Wednesday, July 3, 2024

THE RED HERALD: France – Elections: Why the revolutionaries call for boycott?


France – Elections: Why the revolutionaries call for boycott?

We publish an unofficial translation of the article of la Cause du Peuple.

We hear it again, as in 2017, as in 2022…. the little music of the political class, of the bourgeois press, of certain relatives, of certain friends, etc.: “We must vote”, “it is a civic tasks” and, for the tenth time, go voting “to make a barrier”. After the dissolution, we have not only the right to the usual sermon, but to the mirage of “repeating” the presidential elections, this is the reason of the high expected participation.

This time is over. Since several years, the bourgeois “left” does not represent a support or hope for the voters who still follow it. The only impulsive force today after the vote of the “left” is the use of threat, constantly used to ask for the re-election of those who ALSO are responsible of the worsening of the reactionary politics of the French bourgeoisie. The principles are clear for us, the attitude is clear: as past years, we will not vote.

The order to vote today comes mainly by the opposition of the Macronist party, and works for the “left” mainly for the impulse of the urban petit-bourgeoisie, with a speech that is spread by a part of the masses.

Then, why the call for boycott?

As it is said, we are doing “the concrete analysis of the concrete situation”. Our class, the working class, is today certainly combative, but unorganized and without leadership. It lost its capability to make a coherent political expression, autonomous to the bourgeoisie, 60 years ago. Then, all the parties of the current parliamentary scene are parties that do not correspond to the aspirations of our class: each of them forms a fraction of the big party of the French imperialist bourgeoisie.

Be it with a right or “left” application, all this parties and the “alternation” are only different actions inside the ruling class. In the ongoing reactionarization, everyone takes part in it, even Mélenchon who supported the Maastricht Agreement, back then led under the Jospin government, and today he praises the “closeness police” in the neighborhoods, the “francophony” in Africa, of France as the “second largest maritime territory” thanks to its colonies. This “left” is unable to propose anything more than a social-chauvinist program that also strength the hurtful capability of French imperialism.

For our class, for the revolutionaries, the priority is in another place. To actively boycott the bourgeois elections means to assume that this game is no longer ours. Our enemy is not this or that bourgeois party, but the whole bourgeoisie and its State. So, the most urgent task for us is to solve the problem that we described previously: the capability of our class to organize itself and take action out of this sphere of bourgeois influence. It is to make barriers to re-build solidarity ties in our neighborhoods, but also putting barriers in our unions, our associations, etc.

We also denounce the testimonial candidatures so-called “revolutionaries” in a moment when the class not only has other necessities, but it expresses clearly its hostility to the bourgeois institution, particular against parliament. Since ten years ago, the majority of the working class has abstained – rightly – from all this electoral events. The priority is to take them back to the polls?

The “testimonial” candidatures, instead of promote revolutionary ideas, credit the system of generalized corruption that has characterized the bourgeois elections since the late 1980s. The finance law of the political parties has turned the political parties in truly extensions of the bourgeois State after assigning funds base on the quantity of votes, making them no only dependents, but also responsible of their activity, undermining any chance of real combativeness of this candidates.

To summarize, the electoral game is neither hones nor just. For us, the pressing needs are in other part. “To make barrier”, How many times? For how long? Stop the cretinism, we want power to our class, through revolution! Our only slogan is still: “Boycott the elections!”

EL HERALDO ROJO: Francia – Elecciones: ¿Por qué los revolucionarios llaman al boicot?


Francia – Elecciones: ¿Por qué los revolucionarios llaman al boicot?

Publicamos una traducción no oficial del artículo de la Cause du Peuple.

De nuevo lo escuchamos… como en 2017, como en 2022…. La pequeña música de la clase política, de los medios de comunicación burgueses, de ciertos familiares, de ciertos amigos, etc.: “Hay que ir a votar”, “es un deber cívico” y es más, por enésima vez, ir a votar “para hacer una barrera”. Tras la disolución, no sólo tenemos derecho al habitual sermón, sino también al espejismo de “repetir” las elecciones presidenciales, de ahí la alta participación esperada.

