Turkey: International Maoism Symposium Successfully Held
Yeni Demokrasi reports on the successful completion of the International Maoist Symposium organized by Umut Publishing in Turkey this weekend.
On the first day of the symposium two sessions were held. In the first session presentations were made by Volkan Yaraşır, Jülide Yazıcı, a Partizan representative and a representative of Noyau D’etudes Marxistes (Marxist Studies Nucleus) from France. In the second session there were presentations by AGEB (Union of Migrant Workers in Europe), Cihan Cinemre and a Partizan representative.
On both days the symposium started with a moment of silence in memory of those who became immortal in the struggle for revolution and communism.
The first session started with Volkan Yaraşır’s presentation on “Dialectics of the Chinese Revolution and Mao Zedong”. Then Jülide Yazıcı from Teori ve Politika (Theory and Politics) made a presentation on “The relationship between leader, party and the masses in the revolution”, followed by a presentation of Partizan titled “One Master, One Revolution, Three Leaders: Mao Zedong, Gonzalo, Mazumdar and İbrahim Kaypakkaya”. The session then concluded with the presentation of Noyau D’etudes Marxistes on “The Chinese Revolution and Maoism as Part of the World Revolution”.
The second session started with the presentation of AGEB on “Conditions of capitalism in socialism and the inevitability of the revolution” followed by the presentation of Cihan Cinemre on “The return to Capitalism in Chinese Agriculture”. The session concluded with a presentation from Partizan on “Leading Women in the Revolution and the Communist Party in the Context of the GPCR”
It is reported that the first day ended with great enthusiasm.
On the second day of the symposium the international session was held. The third session was made under the title “Maoism as a Defense of Proletarian Internationalism”, with presentations from Turkey, India, Brazil and Germany.
The third session started with a presentation by Comrade Ajith of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) on “Experiences of the Maoist Movement in India and Nepal, the Success of Maoism against Modern Revisionism”. There was then a presentation from Rote Post from Germany on the political situation in Germany and the importance of mass work, followed by a presentation of Partizan on “Communist thought against imperialism and all kinds of collaborators”. The final presentation was then made by the Revolutionary Front for the Defense of the Rights of the People (FRDDP) from Brazil, on “Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Internationalism and Democratic Revolution”.
After the presentations messages from the 17 June Democratic Rights Platform, the International Communist League – ICL, comrades from the Spainish State, India, and Imprisoned Partisans were read.
The symposium was concluded with an Open Forum with contributions and criticism regarding the presentations.