Friday, September 27, 2024

PCP: The speech of our leadership is a weapon of war that shines victoriously and rises before the world

 Proletarians of all countries, unite!


Central Committee

Communist Party of Peru

"Without Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo thought cannot be conceived, because the latter is the creative application of the former to our reality. The key issue of this point is in the understanding of the historical process of the development of the ideology of the proletariat, of its three stages embodied in Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and of Maoism as the principal one; and essential, mainly, is its application of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism as a universal truth to the concrete conditions of the Peruvian revolution; hence Gonzalo thought is specifically principal for the Communist Party of Peru and the revolution that it leads."

"In the process of its development, every revolution, through the struggle of the proletariat as the ruling class and, above all, of the Communist Party that upholds its inalienable class interests, generates a group of leaders and mainly one who represents and directs it, a leader of recognized authority and influence; in our reality this has materialized, by historical necessity and chance, in Chairman Gonzalo, leader of the Party and of the revolution.

But, furthermore, and this is the foundation of every leadership, revolutions generate a guiding thought, the result of the application of the universal truth of the ideology of the international proletariat to the concrete conditions of each revolution; guiding thought that is indispensable for achieving victory and conquering power and, even more, for continuing the revolution and always maintaining the course toward the only great goal, communism; guiding thought that, having reached a qualitative leap of decisive importance for the revolutionary process that it directs, is identified with the name of the one who shaped it theoretically and practically. In our situation this phenomenon was first specified as a guiding thought, then as Chairman Gonzalo's guiding thought, and subsequently as Gonzalo thought; because it is the President who, by creatively applying Marxism-Leninism-Maoism to the concrete conditions of Peruvian reality, has generated it, thus providing the Party and the revolution with an indispensable weapon that is a guarantee of victory."

First Party Congress, (Fundamental Documents)

The Central Committee unconditionally reaffirming our dear and respected Chairman Gonzalo, Head of the Party and the Revolution, who with his all-powerful Gonzalo thought leads us to our goal, the ever-golden Communism, and also reaffirming in the First Party Congress a Marxist Congress, a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Congress, Gonzalo thought, as well as in our Base of Party Unity with its three elements, greets the Peruvian people, especially the masses of the Support Bases that heroically persist in defending the new Power with the People's War, all the masses inside and outside the country that have been serving the People's War, the Internationalist Revolutionary Movement, the revolutionary parties and organizations that support our heroic People's War understood as part of the World Revolution.

Chairman Gonzalo's speech shines powerfully and victorious before the world, arming the Party to overcome the bend with People's War by applying the agreements of the Third Plenum, a glorious Plenum, putting our forces under tension, because we defend the interests of the people, the principles of the Party, of the People's War, we do so and will continue to do so, raising our red flag to the top, which once raised should never be lowered.

The Party takes a firm position on what was established by our Leadership, which condemns and crushes those who think that we are experiencing a defeat, it is simply a bend in the path of the revolution, nothing more, what is appropriate is to persist and overcome the bend with People's War since without it there would be no place for the proletariat, for the people, for the Party and the revolution could not triumph. The Party, assuming its role as heroic combatant, has been firmly and resolutely applying Gonzalo thought to resolve new problems, crushing the campaigns of encirclement and annihilation within the low-intensity war that is being prepared by mainly Yankee imperialism, demolishing the creations of "pacification" that is a closed defense of this order of exploitation and oppression that is being vociferated by this pack of reactionary and revisionist imbeciles of all kinds to defend and sustain their daily pittance.

Chairman Gonzalo established: "...Finally now let us listen to this, as we see in the world, Maoism marches unstoppably to command the new wave of the world proletarian revolution. Let us understand it well and comprehend it! Those who have ears, use them, those who have understanding, and we all have it, handle it. Enough of nonsense, enough of darkness! Let us understand this! What is developing in the world? What do we need? We need Maoism to be incarnated, and it is doing so, and to start generating Communist Parties, to manage, to direct, this new great wave of the world proletarian revolution that is coming to us." "...Today the reality is one, the same contenders of the First and Second World Wars are generating, are preparing the new Third World War. We must know this and we as children of an oppressed country are part of the spoils. We cannot consent to this! Enough of imperialist exploitation! We must finish them off! We are from the third world and the third world is the third world." basis of the world proletarian revolution, with one condition, that the Communist Parties uphold and lead it. "This is what must be done!..."; to highlight the importance of oppressed nations that will be the base of the world proletarian revolution and the immediate need to generate Maoist Communist Parties that develop People's War in order to develop the new great wave of the world revolution as appropriate and impose Maoism as command and guide.