Esta vez se acabó. La “izquierda” burguesa, desde hace varios años, ya no representa un voto de apoyo o de esperanza para los votantes que aún la siguen. La única fuerza impulsora detrás del voto de la “izquierda” hoy es el uso del miedo, constantemente agitado para pedir la reelección de quienes TAMBIÉN son responsables del empeoramiento de las políticas reaccionarias de la burguesía francesa. Para nosotros los principios son claros, la actitud es franca: como en años anteriores, no votaremos.

La orden de votar hoy la llevan principalmente la oposición al partido macronista, y funciona a la «izquierda» principalmente por el impulso de la pequeña burguesía urbana, con un discurso que infunde a una parte de las masas.

Entonces, ¿por qué el llamado al boicot?

Como se dice, aquí estamos haciendo “el análisis concreto de una situación concreta”. Nuestra clase, la clase obrera, es hoy ciertamente combativa, pero desorganizada y sin dirección. Perdió su capacidad de emitir una expresión política coherente, autónoma de la burguesía, cuando el propio Partido “Comunista” francés se convirtió en un partido de la burguesía, hace 60 años. Todos los partidos en la escena parlamentaria actual son, por tanto, partidos que no responden a las aspiraciones de nuestra clase: cada uno de ellos forma una fracción del gran partido de la burguesía imperialista francesa.

Ya sea con una aplicación de derecha o de «izquierda», todos estos partidos y la «alternancia» son sólo actos diferentes dentro de la misma sala, lo que permite aplicar mejor el programa de defensa de los intereses de la clase dominante. En la reaccionarización en curso, todos participaron en ella, incluso Mélenchon cuando apoyó el Tratado de Maastricht, entonces liderado bajo el gobierno de Jospin, y hoy elogia la “policía de proximidad” en los barrios, de la “francofonía” en África, de Francia como la “segundo territorio marítimo del mundo” gracias a sus colonias. Esta “izquierda” es incapaz de proponer nada más que un programa socialchovinista que también fortalezca la capacidad dañina del imperialismo francés.

Para nuestra clase, para los revolucionarios, la prioridad está en otra parte. Boicotear activamente las elecciones burguesas significa asumir que este juego ya no nos concierne. Nuestro enemigo no es tal o cual partido burgués, sino el conjunto de la burguesía y su Estado. Por lo tanto, la tarea más urgente para nosotros es resolver el problema que describimos anteriormente: la capacidad de nuestra clase para organizarse y actuar fuera de la esfera de influencia burguesa. Se trata de batallas para reconstruir los lazos de solidaridad en nuestros barrios, pero también poniendo barreras claras en nuestros sindicatos, nuestras asociaciones, etc.

También denunciamos las llamadas candidaturas testimoniales “revolucionarias” en un momento en el que la clase no sólo tiene otras necesidades, sino que también expresa claramente su hostilidad hacia las instituciones burguesas, en particular el parlamento. Desde hace unos diez años, la mayoría de la clase trabajadora se ha abstenido –con razón– de todos los eventos electorales. ¿La prioridad sería volver a las urnas?

Las candidaturas “testimoniales”, en lugar de promover ideas revolucionarias, acreditan el sistema de corrupción generalizada que ha caracterizado las elecciones burguesas desde finales de los años 1980. La ley sobre la financiación de los partidos políticos ha convertido a los partidos políticos en verdaderas extensiones del Estado burgués, al asignarles importantes fondos en función del número de votos, haciéndolos no sólo dependientes, sino también responsables de su actividad, socavando de nuevo cualquier combatividad real de estos candidatos.

En resumen, el juego electoral no es ni honesto ni justo. Para nosotros, la urgencia está en otra parte. “Hacer barrera”, ¿Cuántas veces? ¿Cuánto tiempo? ¡Basta de cretinismo, queremos poder para nuestra clase, a través de la revolución! Nuestra única consigna sigue siendo: “¡Boicotear las elecciones!”

