Thursday, February 6, 2025

LATIN AMERICA: Express submission of Mulino of Panama in the Petro style

In this post we continue with the problem of how imperialism is doing and undoing in our countries, with the service of its lackeys; how our countries are governed by elements that are absolutely lacking in sense and national spirit, a herd that, like Petro of Colombia and Mulino of Panama, are the prototype of pro-Yankee lackeys of the present. These, like their Latin American peers, have the problem of their character as unbridled and careerist lackeys, bureaucrats and technocrats that Yankee imperialism has engendered in particular.

It is our responsibility to unmask, denounce and brand the greatest imperialist domination, mainly Yankee, its most unbridled aggression against our countries, the greatest surrender of the representatives of the big bourgeoisie, the landowners and their opportunist and revisionist servants. All of the above is to stir up the national spirit to serve the reconstruction of the Communist Party to initiate and develop the people's war, to carry out the new democratic revolution and sweep away imperialism, bureaucratic capitalism and semi-feudalism. Yankee imperialism is the main imperialism that dominates us, which does not mean that there is also penetration of other imperialisms, contradictions between imperialists; but, that does not take away from the monstrous shackles and subjection that we are seeing mainly of Yankee imperialism. This is the great puppeteer as the only hegemonic imperialist superpower, the great gendarme that is Yankee imperialism and the main enemy of the peoples of the world, it controls its semi-colonies from behind the scenes and in the last decades not even in this way but with its presence and even arrogance, it is enough to look at the latest events that we are denouncing. In the previous post on the international situation on Monday we published, in its final part, a report from an imperialist institute that shows the basis of this primacy in imperialist domination and that the imperialists of the European Union alliance are the main contenders of Yankee imperialism in the export of capital and weapons.

The governments of the States in Latin America, as in the case of Colombia, Panama, Peru, Brazil, etc., are headed by representatives of the big bourgeoisie, either of its bureaucratic fraction or of the comprador, in the case of Colombia with a government of its bureaucratic faction and in that of Panama by one of the comprador; because it is the big bourgeoisie that directs the landowning-bureaucratic dictatorship, at the service of imperialism, mainly Yankee. These governments, independently of their class origin, the Executive and its president are representatives of the lackey big bourgeoisie for the interests and program that they defend. They represent the organized interest, that of the exploiting class, of the ruling class, of the big bourgeoisie in particular, which is the one that controls the State, which is the one that executes its policy through the State and applies it to the whole of society. The Executive is the very core of the State, it is the highest expression of the reactionary nature of the Old State in Colombia, in Latin America.


Now, let's get to the topic of this post. In this post we briefly report the news about the submission of the Panamanian government to the dictates of Yankee imperialism and then an opinion commentary that appeared in the reactionary newspaper La República with our comments. Let's read


1.- Panama will audit agreement with China and leans towards the United States

After his meeting with Marco Rubio, Mulino confirmed that Panama will not renew the Memorandum of Understanding with China signed in 2017, through which the country joined the Belt and Road initiative, and called on American companies to fill the space in the investments that the country needs. EFE, February 2, 2025 Time:

In a high-profile meeting this Sunday, Panamanian President José Raúl Mulino and US Secretary of State Marco Rubio addressed relevant issues such as migration, the Chinese presence in the Panama Canal and the reorientation of commercial alliances.

Mulino confirmed that he offered the United States the use of an air base in Darien —a border region with Colombia and the epicenter of the migratory flow— to facilitate the repatriation of migrants intercepted in U.S. territory. “From there, those who the U.S. takes out of its territory can be repatriated,” he said, in what could be interpreted as a scheme similar to that of a “safe third country.” The proposal, however, did not include details about deadlines or signed agreements.

Panamanians on third day of protests against Trump’s expansionist ambitions

The president announced an audit of the ports managed by the subsidiary of Hutchinson Ports —a company with Chinese capital— in the Panama Canal. “Now I do not have the elements to make a decision,” admitted Mulino, although he acknowledged that reviewing these concessions was a central issue in the meeting with Rubio. Mulino confirmed that Panama will not renew the Memorandum of Understanding with China signed in 2017, through which the country joined the Belt and Road initiative. Instead, he called on American companies to "fill the investment gap that the country needs." This shift marks a distancing from Beijing and a rapprochement with Washington, at a time of growing rivalry in the region.

