Saturday, June 15, 2024

PERU: The dispute between the factions of Yankee imperialism reflected in an initiative of the lackey parliament

 Thursday, June 13, 2024

PERU: The dispute between the factions of Yankee imperialism reflected in an initiative of the lackey parliament

For some days now, the reactionary media in Peru and abroad have been spreading propaganda, something that at first glance seems strange or curious, that in the name of national sovereignty, the congress of pure lackeys of imperialism is promoting a law to control NGOs:

“The Congress of the Republic is promoting a proposal to have greater control over the work carried out by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)” (RPP, June 11)

And, today, the Voice of the Americas (Yankee imperialism) has published that:

“The US and the EU consider the project promoted in the Peruvian Congress to control non-governmental organizations that carry out "political activism" to be worrying. The joint letter highlights that democracy is stronger and more stable with a vigorous and participatory civil society.

The United States, the European Union and 14 other nations have expressed concern over a proposed reform circulating in Peru’s Congress to increase control over funding for non-governmental organizations that engage in “political activism.”

In a joint statement released Monday, the embassies said that “democracies are more inclusive, equitable, stable and prosperous when civil society is fully empowered to protect human rights and respond to the needs of citizens.” It added that the proposed changes “would restrict the ability of civil society to operate in an enabling environment.”

What is the background of this parliamentary initiative?

In the Declaration celebrating the 44th Anniversary of the People's War of the MPP, in the part we quoted there is the concrete response, which says:

"With an Executive that has been greatly undermined during the last 6 governments, as everyone recognizes there is a "weak government", lacking all "legitimacy". The struggle has become more acute to take over the other powers and institutions of the old State for the control of: the judiciary, the public ministry, the constitutional court, etc., using the police and the media and "social networks" for the coups and counter-coups. Thus, from the Executive, through Parliament, the Judiciary, the Prosecutor's Office, the Armed Forces and the police, etc., a regime of reactionary cliques has been established that succeed each other in the control of these apparatuses. And behind the factions, groups are stirring up one or the other of the two factions of Yankee imperialism, one commanded by the CIA agent Gorriti (of the PD) and the other by the neo-Fujimorist, the careerist Fernando Rospinglosi linked to the PR faction of Yankee imperialism of Trump. Following clearly its reactionary path, continuing with a fascist, genocidal and pro-Yankee sellout regime.”

In conclusion, it expresses the dispute of factions of Yankee imperialism, mainly, in the country, which is thus converted into an arena of contention in North American politics, as already denounced, in the quote transcribed, by the MPP, that is, that the semi-colonial Republic is increasingly subjected to the penetration of imperialism, mainly Yankee, that this has an indirect intervention in political, economic, military, police, cultural, and social life. He does this through his direct agents like Gorritie, on the one hand, and Rospinglosi, on the other, just to mention two heads among many spies. They direct their servants or lackeys of the native political spectrum.

For the moment, we will deal with the Yankee intervention in Peru in a documented manner.