Tuesday, July 30, 2024



In these brief, NECESSARY notes on the latest elections in Venezuela, which have been drawing international attention, we want to start from the following fact:


That it is the government of Nicolás Maduro, urged by the serious resilient crisis that the country has been going through under his government since 2013-2014, with the drop in oil prices, the main export product, and which supports the rentier economy of bureaucratic capitalism in Venezuela, to which must be added the economic sanctions imposed by the government of Yankee imperialism and other imperialist countries, who has officially opened - with an "agreement" to hold elections with the Yankee imperialist government - the doors to greater intervention by the imperialists and their lackeys in the region in the internal affairs of the country.


The above is documented with the transcription of the article from the reactionary newspaper El País de Espana, “Anguish, street protests and international pressure: the pulse for a verifiable recount intensifies in Venezuela.-At least two dead and more than 46 arrested due to the repression of the protests that have spread throughout the country”, from July 30, 2024, where it says:


“The international community openly distrusts the numbers that Chavismo has presented. First, because the government has not offered the specific data recorded in each electoral center. And second, because it has not been proven that the delay in the announcement of the count was due to a hack from North Macedonia, as denounced by the attorney general. Countries concerned about the Venezuelan situation - from the United States to the European Union or Latin American giants such as Brazil, Colombia and Mexico - demand that the Maduro government carry out a transparent recount, with the help of independent auditors, to clear up all doubts.


There is a lot at stake. Chavismo should be the first to be interested in knowing the truth about what happened that night, because it needs a victory that is recognized internationally and that opens the doors of the markets and multilateral organizations again. Chavismo does not verbalize it, but its status as a pariah on the world stage bothers its leaders. The same happens with the foreign press, which it constantly attacks and disdains, but which it nevertheless reads very carefully. This was an opportunity to break out of this isolation with which it has lived for years, whether with the current president or with a new one who would normalize the political life of the country. In fact, these were the main reasons for setting a date and holding these elections, agreed after more than a year of three-way negotiations between the opposition, the government and the White House.”


With this "agreement", imposed by Yankee imperialism on the Venezuelan government to hold elections and set a date for them, the US government of the genocidal Biden and his Foreign Minister Blinken has invested itself as the arbiter of the "cleanliness of the elections" and guarantor of their results. E


With the "agreement" of elections, Maduro's government sold its soul to the devil in exchange for promises from imperialism, that is, for nothing. Now, he will not pay the bill for his bad business of surrender, but it will be the true Venezuelan patriots who will make the sacrifices and defend their homeland.


What is demonstrated by all this is the colonial character of the Venezuelan economy, subject to the economic monopoly of the various imperialist countries, where the main imperialist country exercising its economic monopoly is Yankee imperialism.


It is clear, once again, that Venezuela is a semi-colony of imperialism, mainly Yankee imperialism, which gives itself the right to intervene in the most diverse ways in the internal life of the country.


We will continue to deal with the subject.