THE RED HERALD: Spanish State: [SAP Editorial n.º 12] Imperialism in crisis and decomposition

Spanish State: [SAP Editorial n.º 12] Imperialism in crisis and decomposition

Hereby we share an unofficial translation of the last Editorial published by Servir al Pueblo.

Imperialism is misery, hunger, exploitation and unjust wars. Imperialism, is, in short, oppression of humanity itself. Oppression born from the development of capitalism.

Imperialism is the highest phase of capitalism. The free competition of capitalism leads to accumulation and concentration of production. This, at the same time, leads to the monopoly (association of capitalists in the same sector who agree on prices, production and share the market). The different associations of monopolists are increasingly larger and more powerful until they finally become the fraction of the ruling bourgeoisie: the financial oligarchy (because it controls financial capital) or imperialist bourgeoisie.

In the imperialist State, the ruling class is the financial oligarchy. A truly parasitic class, which is making itself wealthier with the distribution of profits and a rentier economic policy. And since the State is the political instrument of the class that leads it, the imperialist State is the same parasitic and rentier. Their wealth increases exponentially thanks to the looting and exploitation of the nations oppressed by imperialism.

Imperialism is in crisis and decomposition and it is since it was born

However, imperialism was born in crisis. Lenin said that “the deepest economic basis of imperialism is the monopoly”, and therefore, imperialism itself is the negation of free-trade capitalism, is the negation of the original laws of capitalism. Lenin said:

“As any monopoly, capitalist monopoly has within it inevitably a tendency towards stagnation and decomposition. To the extent that monopolist prices are set, even though temporarily, the stimulant causes of technical progress, and therefore, of all progress, of all advance, disappear”.

Imperialism is in crisis and decomposition because: 1) its economic basis is monopoly, which negates the original laws of capitalism; 2) monopoly and struggle between monopolies leads to the division of world markets, and inevitably to violent division of the world through imperialist wars; 3) cyclical crisis of imperialist over-production are inevitable; 4) imperialism is the previous step to proletarian revolution, since it gives no other option to the proletariat; 5) imperialism is condemned to disappear because, objectively, it prevents the advance of the productive forces and technological development of humanity; 6) imperialism is condemned to violently disappear and to suffer all the evil it generated.

However, imperialism has phases in its development and has not been always the same. The current moment of imperialism is different than when it was born. From Servir al Pueblo we have repeatedly said that imperialism is not just in crisis and decomposition, but it is in its last moment, in the historical phase where the crisis of imperialism raises and leads it to the biggest degree of decomposition seen until now. With this Editorial we want to give few glimpses of why imperialism is in its biggest degree of decomposition.

Imperialism in its biggest phase of decomposition

The economic crisis of over-production are increasingly shorter, more continues and more sharpened. More or less violent depending on their context, the struggle is fierce between the monopolies and between the imperialist countries.

The wealth produced grows without stop and increasingly grabbed by a group of people increasingly smaller. Imperialists fiercely struggle for this wealth, for raw materials (we see Africa with the wars for coltan or the so-called blood diamonds), they fiercely struggle to redivide the market, and obtain the cheapest work force worldwide, etc.

The objective conditions for the proletarian revolution are increasing. That means, the economy is more socialized than ever, the production chain is more socialized than ever. Instead, producers have nothing while owners have everything, and the quantitative and qualitative gap increases between them. There are more and more producers (proletarians) and less and less owners (bourgeois): quantitative gap. The owners participate less and less in the production process, and become simple rentiers: qualitative gap.

The objective conditions of the revolution increase because the economy has developed in such way that is tremendously easy to socialize it. It is enough that the owners “disappear” to realize until which extent they are parasites who are not needed for anything.

The subjective conditions of the revolution also advance. That is, the proletarians, the masses, the forces of the revolution in perspective. If the struggle between imperialists is increasingly fierce, the exploitation of the oppressed nations is increasingly brutal. To obtain the same, they need to explore more, commit more brutality and crimes against the peoples. And faced with this, the masses rebel and their wrath against the injustice increase. The explosivity of the masses increases. The People’s Wars in Turkey, India, Peru and Philippines, are trenches of the world revolution, which advances every day. The last subjective condition of the revolution is the Communist Party, which leads it, and there are more and more communists in the world who struggle to constitute and reconstitute their Party.

