We share an article published by Servir al Pueblo from the Spanish State.
The webpage Dem Volke Dienen has published several solidarity actions with the masses affected by the murderous management of the Spanish imperialist State
“From Hamburg to Valencia: Proletarian and people’s solidarity against the murderous imperialist State!” Image from Hamburg. Signed by Roter Bund.
“From Leipzig to Valencia: Down with the Spanish imperialist State! Criminals and murders!” In Leipzig, a graffito was done in Catalan and signed by Roter Bund.
“From Cologne to Valencia: Proletarian and people’s solidarity against the murderous imperialist State!” Also in Cologne, a graffito was also made.
“From Essen to Valencia: Proletarian and people’s solidarity against the murderous imperialist State!” Graffito in Essen.
“From Bochum to Valencia: Proletarian and people’s solidarity against the murderous imperialist State!” Graffito in Bochum.
They also published several other articles into German