domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2021
USA: Actions- 24-November-International Day of Action against the new counter-revolutionary military operation Prahaar-3 (
In response to the CPI (Maoist)’s call to hold an International Day of Action against the new counter-revolutionary military operation Prahaar-3, the Tribune of the People Support Committee Austin, Texas and revolutionaries in Eugene, Oregon gave speeches and held educational events on the People’s War in India.

In Los Angeles, California, and Austin, Texas, graffiti supporting the People’s War in India and denouncing the fascist and genocidal Modi regime was documented. The graffiti read, “Long live the People’s War in India!” “Death to the fascist and genocidal Modi regime!” and “Long live the CPI (Maoist)!”

TUNEZ: Tunisia for the 24th International Day of Support of People’s War in India- Meeting with students report
After the Committee of Support to People’s War in India-Tunisia announced through a statement to join the international campaign against Prahar-3, Elkadehines party as a member of the committee produced propaganda posters and a statement was spreaded to Tunisian masses in struggle and Arab masses at the international level, moreover a meeting was held with university students celebrating the first victory of Indian farmers, explaining the role of Hindutva fascism Modi government role suppressing not only the farmer’s movement but also counterattacking the revolutionary mouvement led by CPI (M) through genocide military operations such as “Salwa Judum” and “Operation Green Hunt” until operation Samadhan and now Operation Prahar 3. The debate developed some points such as the CPI (M) role in support to the farmers national movement, to the Kashmir and North-East national liberation movements and how CPI (M) organize its guerilla and liberated areas with a huge mass base made by farmers, adivasi, outcastes and workers. Pictures were showed, in particular the ones released recently from the CPI (M) itself.

AFGANISTAN: 24th november internationalist – Afghanistan – Message of the supporting Committee of the Indian People’s War in Afghanistan
Unfortunately, despite the international supporting call of the Indian People’s War has reached at a crucial time at the level of proletarian internationalism, Afghanistan is witnessing the resurgence of the Taliban and the backstage games of the American occupiers, with the astonishing fall of the puppet regime and the Yankees on August 15, 2021. In the current situation, the contradiction of the imperialist essence in Afghanistan between the occupying imperialism of the United States and its allies on the one hand, and the imperialism of Russia and the social imperialism of China on the other hand is intense. What is preferable to the US imperialists is its hegemonic interests in Afghanistan and the region, and in view of the uncontrollable situation, we could not and will not be able to participate directly in our joint international struggle in support of the Indian People’s War.
Nevertheless, the supporting Committee of the Indian People’s War in Afghanistan will do its utmost to expose and condemn the crimes of the Indian government and to resist it! The reactionary government of India, led by Hindu fascists, has intensified its repression against the masses and the revolutionary people’s war in India. the new and more brutal stage of the genocidal operation of the reactionary and fascist Hindu state called “Prahaar” (3) have been setup to completely crush the Indian People’s War and CPI(Maoist), as well as the repressive fascist policies of the peasants, Adivas, Dalits, Intellectuals, workers, religious minorities and against the people of Kashmir, Assam or Manipur, and other heinous crimes against humanity, and the guard dogs of the international human rights of institutions associated related to imperialist institutions are mostly silent on the atrocities of the reactionary government of India and its gross violation of human rights.
The perpetration of all these atrocities is reasoned to make India a safe haven for capitalism and extraction of profits and the accumulation of capital for multinational corporations and the feudal and comprador classes. The ongoing struggle and revolutionary people’s war in India are part of the global struggle for new democracy, socialism and communism, and against semi-feudalism, capitalism and imperialism, and the sharp and winning edge of that struggle. It is the international responsibility of revolutionaries around the world to fight, expose and resist the crimes of the Indian government and the complicity of the imperialist powers, and to stand by the Indian revolutionary movement.
As we have repeatedly reminded, we reiterate emphatically that:
“Over the years, especially since the Hamburg International Conference, the work and struggle in solidarity with the People’s Revolutionary War in India has made some progress. But it really wasn’t enough. The RIM must strive to build a strong global solidarity movement with the revolutionary people’s war in India. We must make serious efforts to expand the unity and ensure the unification of all forces that can unite in building a broad global solidarity movement and capable of continuous and orderly political action. The RIM must make it difficult for the reactionary government of India to easily escape the responsibility of its atrocities against the masses, the imprisonment and murder of revolutionaries and its other heinous crimes against the people.”
Let us commit ourselves for building a strong global solidarity movement with the People’s Revolutionary War in India and exposing and attacking the crimes of the Indian government and resisting it!
Long live the People’s Revolutionary War in India!
Long live the Communist Party of India (Maoist)!
Down the reactionary government of India!
the supporting Committee of the Indian People’s War in Afghanistan
November 24, 2021
ITALIA: 24th november internationalist - Italy - Palermo - workers' assembly and message in solidarity with the people's war in India
Palermo - assemblea delle lavoratrici e lavoratori e mozione/messaggio solidale con la guerra popolare in India
The workers belonging to the Slai Cobas sc, fighting for years for the affirmation of their rights, gathered in assembly in view of the International day of action of November 24th
they join the denunciations of the policies against the Indian popular masses, implemented by the Modi government ranging from the economy put at the service of the multinationals that enriches the bosses and impoverishes the popular masses more and more every day; to the various repressive "operations" that turn into real massacres against peasants, Adivasi, Dalits (the untouchables!), intellectuals, workers, women and children;
they express their solidarity with the real opposition that is developing in the country, that is, with the struggle of the masses underway in India in particular the People's War conducted by the Communist Party of India (Maoist) which by freeing areas of the country from genocidal oppression creates the conditions for the masses to exercise power through the Revolutionary People's Committees;
they send solidarity greetings to the Indian masses by demonstrating to Modi's fascist and genocidal government that they are not alone in their struggle as the Communist Party of India and the people's war it is leading.
NORUEGA: 24 Noviembre: “Support the People’s War in India!” and “Live CPI (Maoist)!”
This week in Bergen, graffiti with the slogans “Support the People’s War in India!” and “Live CPI (Maoist)!” was documented. The graffiti is a response to the International Day of Action against Prahaar-3. Elsewhere in the city, graffiti reading, “Eternal honor to Chairman Gonzalo!” and “Long live Maoism!” was documented.

sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2021
ESTADO ESPAÑOL: 24 Noviembre- ¡Abajo la represión genocida! ¡Viva la lucha revolucionaria del PCI(m)! (P(ML)T)
Hoy, 24 de noviembre, hará 10 años que asesinaron al camarada Kishenji, detenido y torturado hasta su muerte por el estado indio.
Actualmente se desarrolla una nueva operación genocida, Prahaar-3.¡Abajo la represión genocida! ¡Viva la lucha revolucionaria del PCI(m)!
Ayer, 24 de noviembre, nos sumamos a la campaña internacional de solidaridad con el pueblo indio y la Guerra Popular en la India.
Denunciamos al fascista Modi y la operación represiva genocida Prahaar-3 frente a la Embajada de la India en Madrid.