Bureaucratic capitalism, which is the capitalism that develops in the oppressed nations, a capitalism that has not naturally been born, but it is imported. Bureaucratic capitalism develops its crisis in the current moment. Let’s look at Latin America and how happen, one after another, the crisis of different governments and with this crisis, the popular protest. Latin America, backyard of Yankee imperialists, the sole hegemonic superpower, is becoming more and more in the current center of the revolutionary storm.

And, in general, the base of the world revolution are the oppressed nations, as we see how the old States of the bourgeoisie and the big landlords at the service of the imperialists are in deep crisis. Illegitimacy of the “democratic governments”, of the electoral farce and of bourgeois democracy, further reactionarization, more military coups and fascist and reactionary armed groups, etc.

Let’s develop the anti-imperialist struggle!

Imperialism is a dying fish that is out of water, which resists to die, but is giving its last breath. We have to give it the final blow, kill it, overthrow it.

It doesn’t matter how strong it looks, because at the end they have a powerful tool of repression (the State), imperialism is a paper tiger with feet of clay. That means, tactically strong, strong in the short term, but strategically, in the long term, very weak. The people and just the people, the masses, the proletariat, is truly powerful and who can destroy them.

The foundation of the Anti-Imperialist League (AIL) is a milestone in the history of the international class struggle of the past years. We must struggle to reinforce it, develop it, and to build a strong, big and worldwide anti-imperialist front to develop the anti-imperialist struggle at the service of the world proletarian revolution.

Editorial – July 2024

EL HERALDO ROJO: Estado español: [Editorial SAP nº12] El imperialismo en crisis y descomposición


Estado español: [Editorial SAP nº12] El imperialismo en crisis y descomposición

A continuación compartimos el último Editorial publicado por Servir al Pueblo.

El imperialismo es miseria, hambre, explotación y guerras injustas. El imperialismo es, en resumen, opresión a la propia humanidad. Opresión que nace del desarrollo del capitalismo.

El imperialismo es la fase superior del capitalismo. La libre competencia del capitalismo conduce a la acumulación y a la concentración de la producción. Esta, a su vez, conduce al monopolio (asociación de capitalistas de un mismo sector que acuerdan precios, producción y se reparten el mercado). Las distintas asociaciones de monopolistas son cada vez más grandes y poderosas hasta que finalmente se convierten en la fracción de la burguesía dirigente: la oligarquía financiera (porque controla el capital financiero) o burguesía imperialista.

En el Estado imperialista, la clase dirigente es la oligarquía financiera. Una clase verdaderamente parasitaria, que se enriquece con el reparto de dividendos y con una política económica rentista. Y como el Estado es el instrumento político de la clase que lo dirige, el Estado imperialista es igualmente parasitario y rentista. Su riqueza aumenta exponencialmente gracias al saqueo y explotación de las naciones oprimidas por el imperialismo.

El imperialismo está en crisis y descomposición desde que nació

Sin embargo, el imperialismo nació en crisis. Lenin dijo que “la base económica más profunda del imperialismo es el monopolio”, y por tanto, el propio imperialismo es la negación del capitalismo librecambista, es la negación de las leyes primigenias del capitalismo. Lenin también dijo:

“Como todo monopolio, el monopolio capitalista engendra inevitablemente una tendencia al estancamiento y a la descomposición. En la medida en que se fijan, aunque sea temporalmente, precios monopolistas, desaparecen hasta cierto punto las causas estimulantes del progreso técnico, y por consiguiente, de todo progreso, de todo avance”.

