March 20, 2022

Proletarians of all countries, unite!
Support the People’s War in India!
The People’s Wars in the world are the bright lightning beacons which illuminate the shinining path of the the international proletariat and the peoples of the world, led by its Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, militarized Communist Parties, on its road towards the abolition of class society, with it exploitation and oppression, towards the liberation of the whole mankind. No one can deny the utmost importance of the existance of the people’s wars – and those who will be initiated – for the morale of our class and the peoples of the world and for the orientation they provide. Every communist must strive for PEOPLE’S WAR, as the main mean of struggle to conquer and defend the power, from new democratic to socialist and several cultural revolutions, UNTIL COMMUNISM! The people’s war in India is of special significance, not only because it affects one of the most populated countries in the world, but it is our very stronghold in Asia. We hail the glorious path of Naxalbari and its great leaders Comrade Charu Mazumdar and Comrade Kanhai Chatterjee. The Indian comrades are our very own flesh and blood and we wholeheartedly salute the CPI(Maoist), its leadership, its cadres, its combatants, its activists and the masses they lead in more than 50 years of heroic struggle.
The struggle of the Maoists in India is our struggle and the way to honor the martyrs of the revolution in India is again to increase and broaden our support for the people’s war in India, as part of the ever growing and blooming world wide struggle against imperialism.
Create a vivid expression of proletarian internationalism, an expression of militant anti-imperialism, not a formal ritual with the intention to sooth the consciousness of hypocritical philanthropists, no, push forward anti-imperialist and revolutionary work in struggle. Unite in the concrete political and moral support side by side with the proletariat in India and the Indian people, side by side with the people’s war that develops under the leadership of CPI (Maoist), because we are part of the same struggle, because we too want to bury imperialism and every form of exploitation and oppression. In the whole world the countries want independency, the nations want liberation and the peoples want revolution. That is the basis for the current that will bury imperialism. To develop this struggle as a mighty wave of anti-imperialist and revolutionary struggle, the conscious and organised factor, able to develop the struggle constantly until the actual establishment of the people’s power, is needed. This is the extraordinary value of the people’s war in India.
Forge the unity of all anti-imperialist, democratic and revolutionary forces, women and men, young and old, workers, peasants and intellectuals for the solidarity with our beloved comrades at the frontline of the world proletarian revolution. Giving a little back for what the people’s war in India gave to the International Communist Movement is mandatory. Further strengthen the solidarity with the people’s war in India and guarantee that it is part of the core of the anti-imperialist movement, combine it with the other aspects of the anti-imperialist work, e.g. in the recent moment the support for the revolutionary peasants‘ movement in Brazil, the struggle against Yankee-Imperialism, the main enemy of the people of the world, or the struggle against the war of aggression of Russian imperialism against Ukraine, aim at further strengthening the unity of the communist forces around the globe. For the Unified International Maoist Conference and the New International Organisation of the Proletariat!
We strongly support the revindications set by our Indian comrades. Especially the immediate release of all political prisoners. Freedom for Prof. G. N. Saibaba! Defend the rights of the incarcerated combatants of the people’s war as prisoners of war. Therefore we call upon the International Communist Movement for the International Day of Action on 23th of March and to engage in and develop a major campaign until autumn. A campaign to shake the hearts of the peoples of our countries and make the rotten old Indian big-landlord-bureaucratic state tremble. Let us embody proletarian internationalism – the spirit of communism.