Brazil: Leaflet explodes calling to “Don’t vote” in Londrina; information was sent to AND by local press
We publish an unofficial translation of an article by A Nova Democracia.
We received from a Folha de Londrina [Translator’s note: local newspaper] employee, via Instagram, information that a leaflet denouncing the electoral farce and the political regime of the old democracy, signed by the Communist Party of Brazil – P.C.B., was found after the explosion of a bomb at a city fair, which is in the west of Paraná. The person who reported what happened and sent the information to the AND editorial team was journalist Bruno Souza, an employee of that newspaper, and he did it even before the publication of this article .

According to the journalist, a man left an object at the fair and, minutes later, this object exploded, with the leaflet being found in the place after the loud announcement. “It was a very loud bang, I was far away and I heard it. We thought it was the energy. I read the letter and it was written to don’t vote”, an elderly woman reported to the journalist, who also reports that no one was injured. The Bonde website also reports that the fair took place in the center of Londrina, on São Paulo Avenue.
The photo, taken by the journalist, shows the leaflet, with the title “Election no! Revolution yes!” and the slogan, larger, written “Don’t vote!”. The first paragraph recorded in the photo says: “In the system in which we live, participating in elections, voting for one party or another, for one candidate or another, means to give our approval to all the disgusting rottenness that is the official politics. In this system, voting means to support the exploiting classes and their old State that have oppressed and kept the people in poverty for centuries, handing over wealth and our Country to foreign powers. Voting is agree with this shameful situation that exists, which in truth is the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and big landlords, servants of imperialism, mainly Yankee (North American)”.
Other excerpts, which you can read in the video made by Folha de Londrina on Instagram , say:
“The electoral farce is this theater in which several candidates, servants of the latifundium, the bourgeoisie and imperialism, stage every 2 years, in which they pretend to be deadly enemies of each other, but when they are elected they act strictly in the same way, with differences only in appearance. With each election, this farce looks more like an electoral circus, which is a reflection of the absolute degradation and rock bottom reached by the political and moral crisis of the institutions of the old State and the demoralization of its electoral system. The collapse of the electoral campaign in the city of São Paulo is the revealing portrait of the electoral farce throughout the country. In front of the cameras, there is a chair, fingers in the face and shouting, from behind, in the corridors of the parliament pigsty, there is a hand on the back, give and take and connive against the people and the Nation. In this electoral farce, the tiny minority that does not participate in the schemes only serves to provide a veneer of morality and help legitimize all this filth as democracy.” “Such demoralization leads the people who still vote to do not longer expect anything from any politician and accept any minimum offer that gives them any immediate benefit, or to vote for the most eccentric, as a form of protest, or to bargain for the best offer. Which means that politicians, wanting to pretend to be more ‘authentic’, make the farce increasingly ridiculous, perpetuating the cycle of moral degeneration. The truth is that neither the posh, the favorites of the press monopolies, nor the ‘clowns’ – we apologize to the professional clowns – are interested in changing anything, much less through electoral farce. It is necessary to boycott this horror show.”
And it concludes: “Let’s not fool ourselves, Brazil has already gone through all these parties, already so worn out by continue deceiving the people, many changed their name (MDB, PSDB, PT, PSB, PDT, PC do B, União Brasil, PSD , PSL etc.) and nothing has changed. Not even the changes demagogically promised by these politicians, election after election, can be brought by them. They cannot make the real and needed changes at all. These cannot be carried out within this farcical and corrupt electoral system, set up exactly to keep the current system of exploitation and corruption unchanged. The democratic issue in fact, that is, the establishment of a true Democratic Republic, was never resolved in Brazil. The local exploitative ruling classes and their imperialist masters fear the existence of a true democracy because it would mean the end of their rule and exploitation. But as class contradictions and the people’s aspiration for democracy are great, they maneuver by imposing on the people and the country this mockery of the old democracy with its dirty elections. The people have to take power to make a general and complete change!” “The revolution begins with the agrarian revolution, to destroy latifundium, giving land to poor landless peasants or those with little land and sweeping away the semi-feudal relations that have crushed the peasantry for centuries and hindered the general progress of the people and the Nation”. “Only through the revolutionary political struggle for Power will the exploited and oppressed classes be able to realize their aspirations for freedom, democracy and progress. To make the revolution, the people have to build their three instruments: the revolutionary party, the people’s army and the revolutionary united front. The most essential thing is the existence of its revolutionary class party, the authentic and true Communist Party.”
It is also possible to read a slogan “Lula: hero of the bourgeoisie and big landlords” and “Long live the People’s War!”.
Strange initiative
Journalist Bruno Souza, even before publishing the article, sent the newsroom a strange question: “Hello, good afternoon. I’m Bruno Souza, from Folha de Londrina. Do you know anything about the bomb that exploded at the fair yesterday?”.
The same initiative and approach were taken with the Brazilian Communist Party and the PCBR, who reported not knowing the authorship and said that the name that signed was from another party. The question caught the attention of our team as to why such a question was addressed to our newsroom in Rio de Janeiro. Our tribune, which in recent years has suffered legal persecution and, particularly in the last five years, has also been the target of sabotage and open surveillance by the Bolsonarist and Zionist far right, for acting firm in defense of the peasant struggle in rural areas and poeple’s struggle in general in the cities, in support of the struggle of the peoples; when one receives such a question, we can only wonder: is this a provocation? Do they want a scoop, or what? Why don’t they ask Gazeta do Povo, their competitor, or Globo, Estadão, in short, the CIA or Mossad, so that they can look for the author of the incident instead of this in(ve)stigative journalism. As the people’s expression goes: Not on us! Here it is Palestine!