El imperialismo está en crisis y descomposición porque 1) su base económica es el monopolio, que niega las leyes originales del capitalismo; 2) el monopolio y la lucha entre ellos lleva al reparto de los mercados mundiales, e inevitablemente lleva el reparto violento del mundo a través de las guerras imperialistas; 3) las crisis cíclicas de sobreproducción imperialista son inevitables; 4) el imperialismo es la antesala de la revolución proletaria, porque no le deja otra salida al proletariado; 5) el imperialismo está condenado a desaparecer porque, objetivamente, impide el avance de las fuerzas productivas y el desarrollo tecnológico de la humanidad; 6) el imperialismo está condenado a desaparecer violentamente y a sufrir todo el mal que generó.

Sin embargo, el imperialismo tiene fases en su desarrollo y no ha sido siempre igual. El momento actual del imperialismo es distinto que en su nacimiento. Desde Servir al Pueblo hemos dicho en reiteradas ocasiones que el imperialismo no solo está en crisis y en descomposición, sino que está en su último momento, en la fase histórica donde la crisis del imperialismo se eleva y lo lleva a alcanzar el mayor grado de descomposición visto hasta la fecha. Con esta Editorial pretendemos dar unas pinceladas de por qué el imperialismo está en su mayor grado de descomposición.

El imperialismo en su mayor fase de descomposición

Las crisis económicas de sobreproducción son cada vez más cortas, continuadas y agudas. Más o menos violentas según su contexto, la lucha es encarnizada entre los monopolios y entre los países imperialistas.

La riqueza producida crece sin cesar y cada vez más es apropiada por un grupo de personas cada vez menor. Los imperialistas luchan encarnizadamente por esta riqueza, por las materias primas (veamos África con las guerras del coltán o los llamados diamantes de sangre), luchan encarnizadamente por repartirse el mercado, por obtener la mano de obra más barata a nivel mundial, etc.

Las condiciones objetivas para la revolución proletaria son cada vez mayores. Es decir, la economía está más socializada que nunca, la cadena de producción está más socializada que nunca. En cambio, los productores no tienen nada mientras que los propietarios lo tienen todo, y la brecha cuantitativa y cualitativa aumenta entre ellos. Cada vez hay más productores (proletarios) y cada vez menos propietarios (burgueses): brecha cuantitativa. Cada vez los propietarios participan menos en el proceso de producción, y pasan a ser simples rentistas: brecha cualitativa.

Las condiciones objetivas de la revolución aumentan porque la economía se ha desarrollado de tal forma que es tremendamente sencillo socializarla. Basta que “desapareciesen” los propietarios para darse cuenta hasta que punto son parásitos que no hacen falta para nada.

Las condiciones subjetivas de la revolución también avanzan. Es decir, los proletarios, las masas, las fuerzas de la revolución en perspectiva. Si la lucha entre los imperialistas cada vez es más encarnizada, la explotación a las naciones oprimidas cada vez es más salvaje. Para obtener lo mismo necesitan explotar más, cometer más salvajismo y crímenes contra los pueblos. Y ante esto, las masas se rebelan y aumenta su ira contra la injusticia. La explosividad de las masas aumenta. Las guerras populares en Turquía, India, Perú y Filipinas son trinchera de la revolución mundial, que cada día avanza. La condición subjetiva última de la revolución es el Partido Comunista, que la dirige, y cada vez hay más comunistas en el mundo que luchan por constituir o reconstituir su Partido.

El capitalismo burocrático, que es el capitalismo que se desenvuelve en las naciones oprimidas, un capitalismo que no ha nacido de forma natural sino que es importado, desarrolla su crisis en el momento actual. Miremos en América Latina como suceden, una detrás de otra, las crisis de los distintos gobiernos. Y con estas crisis, la protesta popular. América Latina, patio trasero de los imperialistas yanquis, la superpotencia hegemónica única, se viene convirtiendo cada vez más en el centro actual de la tormenta revolucionaria.

Y, en general, la base de la revolución mundial son las naciones oprimidas, pues vemos cómo los viejos Estados de la burguesía y los terratenientes al servicio de los imperialistas están profunda crisis. Deslegitimidad de los “gobiernos democráticos”, de la farsa electoral y de la democracia burguesa, mayor reaccionarización, más golpes militares y grupos armados fascistas y reaccionarios, etc.

¡Desarrollemos la lucha antiimperialista!

