouchian

Mar armado de masas

Samidoun Paris Banlieue

Parti des Travailleurs (Turquie)

Les Amis de la Palestine contre l’impérialisme et le sionisme (Turquie)

Soccorso Rosso Proletario (Italie)

Comité International de support à la guerre populaire en Inde (ICSPWI)

Proletari Comunisti (Italie)

Jeunesse Communiste 13

Comité Saint-Denis Palestine

CGT-Fédération Nationale des Industries Chimiques (CGT-FNIC)

Revue Teor ive Politika (Turquie)

La Fosse aux Lyons

Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste (NPA)

Comité révolutionnaire de Madrid (Espagne)

Comité révolutionnaire de Valence (Espagne)

Comité révolutionnaire d'Albacete (Espagne)

Collectif Vietnam-Dioxine

Collectif Secours Rouge Marseille

Rassemblement Organisé des Communistes Marxistes Léninistes (ROCML)

Personnalités, individus - Premiers signataires :

Houria Bouteldja - Youssef Boussoumah - Gabriel Casadesùs du Gers - Said Bouamama - René Naba (journaliste écrivain) - Nicole Sainz (syndicaliste) - Dominique Bathion (syndicaliste) - Alima Boumediene Thiery (avocate - Parlementaire honoraire) - Martine Roussel - Raymond Blet (avocat honoraire) - Abderrahim AFARKI, retraité - Saliha Ibersiene - Chris Den Hond (vidéo journaliste) - Yasmine Kavass - K. Murali (Ajith) - Amparo IBANEZ - Georges Franco (artiste peintre) - Jean-Pierre Métail - Alain Gresh (journaliste) - Marcel Bosonnet (avocat Suisse) - Violette Daguerre (psychologue) - Annick COUPE (syndicaliste et altermondialiste) - Carole Radureau - Viviane Baudry - Daniel Kupferstein - Alain Guiraudie (cinéaste) - Sylvie Pepin Lehalleur (France Insoumise Paimpol) - Marc Forestier (militant associatif Paris 13) - Jean-Pierre Maillard (ancien président de l'association Partenia 2000) – Joan Raiola (Paris) - Jacques Pepin Lehalleur (Professeur à la retraite - Caen) - Pierre FLAMENT (pacifiste, membre du Mouvement de la Paix) - Christian Champiré (ex-maire PCF de Grenay, ville qui a fait de Georges un "citoyen d'honneur" en 2012) - Patrice Lardeux (militant CGT) – Timothée Esprit