At a global level we face a sinister general counterrevolutionary offensive, commanded by mainly Yankee imperialism; reaction and revisionism want to sweep away everything that implies revolution, but this is and will be the main historical and political tendency. The rattle of false peace that Yankee imperialism shakes, seeks to lull the consciousness of the masses to impose its hegemony as the first world superpower at all costs. The peace it offers is the peace of the bayonets of the cemeteries, we must understand that there are four - SOCIALISM, DICTATORSHIP OF THE PROLETARIAT, PARTY AND MARXISM-LENINISM-MAOISM - that are They attack in a systematic, treacherous and sinister manner. Socialism is denied, the dictatorship of the proletariat is attacked, the need for the Party is denied and the obsolescence of Marxism is proclaimed.

To do this, let us start from what our leadership established in the Third Plenum:

On socialism: ".....Five five-year plans, twenty-five years, with a world war in which the USSR had 25 million dead and they had to apply scorched earth. The push and the conditions created in those times allowed a vigorous advance and development until the 60s, the herd of revisionists could not contain the continued expression of a powerful force, the strength, the vigor of the forms that the new system generates. The five-year plan from 61 to 65 gives importance to the economic bases, from 66 to 70 and from 71 to 75 are for economic bases. The first five-year plan gave priority to the development of heavy industry, Chairman Mao says: Stalin did not know how to handle the production system well, he tilted it and did not put it on its two feet: agriculture and industry. Despite the errors committed, the strength of the power of these new social relations created a complete revolution and certain bases of economic development that satisfied the needs of millions and made (...). What system did something similar? The United States? It had its umbilical cord in England, there were bourgeois, when they arrived in the USA there was no feudal base to hinder them. How many centuries did it take? A long journey, it is centuries, 350 years and we cannot separate it from England. In 30 years, could they make a country as big as the USSR? Have they been able to end hunger as in China? Who can boast? Nobody...". So what there was in the USSR was the bankruptcy of revisionism, revisionism is the vanguard of restoration, not "... collapse of the Soviet Union..." as some claim. Socialism did not fail but the abandonment of Socialism to adjust to the old imperialist world, there they disintegrate their system to become part of the world imperialist order.

On the Dictatorship of the Proletariat": ...They say it is totalitarian: You have to see what Chairman Mao says in "On the People's Democratic Dictatorship" to see who benefits the people and the class the most, to sweep away this nonsense of totalitarianism, an old tale, they want to stun us, to make us see the benefits, the advantages that they gave to the people. What does the reaction, the bourgeoisie give?...".

On the Party": ...They proclaim non-partisanship, they aim to dissolve the politics of the working class, of the proletariat, they only want the politics of the bourgeoisie...". They dream of the class without its vanguard, without its general staff, without its scientific ideology, dreams that end in nightmares.

On the question of Marxism: "...the bourgeoisie is so outdated that it does not attack directly but resorts to ideas from two centuries ago, vindicating totally ultra-reactionary characters, crooks like Tocqueville, a pink version of the dictatorship The American bourgeoisie is a complete hobby, they say that Marxism is out of date, it is useless, they do not openly attack. When have they given any reason? Nobody has ever proven the obsolescence of Marxism. They have crowed, they are apprentices, acrobats like Düring and a bunch of looters of Marxism. In short, we must defend Marxism, socialism, the dictatorship of the proletariat, the Party, seeing how great it has been, what interests it serves and contrasting what interests capitalism, imperialism, the bourgeois dictatorship, the little parties serve. We are not in a time of ambiguity. For the revolution to advance, it is necessary to contend with violence for great separations. Chairman Mao said: "Only a great chaos can generate the new order." We have had insufficient chaos, we must generate more, do it at the level of ideas, moving ideas is vital to form public opinion, without that we cannot conquer Power...".

Thus the COMMUNIST PARTY OF PERU demands to take up discourse as a weapon of combat, to apply the all-powerful Gonzalo thought to solve new problems (III Plenum) which is a guarantee of triumph until Communism, to defend the life and physical integrity of our Leadership with People's War. And celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Chinese Revolution with actions that shake up the rotten imperialist order, in order to enthrone in the masses our scientific ideology of the proletariat.








September, 1999                                                                     PCP-CENTRAL COMMITTEE