El imperialismo es un pez agonizante que está fuera del agua, que se resiste a morir, pero da sus últimos coletazos. Hay que darle el toque final, matarlo, derrocarlo.

Por más fuerte que parezca, pues al final tienen un poderoso instrumento de represión (el Estado), el imperialismo es un tigre de papel con pies de barro. Es decir, fuerte tácticamente, fuerte en el corto plazo, pero muy débil estratégicamente, en el largo plazo. El pueblo y solo el pueblo, las masas, el proletariado, es realmente poderoso y quien puede destruirlo.

La fundación de la Liga Anti-Imperialista (LAI) supone un hito en la historia de la lucha de clases internacional de los últimos años. Debemos bregar por reforzarla, desarrollarla, y construir un fuerte, grande y amplio frente antiimperialista mundial que desarrolle la lucha antiimperialista al servicio de la revolución proletaria mundial.

Editorial- Julio 2024


Monday, July 1, 2024

Actions in solidarity with the People’s War in India


TKP/ML: Statement on the Week of Struggle Against Operation Kagaar

We publish an unofficial translation of the Statement of TKP/ML.


The People’s War, led by the Communist Party of India (Maoist), has been continuing uninterruptedly for more than 50 years. Conviction and determination in the victory of the People’s War for the New Democratic Revolution, which is the path of liberation of the Indian people, continues under the most difficult conditions, despite the intense attacks of the Indian State.

The Indian ruling classes fear that the rebellious spirit of the popular masses will merge with the People’s War and become an uncompromising and independent force along the communist line. All violent apparatuses of the State have been mobilized for decades to suppress and destroy the People’s War, many times carrying out comprehensive military actions accompanied by campaigns to destroy the guerrilla forces. However, Indian reaction, which fails every time, launches its brutal massacres again and again.

In January 2024, the Indian State launched another operation of destruction called “Operation Kagaar” against the People’s Liberation Guerrilla Army (PLGA) led by the Communist Party of India (Maoist). For 6 months, the operation carried out a series of massacres against the people, guerrilla forces and democratic movements with the high-tech weapons of the imperialist arms industry. Indian reaction turned to massacres, from 6-month-old babies to 60-year-old people, in the areas where it carried out operations, massacred civilians and propagated to the world that those were PLGA guerrillas. It is known that in countries where there are guerrilla struggles and rebellions, from the Philippines to Peru, from Turkey to Nepal, from Mexico to Colombia, and Zionist Israel, every fascist and reactionary regime massacres the unarmed people and presents them as resistance and guerrillas. Undefended against the guerrilla forces, the States that massacre have the goal of intimidating, terrifying and separating the people from their living spaces in order to “drain the swamp”, that is, to prevent the guerrillas from uniting with the people. Now, Indian reaction has once again focused on this target with Operation Kagaar.

On January 1, the Indian State carried out a massacre in the State of Chhattisgarh, including a six-month-old girl. It then continued its massacres at intervals of a week in Chipurbati, Korcholi, Aapatola, Kakur-Tekametta, Pidiya, Rekavaya and Gobel. Indian reaction has murdered 125 people, including PLGA guerrillas, unarmed villagers, revolutionaries, young, old, women and children, and continues to do so.

Hostility to the Indian People’s War is undoubtedly hostility to the people’s struggle for liberation. The people’s anger, hatred and rebellion against imperialism, feudalism and the rampant exploitation of the comprador-bureaucrat bourgeoisie will be an invincible force when united under the leadership of the CPI (Maoist). This is what scares Indian reaction. The Indian People’s War is being tried to be destroyed because it has the power and ability to make the rebellious spirit of the Indian people struggle.

Today, showing the strongest solidarity with the liberation struggle of the Indian people and the Indian People’s War, which is being tried to be destroyed, means embracing the spirit of proletarian internationalism. “If a people has no army, they have nothing.” The Indian reaction’s attack on PLGA and its destruction operations are intended to leave the people powerless and unorganized and to break the warrior spirit of the anger directed against them. The victory of the People’s War is their biggest nightmare.