(…) amid President Donald Trump's claims to regain control over the Panama Canal, both the offer of the base in Darien and the trade shift toward the United States reflect a new Panamanian stance on diplomatic relations.


2.- Following this introduction, read the article, They take away the Chinese from the neighbor, by Mirko Lauer, from the reactionary newspaper La República of Peru, February 4, 2025, writer of a reactionary newspaper, which allows us to appreciate the way in which the latest events in Latin America are reflected in the heads of some of them.

We say that Yankee imperialism is emboldened, it is increasingly arrogant in its direct attack on national sovereignty. Imperialism is indifferent to international norms and institutions, when it suits its interests it uses them, when not, it sets them aside and flagrantly violates them; Today, it arrogates the open right to ignore and violate them by practicing war of aggression, intervention, intimidation, threats and blackmail for its unbridled aggression against the sovereignty of oppressed nations, as demonstrated by the war of aggression and occupation in the Greater Middle East (Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, etc.) and the measures of deportation, the disregard of trade treaties and the sending of its "imperial envoys" to Venezuela, Mexico, Panama, etc., subjecting our countries to the service of the lackeys of the region to a variant of the "restricted sovereignty" of the revisionist Brezhnev.

As Chairman Gonzalo has already pointed out: Everything is showing that the usual means, mainly the military ones used until now, are insufficient to impose and maintain their domination; Thus, they apply and will apply more and more brutal forms of denial of national sovereignty and the most criminal and devastating means of war to oppress the nations and peoples of the world and to curb the revolution." Let's read the note:


"They take away what is Chinese from the neighbor By Mirko Lauer

The softness with which most Latin American governments have accepted what happened in Panama is a warning. Trump will advance faster and more thoroughly where he finds less resistance.


For the country of the megaport of Chancay and the enormous Chinese presence, what is happening in Panama is of maximum interest. The meeting of Foreign Minister Marco Rubio with the Panamanian government was aimed at demanding “immediate changes” in the influence of China, via its companies, in the canal. President José Raúl Mulino has quickly set to work.

The question here was not whether Donald Trump's accusations were true or whether China had too much influence in the canal. The most important thing for us in Peru is the Rubio style: landing, stalling and achieving an express submission worthy of Gustavo Petro. In the process, Mulino has inflicted a humiliation on Beijing.”

We comment: As it really is, as we denounced in our previous post on Latin America, Petro as a representative of the Colombian big bourgeoisie, mainly a lackey of Yankee imperialism, has capitulated by allowing the violation of the national sovereignty of his country, submitting to the intimidation, blackmail and threats of Yankee imperialism in the case of deportations, showing that he is an unbridled and upstart lackey, so much so that he has become the prototype and model to follow for all the lackeys in the region, which the reactionary columnist faithfully portrays: “an express submission worthy of Gustavo Petro.” And, then he warns of what can happen in Peru with Chinese interests if “Trump’s mood” leans that way. Let’s continue with the article:

“Without a doubt, all of Latin America, especially the intermediate or small countries, has followed what happened in Panama with their eyes wide open. But in Peru, Chancay is an emblematic point of the growing Chinese influence in the region. What has so far been a source of pride could become a liability, an asset subject to the vagaries of Trump's mood.

Regarding the canal itself, if Chinese companies are banned from managing it, who will take over? The answer seems obvious and will not be long in coming, since Panama has always delegated this task. So we are facing something more than a trade war. One question in the air: would Peru have the capacity to manage its own megaport?

The online analyst Arnaud Bertrand believes that Washington is withdrawing from its historical role as number one country, that is, letting go of power and assuming a negotiating position with its allies, whom it now sees as competitors. This is not what we are seeing in Panama, where Rubio seems to have decreed that there are no nationally neutral companies.

However, after what happened with Canada and Mexico, and the dialogue with Denmark or Panama, the United States does not seem to be in the process of retreating, but rather of showing the world its voracious fangs. Rubio has the right style for this and for turning Washington's diplomacy into a global battlefield. The softness with which most Latin American governments have accepted what happened in Panama is a warning. Trump will move faster and deeper where he encounters less resistance.”