Wednesday, July 24, 2024

THE RED HERALD: NDFP: Comrade Wally Agudes (Ka KM) is worth more than the Sierra Madre mountains!


NDFP: Comrade Wally Agudes (Ka KM) is worth more than the Sierra Madre mountains!

“The National Democratic Front-Rizal and the entire revolutionary people of the province salute Comrade Wally “Km” Agudes who sacrificed his life for the sake of the Filipino people and his beloved Rizaleño countrymen. We also wish to extend our heartfelt condolences to his family and relatives.”

The Democratic National Front of the Philippines says goodbye to one of their comrades, Wally “Km” Agudes, who was extra-judicially executed and was not killed in an encounter by the reactionary 80th Infantry Battalion in Barangay Burgos, Rodríguez, Rizal. They also denounced the lies and the hidden information by the police and the military in their press statements on the reason of the operation and its results, who died and how many were captured.

In the first statement of the reactionary army, they describe that they suffered an assault and opened fire, murdering one member of the NPA and capturing another two. However, in the second statement they said that they presented an “order” that resulted in the encounter with NPA. In this occasion there was one murdered and only one captured.

According to witnesses, last time that Ka Km was alive he tried to retreat, they also hear him shouting that he would not fight, because he was severely ill and could not walk. They also heard elements of the reactionary army crying because being knocked down. It is also denounced that they would have manipulate his body.

Additionally, Laila Ramos was captured in an “encounter”. She is a Dumagat women active in

defending their ancestral land and resisting the destructive giant dams of Kaliwa-Kanan-Laiban Dam, an organizer of the native movements in Dumagat and Remontado and has been falsely accused of being part of the guerrilla, according to the NDF itself. In addition, she is not only blind but immediately needs to have a surgery due to a tumor, so in addition of being captured under false accusation, by humanitarian reasons she must be released.

“Our sorrow, hatred and every drop of tears for Comrade Km and all the martyrs of the province, the Timog Katagalugan region and the entire archipelago, you can expect to flourish as a whirlwind to revolt with the masses of the people to win the People’s Democratic Revolution. This is the only path to achieve the true freedom and democracy that the US imperialist and complicit local ruling classes are denying to the working classes.” states NDF

Comrade Manoj holding high the morale

In India, the Maoist Manoj, who was detained in Kerala on Thursday, July 18, was reportedly brought to court on July 21. During his 4-day detention period, Manoj was subjected to police torture. During the detention period, Manoj was prevented from sleeping. With the imposition of collaborationism, the police tried to collect information about the Maoists in Wayanad Forests.

Manoj was brought to a court on July 21. Manoj’s lawyers told the court that Manoj was tortured in custody of the Kerala police. Thereupon, the court decided to bring Manoj back on July 26 with his medical report. The investigation office requested that Manoj be kept in custody for 12 days.

Manoj came out of the court chanting slogans. He saluted the Indian revolution and the People’s War with the slogans “Long live Naxalbari”, ” Long live the Communist Party of India (Maoist)”, “Long live Maoism”, “Long live Marxism-Leninism-

Maoism”, “Long live the Revolution”.

PREVIOUS POSTComrade Manoj holding high the morale