Let’s protest the massacres of the people by the reactionary Indian State and Operation Kagaar. Let us embrace a stronger spirit of solidarity with the Indian People’s War.

We call on all our forces, progressives and revolutionaries, democratic movements, anti-imperialist and anti-fascist forces, all sensitive segments, to consider the period between 7 and 15 July as a week of action and struggle against the Kagaar Operation of the murderous Indian reaction, to take action and to show solidarity with the Indian People’s War.

  • Down with the Indian Reactionary State and the murderous Operation Kagaar!
  • Long live the Communist Party of India (Maoist)!
  • Long live the Indian People’s War!
  • Long live Proletarian Internationalism!


Communist Party of Türkiye / Marxist-Leninist

June 2024

The Red Herald

Brazil: Actions in solidarity with the People’s War in India

Nordeste area. Source: Servir ao Povo

Hereby, we publish actions shared by Servir ao Povo in solidarity with the People’s War in India lead by the Communist Party of India (Maoist). Recently, we published several calls against the Operation Kagaar, carried out by the old Indian State against the masses, specially the Adivasi peasantry.

The Red Herald

viernes, 28 de junio de 2024

INDIA: Observe World Protest Day against Kagaar. - COMMUNIST PARTY OF INDIA (MAOIST) Central Committee


15 June, 2024

Observe World Protest Day against Kagaar.

March forward with the oppressed people of the world.

Dear people,

On July 1, World protest day against "operation kagaar", a call has been given by the International Committee for the Support of People's War in India (ICSPWI). First, the Central Committee of CPI (Maoist) express its gratitude to ICSPWI.

To wipe out from its root, more than five decades old people's war from India, the Indian ruling classes have started new counter-insurgency military campaign from January 2024 in the name of "operation kagaar". In this military campaign, more 125 revolutionary masses, cadres of various rank and file, PLGA guerillas have been murdered, which includes 6-month-old baby to above 60 years old Indian citizen. By remembering the martyrs, our party conveys its red salute to the international people, who with the spirit of international proletarianism are raising their voice to stop the genocide on oppressed people of India.

Our Party appeals to the countrymen to come forward against operation kagaar and defeat the fascist policies of the Indian ruling classes, and march shoulder to shoulder with the international people who has given the call to observe world protest day against kagaar to save the people's war in India and to stop the brutal military assaults on the people.

From the past six months, the ongoing operation kagaar's military attacks and genocides on the people of India, especially in the Central India on the indigenous people of Dandakaranya region, has been severely condemned and voices has been raised for the establishment of peace in Dandakaranya by the lovers of democracy, progressive, pro-people, and revolutionary organizations and forces, and they are marching forward in various forms. America, Europe, South America, Africa, and several countries from Asia are demanding the Indian state to stop the operation kagaar immediately. Recently, during the G-7 meetings in Italy, a protest rally has been organized against the operation kagaar. Their fraternity with the oppressed people displays the international proletariat spirit.

In our country, several revolutionary organizations, forces, democrats, journalist, writers, artists, pro-adivasi, social activits and lawyers are condemning operation kagaar in various ways. While condemning the illegal activities of the police forces, they are knocking the doors of judiciary. They are calling for strike. To stop the genocide and the bloodshed, they are appealing the Indian people to intensify their movements. They are condemning the treacherous plan of peace talks by the Chhattisgarh government and demanding to hold peace talks with Maoist party with honesty. First, they are demanding to stop the ongoing genocides on the people and withdraw extra security camps from the forest. Our party conveys red salute to all these people.

On January 1 in the state of Chhattisgarh, in Bijapur district's Mudhvendi village, police murdered six-month old infant girl. After that, they are committing genocides in every 8 to 10 days. In the continuous genocides; Chipurbati, Korcholi, Aapatola, Kakur-Tekametta, Pidiya, Rekavaya and Gobel, in general indigenous youths, peasants and revolutionary without making any discrimination of female, male and old age, are being killed. This apart, in several other incidents, adivasi youths are getting killed and police are stating that Maoists have been killed and are spreading their false stories. After every encounter, the central home minister, Amit Shah by appreciating the criminal police personnel, is legitimatizing the encounter, and announcing time-period to make India Maoist free. All fallacious statements of Amit Shah are vehemently criticized by the Indian people, and while taking the dead bodies they are saying to the world the truth of the events, and filing cases against the culprits in the police station. By standing in support with them, several journalists, you-tuber, and social activists are doing ground reports to say the truth.

