miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2021
ALEMANIA: Bremen: Conferencia sobre la guerra popular en India y la nueva operación contrarrevolucionaria Prahaar (demvolkedienen.org)

Siguiendo el llamado del Partido Comunista de la India (Maoísta), los revolucionarios proletarios dieron una conferencia contra la Operación contrarrevolucionaria Prahaar en Bremen el miércoles 3 de noviembre de 2021. La conferencia popularizó la gran guerra popular en India, denunció el terror del viejo estado en cooperación con el imperialismo y llamó a acciones de solidaridad internacional con los camaradas indios y contra la Operación Praguear.
También conmemoró al camarada Ramakrishna, miembro del Comité Central del KPI (maoístas), y al camarada Vardhanthi, Dattatreya y Jayaraja, los tres combatientes del PLGA, que recientemente perdieron la vida.
ALEMANIA: Bremen: Acción para el Día Internacional de Acción contra la campaña militar de Prahaar-3 (demvolkedienen.org)
"¡Abajo la Operación Prahaar-3!
Victoria de la guerra popular en la India "
Publicamos fotografías de una pintura en Bremen en el Día Internacional de Acción contra la campaña militar de Prahaar el 24 de noviembre, que nos han sido enviadas.
martes, 23 de noviembre de 2021
FILIPINAS: Philippine revolution stands with people of India against brutal Operation Prahaar (CCP)
November 23, 2021
The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and the New People’s Army (NPA) extend their solidarity with the International Action Day against the Prahaar military campaign of the Narendra Modi fascist regime. The Filipino people are one with the broad masses of oppressed and exploited people in India and their revolutionary forces led by the Communist Party of India (Maoist) in resisting the brutal campaign of fascist repression.
The CPI-Maoist and its support groups aptly chose November 24 as the day of action which coincides with the 10th year of the martyrdom of Comrade Kisanji, a member of its political bureau.
Operation Prahaar is the latest of the series of cruel counterinsurgency campaigns of the Indian government in the past such as the Salwa Judum (2004-2009), Operation Green Hunt (2009-2017), and the SAMADHAN (2017). All these vainly aim to end the revolutionary movement led by the CPI (Maoist). These campaigns, however, targeted primarily activists, progressives and civil society organizations in the desperate objective of instilling terror on the Indian masses. The Indian people, especially the masses of peasants and Adivasis, are being subjected ever brutal forms of military and police suppression.
The Indian reactionary classes are threatened and terrified by the rise of the people’s revolutionary resistance led by the CPI (Maoist) over the decades. Over the past years, it has whipped up “anti-terrorism” and ethnic and religious fanaticism to step up fascist attacks against the oppressed and exploited classes and minority groups. Countless revolutionaries and activists have been murdered, persecuted, and illegally arrested.
Despite intensified state attacks, the oppressed and exploited classes of India continue to persevere and to defy state terrorism. Over the past year, hundreds of millions of peasants and farmers have participated in mammoth protest actions against the neoliberal policies of the Modi regime. The announcement by Modi that it will repeal the three anti-peasant agricultural laws enacted in September 2020 is a major victory and push back against the fascist Modi regime.
The viciousness of the attacks of the reactionary state in India is similar to the brutal and cruel suppression of the state terrorist drive being carried out by the reactionary fascist state in the Philippines under the regime of Rodrigo Duterte. Both Modi and Duterte have declared to put an end to the people’s armed resistance by 2022 to please the imperialist big corporations who seek to intensify the exploitation of the people and plunder the vast resources of both countries. Like the Indian people, the oppressed and exploited classes and sectors in the Philippines aspire for national and social liberation.
The Filipino people draw inspiration from the struggles of the people of India as it faces the similar fascist onslaught mounted by the Duterte administration. In the Philippines, the reactionary armed forces has been carrying out a brutal campaign of suppression in both the cities and countryside. As in India, the US government is providing the reactionaries with military hardware to carry out a diabolic campaign of aerial bombing and strafing and artillery shelling in violation of universally accepted rules of war and humanitarian law.
We are certain that the Indian people and their revolutionary forces will be able to defend their rights and interests and frustrate the brutal Operation Prahaar of the fascist Modi regime. The CPI (Maoist) has consistently proven itself capable and determined to lead the people of India in their struggle for new democracy and socialism.
INDIA: Progressive Youth Movement will remember martyrs on November 24
ESTADO ESPAÑOL: Contra la represión fascista y el genocidio en la India (P(ML)T)
19 de noviembre de 2021
Desde el Partido (marxista-leninista) de los Trabajadores nos solidarizamos con el pueblo indio y los revolucionarios que luchan contra el imperialismo y el régimen fascista de Narendra Modi. El día 24 de noviembre, hará 10 años que asesinaron al camarada Kishenji, detenido y torturado brutalmente hasta su muerte por parte del estado indio.
Este brutal hecho se enmarcó dentro de la operación genocida orquestrada por el estado indio, la operación ‘’Green Hunt’’, destinada a quebrar la lucha de los revolucionarios naxalitas, y eliminar la resistencia de los trabajadores, intelectuales, campesinos pobres y estudiantes aglutinados en los Janatana Sarkar (Comités Populares Revolucionarios), dirigidos por el Partido Comunista de la India (maoísta). A su vez, se da toda una operación brutal contra los Adivasis, Dalits, y contra los pueblos oprimidos en Cachemira, Assam o Manipur.

Actualmente el estado indio está desarrollando una nueva operación genocida brutalmente represiva, Prahaar-3, que intenta aplastar totalmente la lucha del pueblo indio. Este último, lucha contra los abusos constantes y crecientes de la burguesía compradora india y del imperialismo, así como de su herramienta represiva, el estado indio dirigido por el fascista Narendra Modi.
Detenciones arbitrarias, torturas, asesinatos, uso de paramilitares y mercenarios de organizaciones reaccionarias… esta operación tiene un amplio abanico de acciones que desarrolla contra los camaradas indios y contra todo su pueblo.
Para los revolucionarios de todo el mundo, no nos queda otra opción que denunciar esta atroz campaña represiva, y dar apoyo y solidarizarnos con aquellos que luchan contra la opresión y la explotación.