We hereby publish an unofficial translation of a note from A Nova Democracia:

With indescribable sadness, we inform all readers, viewers, supporters, and activists organized around the newspaper A Nova Democracia that, on February 19, at approximately 3am, the heart of our beloved, respected founder and eternal general director of AND, Fausto Aguiar Arruda Filho, known as Professor Fausto Arruda, our beloved, respected and trainer of the current generation of journalists of AND, stopped beating. Although our hearts are heavy with the pain of losing his remarkable physical presence in the world, we look to the glorious example of his journey, marked by total devotion to the democratic and revolutionary cause, where nothing was more important than the struggle for a new world. In striving to follow his brilliant personal example, we will carry him with us forever.

Since 2020, during the pandemic, the professor was diagnosed with a degenerative disease known as Lewy body dementia, which led him to step back from his duties. Gradually, the illness took its toll, ultimately hindering all of his activities. At the end of last year, doctors decided to change his medication, as the previous treatment was no longer effective and was worsening his delicate condition, introducing new medications. This procedure led to a relative improvement in his well-being, and his family noticed a certain level of interactivity and connection with the outside world. However, in recent days, he developed a high fever, and bacterial pneumonia was detected; the given antibiotics did not change his condition. Today, February 19, his passing was confirmed.

In private conversations with fellow comrades, Professor Fausto, very aware of his illness when the first signs appeared, expressed that his greatest fear was living without consciousness, which characterizes the human condition. At the end of 2020, he began living with his family, loved and surrounded by his wife, daughters, and grandchildren, who cared for him with great affection. Before the illness severely restricted his consciousness, in 2022-23, he received several visits from comrades and colleagues from the newspaper at his home in Fortaleza, where he was updated on the developments in the people’s struggle and the newspaper: he reacted, moved by the information, with his characteristic laughter, despite being unable to speak. He celebrated, as best he could, the advances of our common struggle for human emancipation, of which he was a prominent part.

This year, during the brief period when he showed some cognitive awareness, his partner and daughters were able to inform him that the work of AND and the struggle to which he dedicated his entire life were progressing and moving forward. According to one of his daughters, she felt that he connected when surrounded by the love of his loved ones, and thus she could hear that he could rest easy, having fulfilled with valor and honor the commitments to the cause he embraced above all else and the responsibilities and tasks that were entrusted to him. Ultimately, they told him he could rest serenely, having completed his duty, an honor bestowed upon the best.

Soon, the editorial team at AND will prepare a comprehensive tribute in honor of this great revolutionary proletarian leader, highlighting his journey and the significant role he played in the struggle for a new democracy and in leading AND.

Long live the great and beloved Professor Fausto Arruda!

Eternal honor and glory to the great Professor Fausto Arruda!