The indigenous people, because of their tradition, whenever they go to forest, they carry traditional weapons to protect themselves from the wild animals. But after the commencement of operation kagaar, there is an illegal ban on the indigenous people to go to forest. After killing village people, the police are not stating the names of the deceased person, not showing their faces, and wrapping the dead bodies in the plastic sheets, and declaring that "unidentified Maoists have been killed". Bedside the dead bodies, weapons, bombs and revolutionary books and papers are decorated and displayed. Even some dead bodies are covered with guerillas uniforms. People are exposing, instantly these illegally activities of the police. To save their lives from the police firings, people are running to forest, but the security forces, already encircled the area, are killing them even after the villager's requests not to kill them. Through these brutalities on the people, they want to terrorize the people to separate them from the movement for justice and eliminate the Maoist party; this is the aim of this military campaign. It is also clear that, to hand over the natural resources to the imperialist forces and big domestic corporate houses, the Indian state is carrying out this genocidal war. To eliminate the movements of the indigenous people who are fighting for their forests, existence, and dignity, in the eastern and central India's forest regions, which is going on for more than 20 years by pouring bloods, the Indian ruling classes have started operation kagaar and they are stating that this is for the end of Maoist party.

Dear people of the country and the world,

In the recent 18th Lok Sabha's election, the people of India have defeated the pro-corporate hindutva BJP. From the past 10 years, the pro-corporate BJP's anti-people policies have caused enormous problems for the people and they have taught a lesson to Modi-Shah, who were repeatedly shouting, this time more than 400 seats. People have exposed the bogus development model of BJP and its slogan of Sab Ka Saath, Sab Ka Vishwas(with everyone help and with everyone confidence) and shown the power of people in this election. They smashed the hopes of the imperialist forces and the domestic corporate houses to make Modi win the election with absolute majority, so that they can loot the enormous natural resources of the country with more speed. With their help, the hindutva forces to make India a developed country by 2047 (hindu nation, brought forward Surajkund policy in 2022. The people of India have rejected all these policies and poured water in their dream to make government with the strength of their own. By facing the wrath of the people from 10 years, Narendra Modi in a opportunistic way, merging with regional parties, has become Prime Minister for the third time.

The people of the country have clearly declared their stand against the government's corporatization and militarization policies in this election. They give their verdict against the hindutva policies. But they will not think to move away from their fascist policies, despite the people's verdict and global protest. Because imperialism is neck- stuck in deep crisis. To come out from the crisis, imperialism is throwing the people of the world in the morass of war. Their thirst for the resources is not going to be quenched. For them several Modi is needed. The need of the big market of India is equally there. Anyone comes in their way; they will remove from their military strength. But history every time says that it is not possible every time.

In today's people's movement, there stands on the hand all the corporate forces and their government agents who dance to their tunes, and on the other hand there are broad masses, workers, students, intellectuals, and employees who stands firm with the movement. The international oppressed masses are conveying their brotherhood from the bottom of the heart to these forces. We appeal to them to oppose those corporate companies who are investing capital dipped in the people's blood, in our country and force them to take back the capital. We need to speed up anti-imperialist movements and class struggles of the oppressed classes of the world by forging strong brotherhood among the oppressed classes of the world. How much repression and military onslaught they inflict on the masses, no fascist will be forgiven. They will die like a Hitler and in here also people will achieve victory, and history will prove this truth.


Abhay Spokesperson 

Central Committee

lunes, 1 de julio de 2024



FILIPINAS: From the Communist Party of the Philippines : Month of Solidarity with the Indian people’s resistance against Operation Kagaar