Monday, June 10, 2024

CURRENT SITUATION: NOTES ON THE WORLD CRISIS (16. Comrade Stalin and the Red Army and the liberation of France and Europe)


Comrade Stalin and the Red Army and the liberation of France and Europe in World War II

For several days now, and even more so today, the bourgeois media in Europe and the representatives of the imperialist states are celebrating the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, of the landing of the Western Allies. All the reactionary newspaper articles say something along the lines of the Allied landing in Normandy, the liberation of France and Europe from Nazi domination began.


But the above is not true, we do not agree, because:


It was a world war in which on the one hand there was imperialist plunder, the dispute for world hegemony that Germany under Hitler claimed for itself; but on the other hand there was the defence of socialism and the development of the world revolution.


It was a great victory for the world revolution and for the entire world, achieved under the masterful leadership of Comrade Stalin, who led the world anti-fascist front.


It was a just war of defense, a Great Patriotic War, of that glorious heroic defense that cost the USSR 20 million men; and of development of the world revolution because we also have an anti-imperialist struggle that will develop in oppressed nations on the eastern front, mainly in China, where 60% of the Japanese army was held back for a long time; that is why we do not agree when we simply talk about the western front, taking everything as what was fought in Europe.

Speaking of D-Day, the dirty, cunning game of the imperialist allies was also clearly seen there: the United States, England, France is not mentioned because it was occupied - and it was occupied for 18 days - cunning people who delayed until that day the opening of the invasion of Europe from the north to strike at the heart of Germany, hoping that fascist Germany would defeat the USSR.


After the Nazi defeat at Stalingrad and the great offensive of the Red Army under the direction of Comrade Stalin, the German resistance was blown to pieces and 300 thousand more men were killed; Germany was done for. That is when the imperialist West rushed to land in Normandy.


Read below the standard note from the embassy of French imperialism:


"80 years of D-Day in Normandy [fr]




On the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, June 6, 1944, there will be events from June 5 to 7. June 2024 will focus on the events of that time and the memory of the men and women who came from all over the world to liberate France and Europe from the yoke of Nazi rule.


On June 6, 1944, the liberation of France and Europe began with the Allied landing in Normandy. The attack, launched by the Allied Expeditionary Forces, led by American, British and Canadian troops, is the first phase of Operation Overlord. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers from 15 nations land on the beaches of Normandy to liberate France and Europe from the yoke of Nazi rule. Eighty years later, France wishes to express its gratitude to its allies then and now, keeping alive the memory of this crucial moment of the Second World War.


Allied landing on Utah Beach


American troops landed on Utah Beach on June 6, 1944.


© IWM (EA 51048)


This year, the commemoration programme pays tribute to “those who stood up, who suffered, who fought and liberated”. The days will be marked by national celebrations. The international commemoration will take place on June 6 near the landing beach of Omaha Beach.


The programme and more information on the national celebrations and the international commemoration can be found here:


Remembrance also means passing on the values ​​of freedom and cooperation to future generations. The duty to remember is a moral obligation towards the women and men of 15 nations who came to liberate Europe. The D-Day and Liberation commemorations are part of a universal approach to unity and brotherhood. Once again we would like to pay tribute to all those who united to liberate our continent (Frankreich in Deutschland


Französische Botschaft in Berlin)“.