Thursday, March 16, 2023

Announcement of the new news service: the Web Site "the Red Herald"

Un nuevo sitio web internacional de noticias ha iniciado su servicio y se anuncia al mundo con las siguientes palabras:

Today we launch the Web Site "the Red Herald"

We are journalists and activists from different corners of the world, who are united by the wish to provide information to readers from all walks of life about issues we think are very interesting and important, and which are hard to find on other platforms. We hold strong views and even if we want to be as open as possible, we will only publish articles and other materials, which do not counter-pose our basic consensus.

Many times we may publish news, that might be controversial, but we strongly believe that in a world dominated by media giants belonging to a handful of people, it is more necessary than every to promote just that type of information, that might hopefully be disturbing to the Masters of War and Destruction.

We start with three articles, one about the situation in Colombia, one about Mexico and another about India. Our ambition is to reach to the level of a steady minimum of publishing one article daily this year and we are eager and committed to do so.

We also intend to publish our articles both in English and Spanish in a couple of weeks.

Today we start an undertaking that we hope can be at the service of the interests of all of those around the globe who dream of, and struggle for, a world free of exploitation and oppression. Let our humble effort begin.